Showing posts with label passive voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passive voice. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2022

50+ Practice questions of active and passive voice

Before starting I would like to advise you to check out our post where we explain active and passive voice in detail by clicking here.

Change the following sentences from active to passive:-

1. All the prize winners were given a toffee.
Answer: A toffee was given to all the prize winners.

2. A choreographer arranges dance movements.
Answer: Dance movements are arranged by a choreographer.

3. We keep the restaurant open till midnight.
Answer: The restaurant is kept open till midnight.

4. These books contain a lot of useful information.
Answer: a lot of useful information is contained in these books.

5. Children leave all kinds of things in school.
Answer: all kinds of things are left in the school by children.

6. The river water flooded the village.
Answer: the village was flooded by the river water.

7. My lawyer gave me the details of the case.
Answer: the details of the case were given to me by my lawyer.

8. We will bring out a special edition of the school magazine.
Answer: A special edition of the school magazine will be brought out by us.

9. The government will soon announce a new policy.
Answer: a new policy will be soon announced by the government.

10. A famous person is sponsoring the poor children.
Answer: the poor children are being in sponsored by a famous person.

11. School is adding a video section to our library.
Answer: a video section is being added to our library by the school.

12. The children were enjoying the magic show.
Answer: the magic show was being enjoyed by the children.

13. A dog was guarding the main gate.
Answer: the main gate was being guarded by a dog.

14. A machine has made this bread.
Answer: this bread has been made by a machine.

15. We have requested our teacher to announce the monitor.
Answer: our teacher has been requested to announce the monitor.

16. We must expect All creatures in this world.
Answer: All creatures must be respected in this world.

17. I can speak English.
Answer: English can be spoken by me.

18. He might suffer a loss.
Answer: a loss might be suffered by him.

19. Kindly enter my name in the list.
Answer: you are requested to enter my name in the list.

20. What did you see?
Answer: what was seen by you?

21. How much money do you want?
Answer: how much money is needed by you.

22. Why are you teasing the dog?
Answer: why is the dog being teased by you?

23. Who broke the glass?
Answer: by whom was the glass broken?

24. Do they teach French in your school?
Answer: is French taught in your school?

25. How many friends supported you?
Answer: by how many friends were you supported.

26. Did you see the result of the contest?
Answer: what's the result of the contest seen by you?

27. Will they serve food?
Answer: Will food be served(by them)?

28. When will they announce the result?
Answer: When will the result be announced?

29. Is he still reading the book?
Answer: Is the book still being read by him?

30. Where are you importing the material from?
Answer: where is the material being imported from?

31. Please give me a glass of water.
Answer: you are requested to give me a glass of water.

32. Never speak ill of others.
Answer: you are advised never to speak ill of others.

33. Do not pluck flowers from here.
Answer: you are advised not to pluck flowers from here.

34. Who has designed this robot?
Answer: by whom has this robot been designed?

35. Where had she hidden the document?
Answer: where had the document been hidden by her?

36. Leave the dog alone.
Answer: you are ordered to leave the dog alone.

37. How will they have settled the dispute?
Answer: how will the dispute have been settled by them?

38. Was someone calling your name?
Answer: was your name being called?

39. The flood water submerged the village.
Answer: the village was submerged by flood water.

40. Why was your father not accompanying you?
Answer: why were you not being accompanied by your Father.

41. We will have repaired the car by 2:00 p.m.
Answer: the car will have been repaired by 2:00 p.m.

42. Somebody I had informed the police about the fraud.
Answer: the police had been informed about the fraud.

43. Can we postpone the meeting?
Answer: Can the meeting be postponed by us?

44. Do they regularly inspect the factories?
Answer: are the factories regularly inspected by them?

45. The authorities are giving a facelift to the monument.
Answer: a facelift is being given to the monument by the the authorities.

46. Take your seat 15 minutes before the program.
Answer: you are advised to take your seat 15 minutes before the program.

47. Do not park your car in the no parking zone.
Answer: you are ordered not to park your car in the no parking zone.

48. Had you received the information on time?
Answer: had the information been received on time by you?

49. Will this campaign produce good result?
Answer: will good result be produced by this campaign?

50. I am ordering pizza.
Answer: a pizza is being ordered by me.

51. All his friends laughed at him.
Answer: He was laughed at by all his friends.

52. They made him king.
Answer: He was made King.

53. One should keep one's promises.
Answer: Promises should be kept.

54. Someone has picked my pocket.
Answer: My pocket has been picked.

55. He handed her a cheque.
Answer: A cheque was handed to her/she was handed a cheque.

Active and Passive Voice

Active voice: In the Active Voice, the Verb is directly related to the Subject that is, the doer of the action. The focus is on the Subject and not on the action.
For example: She is reading a book.

Passive voice: In the Passive Voice, the Verb is related to the receiver of the action, and the focus is on the action. We have seen in the examples given earlier, 'Short Passives' where the performer of action (agent) is not identified.
For example: The plants are watered by her everyday.

Uses of passive voice:
1. We use passive voice when the subject is not that important that is, when 'what happened' is more important.
For example: I made a mistake. - a mistake was made by me.
(Here making a mistake is  more important than who did it)

2. We also use passive voice when the subject is unknown.
For example: someone left a phone in the hall. -  a phone was left by someone in the hall.

Rules for changing voice:-
(i) Verb should be in transitive form.

(ii) Subject and object are replaced with each other.

(iii) Verb of the sentence undergoes a change
That is verb is changed into 3rd form
Example: play - played, enjoy - enjoyed, walk - walked, talk - talked.

(iv) We add helping verb according to the tense of the sentence.

(v) Nouns change according to the need. They turn into passive form 
Example: he - him, she - her, I - my, we - us.

(vi)'By' is added with the subjects in some cases.

Changes from Active to passive in all tenses are as follows:-

Note:  there is no change from active to passive voice in present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous,future continuous and future perfect continuous tense.

Simple present tense
Sentence: I bake a cake often
Passive voice: A cake is baked by me

Present Continuous tense
Sentence: I am baking a cake.
Passive voice: A cake is being baked by me.

Present perfect tense
Sentence: I have baked a cake.
Passive voice: A cake has been baked by me.

Simple past tense
Sentence: The principal introduced the chief guest.
Passive voice: The chief guest was introduced by the principal.

Past continuous tense
Sentence: The principal was introducing the chief guest.
Passive voice: The chief guest was being introduced by the principal.

Past perfect tense
Sentence: The principal had introduced the chief guest.
Passive voice: The chief guest had been introduced by the principal.

Simple future tense
Sentence: The chief minister will interrogate the new building.
Passive voice: The new building will be integrated by the chief minister.

Future perfect tense
Sentence: The chief minister will have integrated the new building.
Passive voice: The new building will have been integrated by the chief minister.

Sentences which have active verbs followed by prepositions:-
Sentence: Mr. Singh looks after the firm.
Passive voice: The firm is looked after by Mr. Singh.

Sentence: My uncle deals in readymade clothes.
Passive voice: Readymade clothes are dealt in by my uncle.

Sentence: My mother looks after the whole household.
Passive voice: The whole household is looked after by my mother.

Active sentences containing two objects:
1. John sent him a letter.
Passive: A letter was sent to him by Jhon.
He was sent a letter by Jhon.

2. I shall tell you an interesting story.
Passive: an interesting story shall be told to you by me.
You shall be told an interesting story by me.

3. He has given you a message.
Passive: A message has been given to you by him.
You have been given a message by him.

4. The clerck issued me a ticket.
I was issued a ticket by the clerk.
A ticket was issued to me by the clerk.

Passive sentences where 'by' is not used:-
(Prepositions other than 'by' are used in these sentences)

Sentence: She knows you well.
Passive voice: you are well known to her.

Sentence: The bottle contains ink.
Passive voice: Ink is contained in this bottle.

Sentence: I cannot please her
Passive voice: She cannot be pleased with me.

Note: 'By' not used when the subject is either unknown or understood.

Sentence: Someone switched off the light.
Passive voice: The light was switched off.

Sentence: The management asked him to resign.
Passive voice: He was asked to resign.

Sentence: The school fined him for being late.
Passive voice: He was fined for being late.

Sentence: You must do your duty.
Passive voice: Your duty must be done.

Sentence: Someone picked my pocket.
Passive voice: My pocket was picked.

Sentences which contain modals:-
Sentence: We must expect All creatures in this world.
Passive: All creatures must be respected in this world.

Sentence: I can speak English.
Passive: English can be spoken by me.

Sentence: He might suffer a loss.
Passive: a loss might be suffered by him.

Sentence: They must win the match.
Passive: The match must be won by them.

Sentence: you must obey your parents.
Passive: your parents must be obeyed by you.

Sentence: Patient should take his medicine regularly.
Passive: Medicines to be taken regularly by the patient.
Note: while changing active sentences (that contain models) into passive, models will remain same.

Change of interrogative sentences
Two types of interrogative sentences are:-
(i) WH questions: who, whom, when ,where, etc.
(ii) Modal or auxiliary questions: do, does, is, am, are, have, etc.

1. WH questions:-
Who changes to 'by whom' in passive.
For example: who teaches you English?
Passive: by whom are you taught English?

Who stole your book?
Passive: by whom was your book stolen?

2. Modal or auxiliary questions:-
For example: does the shopkeeper sell eggs?
Passive: are the eggs sold by the shopkeeper?

Change of imperative sentences:-
1. Command
Sentence: lock all the doors.
Passive: you are ordered to lock all the doors.
Main verb changes to - to + V1

2. Advice/suggestion
Sentence: Speak the truth.
Passive: You are advised to speak the truth.

3. Request
Sentence: Please help to arrange these books.
Passive: you are requested to help me to arrange these books.

Note: In imperative sentences, 'do not' changes to 'not to'.