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Showing posts with label with examples.. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2022

Tenses - Explanation with Examples

Tense: In simple words we can say that, tense is nothing but forms of verb which show us whether an action that once in time took place is still goin on, completed, or will go on.
We use these forms to talk about the present, the past and the future.

The different tenses are :-
1. Simple Present
2. Present continuous
3. Present perfect
4. Present perfect continuous
5. Simple past
6. Past continuous
7. Past perfect
8. Past perfect continuous
9. Simple future
10. Future continuous
11. Future perfect
12. Future perfect continuous 

1. Simple present tense:-
Subject + verb 1 form + object
Example: I am hungry.

It is used to express actions that happen all the time and that are happening at the moment.
Example: We keep our shop open till midnight.

• It is used to express scientific or geographical facts.
Example: Water boils at 100°C.
It rains heavily in Mumbai.

• To express natural quality or profession.
Example: Parents love their children.

• For universal truths.
Example: The earth rotates on its axis.

• To express habit or anything that repeats.
Example: He wakes up at 6 o' clock everyday.

 2. Present Continuous tense:-
Sub + I/am/are + 1st form of verb + ing + object
Example: I am eating my food.

• It is used for an action happening at the time of speaking.
Example: We are discussing tense.

• Action happening nowadays with breaks.
Example: I am reading a novel by tagore.

• To express a definite programme in future. Example: Ma'am is taking an extra class tomorrow.

3. Present perfect tense:-
Subject + has/have + verb 3rd form.
Example: I have completed my work.

It is used for:-
• A very recently finished action.
Example: You are late by a few minutes. The train has left just now.

• An action finished in the past but the effects can still be felt.
Example: The strong wind last night has left some broken window panes.

4. Present Perfect Continuous:-
Subject + has/have+ been + verb 1st form + ing + object.
Example: I have been completing my work.

It is used for:-
• An action that started in the past , is in progress at the time of speaking and will continue in the future.
Example: She has been playing in the park all this time.

5. Simple Past Tense:-
Subject + Verb 3rd form + Object
Example: I ate an icecream.

It is used for:-
• action happened i sometime in the past. Example: His presentation impressed everyone.

• A past habit.
Example: I used to love cold coffee.

6. Past Continuous Tense:-
Subject + was/were + verb 1st form + object
Example: I was completing my work.

It is used for:-
• An action in progress over a period of time in the past.
Example: She was singing melodiously.

• To express parallel action which continued in the past.
Example: My mother was cooking food while my father was reading the magazine.

•To express past frequently repeated action.
Example: She was always complaining about low income.

7. Past Perfect Tense:-
Subject + had + 3rd form of verb + object

• To express an action that completed at a given moment in the past.
Two actions take place:-
1st action in  past perfect.
2nd action in simple past.

Example: The patient had died before the doctor arrived.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense:-
Subject + had been + 1st form of verb + ing

It is used for:-
• An action that began in the past, continued for some time and has recently finished.
Example: I had been doing my homework.

• When time expression is given.
Example: My neighbours business had been doing very well when the lockdown happened again.

9. Simple Future Tense:-
Subject + will + 1st form of the verb.

It is used to :-
• Express an action that will happen in the future at some time.
Example: I will return your book after reading.  

For a certain planned action
Example: The train will stop for a few minutes only, let's get close to the door.

• To express thinking or view.
Example: I don't think that this virus will go away easily. 

• To predict an event in the future.
Example: The candidate is going to win the elections.

10. Future continuous tense
Subject + will be + 1st form of verb + ing

It is used for :-
• An action in progress in the future.
Example: I will be having dinner at 8 o' clock.

• Predicting the future.
Example: It will be raining tomorrow.

11. Future Perfect Tense:-
Subject + will have + 3rd form of verb + object

It is used to describe:-
• An action finished at / before a given time in the future.
Example: We will have cleared the old stock at our shop before the fresh stock arrives.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense:-
Subject + Will have been + 1st form of verb + ing

It is used to :-
• Express a continued action in future.
Example: She will have been studying for two hours.

Check your knowledge of tense by answering questions by clicking the link below:-

Monday, March 7, 2022

Reported speech(direct and indirect speech).

Direct speech: It is the exact words of the speaker and is written within inverted commas.
Example: The teacher said,'I teach English.'

Indirect speech: It is used to report or reuse the words of the speaker.
Example: The teacher said that she taught English.

Things that undergo change:-
1. The tense of the reported speech in the corresponding past tense.
2. Pronouns change according to the subject. They turn into passive pronoun.
3. Things that are close to us are denoted as far away.

Now - Then
This - That
Here - There
Today - That day
Tomorrow - The next day
Yesterday - The previous day

Change of tenses
* The tense of the reported speech changes into past tense when the reporting verb is in the past tense.
Simple present --> simple past 
Present continuous --> past continuous
Present perfect --> past perfect
Present perfect continuous --> past perfect continuous
Simple past -- > past perfect
Past continuous --> past perfect continuous
Past perfect --> past perfect
Past perfect continuous --> past perfect continuous.
Simple future --> simple past
Future continuous --> past continuous (would, should)
Future perfect --> past perfect
Future perfect continuous --> past perfect continuous.
Exceptions to the rule about tense:-
If the reported speech expresses a universal truth, a scientific, mathematical, geographicalor habitual fact than the tense of the reported speech remains same.
Example: The teacher said to the students,"If you expose an iron plate to oxygen, it rusts.
Indirect: The teacher told the students that if they expose an iron plate to oxygen, it rusts.

Change of verb:-

Is, am ,are --> was, were
Did --> had done
Had --> had
Will, shall --> would, should
Can --> could
May --> might
Might --> might
Was --> had

Verbs that can be used as reporting verbs in place of 'said':-

Example: The shopkeeper said to Mr Patel," This shirt may not fit you."
Indirect: The shopkeeper suggested Mr. Patel that that shirt might not fit him.

Changing of interrogative sentences:-
Rule 1: The reported verb 'said' changes to asked/ enquired of/ demanded of/ wanted to know.
Rule 2: The question form changes to statement form
Rule 3: If the questions sentence begins with an auxiliary verb in the sentence becomes with 'if'/'weather' form.
Rule 4: when the reported speech begins with a 'WH' question we skip 'that'.
Example: The teacher said to James,"Which question have you not understood?"
Indirect: the teacher asked James which question he had not understood.

Creative sentences beginning with auxiliary verb:-
1. Manager said to Mr Vasu," are you willing to work here?"
Indirect: the manager as Mr Vasu if he was willing to work there.

Change in Imperative (command, order, advise or request) sentences.
•The reported verb changes into commanded, ordered , advised, told, requested, begged or urged.
Verb of direct speech is changed into first form of the verb.
Sentences that begin with do not change into 'not to' + verb first form.

Sentence:  The clerk said to the manager please allow me to go home early today."
Indirect: The clerk requested to the manager to allow him to go home early that day.

Conversion of imperative sentences beginning with 'let'.
Let sentences making proposal:-
Direct: I said to my friend, "let us take a room in the hotel as it is easy to reach on time."
Indirect: I suggested to my friend that we should take a room in the hotel as that was easy to reach on time.

Let in the sense of allow:-
Direct: the clerk said to the manager," sir let me go home a little early for my mother is unwell.
Indirect: The clerk requested to the manager to allow him to go home a little early for his mother was unwell.

Conversion of exclamatory sentences and wishes (optative sentences):-
In exclamatory sentences the speech is changed into statement sentences.
The reporting verb changes into exclaimed with joy and sorrow,  anger etc. to convey the tone of sentence.
Optative sentences change into Wished, prayed, desired.
The conjunction 'that' is used.
The interjections are removed and their sense is conveyed with adverbs.
Example: Mr Jain said, "Hurrah! my son has again won scholar badge."
Indirect: Mr Jain exclaimed with joy that his son had again won the scholar badge.