Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Beggar by Anton Chekhov - Moments - Class 9 - NCERT - Q&A Solved

Summary of "The Beggar"

"The Beggar" by Anton Chekhov
"The Beggar" by Anton Chekhov is a story about Lushkoff, a beggar who deceives people by lying about his circumstances to gain their sympathy and money. He tells Sergei, an advocate, that he was once a village schoolteacher and later a student, but Sergei recognizes him as a former singer dismissed for drunkenness. Sergei offers Lushkoff work chopping wood instead of giving him money.

Lushkoff reluctantly agrees, not out of willingness to work but out of pride and shame. Sergei's cook, Olga, does most of the wood chopping for him out of compassion. Over time, Sergei finds Lushkoff more work and eventually gets him a job copying documents. Two years later, Lushkoff meets Sergei again and reveals that he is now a notary, earning thirty-five roubles a month. He credits his transformation to Olga's kindness and Sergei's support, stating that Olga's actions inspired him to change his ways and stop drinking​.

Answers to Questions

  1. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?

    Lushkoff became a beggar by circumstance, as he lost his position as a singer in a Russian choir due to his alcoholism and had no other means to support himself​.

  2. What reasons does he give to Sergei for his telling lies? Lushkoff admits to Sergei that he lies because he finds it impossible to survive by telling the truth, as no one would give him anything if he were honest about his past.

  3. Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei?

    Lushkoff is not a willing worker. He agrees to chop wood out of pride and shame, feeling trapped by his own words and not wanting to admit his helplessness.

  4. Sergei says, "I am happy that my words have taken effect." Why does he say so? Is he right in saying this?

    Sergei believes that his words have motivated Lushkoff to change his ways and stop drinking. While Sergei's encouragement helped, it was actually Olga's compassion and assistance that had the most significant impact on Lushkoff's transformation.

  5. Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?

    Lushkoff is obliged to Sergei for giving him a chance to work, which set him on the path to his current job as a notary. Sergei provided him with the initial opportunities to earn money and change his lifestyle.

  6. During their conversation, Lushkoff reveals that Sergei’s cook, Olga, is responsible for the positive change in him. How has Olga saved Lushkoff?

    Olga saved Lushkoff by secretly chopping the wood for him and showing him kindness and compassion. Her noble deeds and words inspired him to stop drinking and change his life for the better.