Monday, September 9, 2024

20 MCQs on Poem 'How to Tell Wild Animals' with Answer - Class 10 NCERT Solution

How to Tell Wild Animals

20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem, covering comprehension aspects such as inferential, factual, vocabulary, and literary devices

Factual Questions:

  1. Which animal is described as "large and tawny"?
    a) Bengal Tiger
    b) Asian Lion
    c) Leopard
    d) Bear
    Answer: b) Asian Lion

  2. What will help you identify a Bengal Tiger?
    a) Its roar
    b) Its noble appearance
    c) Black stripes on a yellow ground
    d) Its large size
    Answer: c) Black stripes on a yellow ground

  3. Which animal is known for hugging very hard?
    a) Leopard
    b) Crocodile
    c) Bear
    d) Hyena
    Answer: c) Bear

  4. How can you tell a Crocodile from a Hyena?
    a) By their size
    b) Hyenas smile; Crocodiles cry
    c) Hyenas roar; Crocodiles are silent
    d) Crocodiles are larger than Hyenas
    Answer: b) Hyenas smile; Crocodiles cry

  5. What feature does the Chameleon lack?
    a) Eyes
    b) Ears and wings
    c) Tail
    d) Spots
    Answer: b) Ears and wings

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the word "tawny" in the poem most closely mean?
    a) Green
    b) Brownish-yellow
    c) Black
    d) White
    Answer: b) Brownish-yellow

  2. What is the meaning of "discern" as used in the line "The Bengal Tiger to discern"?
    a) Escape
    b) Notice
    c) Capture
    d) Fear
    Answer: b) Notice

  3. In the line "’Twill do no good to roar with pain," what does "'Twill" mean?
    a) It is
    b) They will
    c) It will
    d) She will
    Answer: c) It will

  4. What does the word "nonplus" mean in the context of the poem?
    a) To confuse
    b) To amaze
    c) To frighten
    d) To challenge
    Answer: a) To confuse

  5. The phrase "peppered with spots" refers to which animal?
    a) Bengal Tiger
    b) Leopard
    c) Chameleon
    d) Asian Lion
    Answer: b) Leopard

Inferential Questions:

  1. What is implied when the poet says, "If he roars at you as you’re dyin’"?
    a) The lion roars after attacking its prey.
    b) The lion roars to scare people away.
    c) The lion roars to protect its territory.
    d) The lion is a gentle creature.
    Answer: a) The lion roars after attacking its prey.

  2. What can be inferred about the Leopard from the line "He’ll only lep and lep again"?
    a) The Leopard attacks multiple times.
    b) The Leopard flees after one attack.
    c) The Leopard is weak.
    d) The Leopard is friendly.
    Answer: a) The Leopard attacks multiple times.

  3. Why does the poet suggest "If they weep they’re Crocodiles"?
    a) Crocodiles are known to cry when eating.
    b) Crocodiles are emotional animals.
    c) Crocodiles and hyenas cry in the same way.
    d) Crocodiles weep to show sadness.
    Answer: a) Crocodiles are known to cry when eating.

  4. Why would meeting a Chameleon be tricky, as described in the poem?
    a) It moves too fast to see.
    b) It blends perfectly into its surroundings.
    c) It flies away quickly.
    d) It hides in water.
    Answer: b) It blends perfectly into its surroundings.

  5. What does the poet mean by "If there is nothing on the tree, ’Tis the chameleon you see"?
    a) The tree is empty.
    b) The chameleon has camouflaged so well that it's invisible.
    c) The chameleon has left the tree.
    d) The chameleon is hiding behind the tree.
    Answer: b) The chameleon has camouflaged so well that it's invisible.

Literary Devices Questions:

  1. Which poetic device is used in "If he roars at you as you’re dyin’"?
    a) Simile
    b) Alliteration
    c) Personification
    d) Rhyme
    Answer: d) Rhyme

  2. What literary device is used in the line "A noble wild beast greets you"?
    a) Simile
    b) Metaphor
    c) Irony
    d) Hyperbole
    Answer: b) Metaphor

  3. Identify the rhyme scheme of the first stanza.
    a) ABAB
    b) AABB
    c) ABCD
    d) ABBA
    Answer: a) ABAB

  4. The phrase "peppered with spots" is an example of which literary device?
    a) Simile
    b) Alliteration
    c) Imagery
    d) Hyperbole
    Answer: c) Imagery

  5. What is the tone of the poem?
    a) Serious
    b) Humorous
    c) Sad
    d) Angry
    Answer: b) Humorous