Showing posts with label cbse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cbse. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel - Class 9 English Poem from Beehive NCERT Solution

Prepare thoroughly for your Class 9 English exams with our comprehensive guide to On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel. This post includes a detailed summary, the theme of the poem, word meanings for easy understanding, and explanatory answers to textbook questions. Additionally, explore extra questions and answers to enhance your preparation, along with an explanatory summary in Hindi for better clarity. Designed to meet CBSE standards, this guide ensures a clear grasp of the poem's message, helping students excel in their tests. Perfect for students using the Beehive textbook and looking for NCERT solutions!

Summary of On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel

On Killing a Tree by Gieve PatelGieve Patel’s poem On Killing a Tree shows how hard it is to destroy nature because it’s so strong and stubborn. The poem explains that cutting a tree down isn’t enough—it’s not like snapping a twig. Trees aren’t weak. They grow slowly, feeding on soil and sunlight for years, building their strength bit by bit. Even if you hack at the trunk with an axe, the tree can heal and grow back.

To really kill it, you have to dig it out of the ground. The roots, which are usually hidden and safe underground, need to be dragged into the open. Once they’re exposed to the sun and air, they dry up and die. This process isn’t quick or easy—it’s harsh and deliberate.

The poem makes you realise two things: how tough nature is, and how cruel humans can be to destroy it. It’s almost like a warning—we might think we’re powerful, but killing something as simple as a tree takes a lot of effort. It’s a sad reminder to respect nature instead of harming it.

Friday, October 4, 2024

What is a Good Book by John Ruskin - Critical Analysis, Summary, Q&A Solved

Summary/Critical Analysis of "What is a Good Book?" by John Ruskin

In "What is a Good Book?", John Ruskin differentiates between "books of the hour" and "books of all time." The former refers to temporary, often engaging but fleeting content, while the latter represents works of lasting significance. Ruskin believes that books should be written for permanence, not just for momentary communication. He asserts that a good book is the product of the author's deep understanding and insight, which stands the test of time. Ruskin emphasizes that reading a good book is not easy—it requires effort, as it often holds hidden wisdom that demands thoughtful reflection. He further underscores the importance of accuracy in language, advocating for a deep understanding of words down to their syllables and letters.


Q. What, according to Ruskin, are the limitations of the good book of the hour?

A. According to Ruskin, the limitations of the "good book of the hour" are that it serves only immediate purposes, like casual conversation, and lacks lasting value. Such books may be informative or entertaining, but they do not contribute to permanent knowledge and should not replace true, timeless books.

Q. What are the criteria that Ruskin feels that readers should fulfil to make themselves fit for the company of the Dead?

A. Ruskin believes that readers must rise to the level of the great minds of the past by putting in effort to understand their thoughts. Readers should not approach books expecting to find their own ideas but should learn from the wisdom of the authors. This requires a deep desire to be taught and the willingness to work hard to understand the author's message.

Q. Why does Ruskin feel that reading the work of a good author is a painstaking task?

A. Ruskin feels that reading the work of a good author is a painstaking task because true wisdom is not easily given. The best authors embed their deeper thoughts in complex ways, requiring the reader to work diligently to uncover and understand them, much like a miner digging for gold.

Q. What is the emphasis placed by Ruskin on accuracy?
A. Ruskin places great emphasis on accuracy, stressing that a well-educated person should know the precise meaning and pronunciation of words. He believes that this attention to detail is essential for truly understanding a book and for effective communication. Inaccuracy in meaning, he argues, is far more detrimental than a mispronounced word.


Q. Discuss Ruskin’s insistence on looking intensely at words, and assuring oneself of meaning, syllable by syllable—nay, letter by letter.

A. Ruskin insists that readers should study words with great care, examining their meanings at the most detailed level. He believes that true understanding requires dissecting words down to their syllables and even letters, as this accuracy is the foundation of education and comprehension.

Q. Choice of diction is very crucial to the communication of meaning.

A. Ruskin argues that the choice of words, or diction, is critical because each word carries specific meanings and connotations. An accurate and thoughtful selection of words ensures that the intended message is conveyed clearly and effectively. Misuse or careless selection of words can distort meaning and weaken communication.


Q. The text is an excerpt from Sesame and Lilies, which consists of two essays, primarily, written for delivery as public lectures in 1864. Identify the features that fit the speech mode. Notice the sentence patterns.

A. The text exhibits several features of speech, including direct addresses to the audience ("you"), rhetorical questions, and a conversational tone. The sentence patterns are complex and balanced, often with a contrast between ideas. These features help convey the persuasive nature of the lecture, making it engaging for listeners.

Q. The lecture was delivered in 1864. What are the shifts in style and diction that make the language different from the way it is used today?

A. The language of Ruskin's time is more formal and elaborate than contemporary usage. Sentences are longer and more intricate, with multiple clauses and carefully balanced structures. Additionally, the diction includes archaic words and phrases that would not be commonly used today, reflecting the formal and public nature of the lecture.

Friday, September 27, 2024

How to Write a Report – Format, Topics, and Samples

What is Report Writing?

Report writing is a formal method of communication used to present information systematically and succinctly. It aims to convey findings, opinions, or data from various sources to a specific audience, ensuring the information is clear, accurate, and relevant.

Types of Reports:

1. Newspaper Report: Focuses on an event, incident, or issue of public interest.

2. Magazine Report: A more detailed and analytical version, usually covering a topic or event in depth.

3. School Report: A concise, formal account of an academic or extracurricular activity or event.

Report Writing Format:

When writing a report, it’s important to follow a structured format:

1. Heading/Title:
  • Should be brief and eye-catching.
  • Must convey the essence of the report.
2. Byline:
  • This indicates the author of the report.
  • Do not include personal information like roll numbers or class unless required.
3. Introduction/Lead Paragraph:
  • The first paragraph should introduce the event, place, time, and other relevant details.
  • It sets the tone and provides the context for the reader.
4. Body of the Report:
  • This section provides more details regarding the event or topic.
  • Follow a logical order and ensure the facts are accurate.
  • Mention key participants, actions, and outcomes.
  • You can break the body into multiple paragraphs for clarity and coherence.
5. Conclusion:
  • Summarize the key points of the report.
  • If applicable, suggest future actions or consequences.
6. Facts and Data:
  • Incorporate statistical data, quotes, or factual information that support your report.

Sample Report Topics:

1. School Events:

Example: Annual Sports Day, Science Fair, Debate Competition

2. Accidents and Disasters:

Example: Road Accident, Fire Breakout, Floods

3. Social Issues:

Example: Increasing Air Pollution, Water Scarcity, Poverty

4. Current Affairs:

Example: Elections, New Government Policies, International Summit

Sample Report (School Event):

Title: Annual Sports Day Celebrated at ABC School

By: XYZ, Class 12

The Annual Sports Day of ABC School was held on September 25, 2024, with great enthusiasm and zeal. The event commenced at 9 AM on the school grounds, where the students, teachers, and parents gathered in large numbers.

The chief guest, Mr. Arun Prakash, an eminent sports personality, inaugurated the event with a brief motivational speech. Students from all grades participated in various sports competitions, including track and field events, basketball, and cricket matches.

The highlight of the day was the 100-meter sprint, in which Saurabh from Class 11 won first place. The event concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, where the winners were felicitated by the chief guest.

The event was a grand success, thanks to the efforts of the sports faculty and student volunteers. It reinforced the spirit of teamwork and healthy competition among the students.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Essay on 'Globalisation' - CBSE - English - Writing Section - 200 words

Globalisation is the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries through the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and information. It has been driven by advances in technology, transportation, and communication, as well as policies that promote free trade and investment.

The benefits of globalisation include increased economic growth and prosperity, greater access to goods and services, and the spread of knowledge and innovation. It has also allowed for increased cultural exchange and understanding between different countries.

However, globalisation has also had its critics. Some argue that it has led to a widening income gap between the rich and poor, as well as the outsourcing of jobs to cheaper labour markets. It has also been blamed for environmental degradation and the loss of traditional cultures.

Overall, globalisation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has both positive and negative impacts on different societies. While it has contributed to economic growth and cultural exchange, it has also created challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure that the benefits of globalisation are shared more evenly. This includes addressing issues of income inequality and environmental sustainability.

Essay on 'Importance of Reading' - CBSE Exam - 200 words

Reading is a vital skill that is necessary for personal growth and development. It helps to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us and can provide a source of entertainment and enjoyment.

One of the main benefits of reading is that it improves our vocabulary and language skills. When we read, we encounter new words and ideas that we may not have come across before. This helps to expand our knowledge of the language and can improve our writing and communication skills. Reading also helps to improve concentration and focus, as it requires us to pay attention to the text and understand it. This can be especially beneficial for children, as it can help to improve their academic performance.

Reading is also an important way to relax and de-stress. It allows us to escape from the demands of everyday life and lose ourselves in a good book. This can help to improve our mental health and overall well-being.

In addition, reading can also help to improve critical thinking and analytical skills. When we read, we are required to think about and interpret the text, which can help us to develop our ability to analyze and evaluate information. This can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.

Overall, reading is an essential skill that should be nurtured and developed. It has numerous benefits for both personal and professional growth, and is an enjoyable and enriching activity that everyone should participate in.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

MCQs - Class XI - Snapshots - Chapter 7 - Birth - by A.J. Cronin.

Objective type questions.:-
Q.1. Who is the author of "Birth"?
(A) A.J. Cronin
(B) J.B. Priestley
(C) Andrew Manson
(D) Edward Page

Q.2. Andrew did his medical practice under the assistance of____
(A) Dr. Page
(B) Dr. Morgan
(C) Dr. William
(D) Dr. Shane

Q.3. Where did Joe Morgan live?
(A) Number 11, Blaina Terrace
(B) Number 14, Bryngower
(C) Number 12, Blaina Terrace
(D) Number 12, Bryngower

Q.4. When Andrew approached, Susan was accompanied by her mother and 
(A) Joe
(B) father
(C) a midwife
(D) mother-in-law

Q.5. "Don't fret, mother, I'll not run away." Why did Andrew say this?
(A) To reassure Mrs. Morgan's mother
(B) To fulfill his obligations
(C) To break the silence
(D) To handle a critical situation well

Q.6. While waiting at Joe's house, what did Andrew think about?
(A) Mrs. Morgan's condition
(B) Failed marriages
(C) Christine
(D) Both (B) and (C)

Q.7. What dilemma did doctor Andrew confront? 
(A) Whether the child could be saved or not.
(B) Whether the treatment would be successful.
(C) Whether to attend the child or the mother. (D) Whether to inform Joe or not.

Q.8. In the dilemma he faced, what did Andrew (A) Check upon Susan first
(B) Check upon the child first
(C) Ran away
(D) Left it to handle to the midwife

Q.9. Where had the midwife placed the stillborn child?
(A) She held the child in her arms
(B) Gave him to Susan's mother
(C) Under the bed
(D) Gave him to Joe

Q.10. What did Andrew conclude from the whiteness of the child?
(A) That he was dead.
(B) That he suffered from lack of oxygen. 
(C) That he should be taken to hospital.
(D) That Andrew couldn't save him.

Q.11. What all things did Andrew use in the treatment?
(A) Hot and cold water
(B) Basins and towels
(C) A blanket
(D) All of the above

Q.12. How did Andrew try to save the still born? 
(A) Using a special method of respiration
(B) Calling Dr. Edward
(C) Taking him to a hospital
(D) Giving him blood

Q.13. What did Andrew remember in the middle of ongoing treatment?
(A) About his love for Christine
(B) Morgan family's longing for a child
(C) His time in Samaritan
(D) About his obligation as a doctor

Q.14. Why did the child become slippery in Andrew's Q-17. hand?
(A) Because of atmosphere in the room.
(B) Because Andrew was losing his focus.
(C) Because of constant juggling between waters.
(D) None of the above

Q.15. Why did Andrew get oblivious to all the work he had done in Blaenelly?
(A) Because he got all hopeless. 
(B) Because he did something extraordinary that night. 
(C) Because he was leaving Blaenelly.
(D) Because he got tired.

Q 16. Why did Andrew get oblivious to all the work he had done in Blaenelly? 
(A) Because he got all hopeless.
(B) Because he did something extraordinary that night. 
(C) Because he was leaving Blaenelly.
(D) Because he got tired.

Q.17. Why is the lesson named "Birth"?
(A) Because the doctor is specialist in childbirths.
(B) Because a lot of childbirths take place. 
(C) Because it is about birth of a child.
(D) Because it talks about philosophy of life.

Q.18. What can you say about Dr. Andrew after reading "Birth"?
(A) He did not put all his efforts.
(B) He fulfilled his obligations well as a doctor.
(C) His skills were not enough.
(D) He was arrogant.

Answer key:-
1. (A)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (C)
5. (A)
6. (D)
7. (C)
8. (A)
9. (C)
10. (B)
11. (D)
12. (A)
13. (B)
14. (C)
15. (D)
16. (B)
17. (C)
18. (B)

Extract Based MCQs:-

1. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option:
As he gazed at the still form a shiver of horror passed over Andrew. After all that, he had promised! His face heated with his own exertions, chilled suddenly. He hesitated, torn between his desire to attempt to resuscitate the child and his obligation towards the mother, who was herself in a desperate state. The dilemma was so urgent he did not solve it consciously, Blindly, instinctively, he gave the child to the nurse and turned his attention to Susan Morgan who now lay collapsed, almost pulseless and not yet out of the ether, upon her side.
His haste was desperate, a frantic race against her ebbing strength.

Q1. "After all that he had promised!" What promise was made by Dr Andrew?
(A) To save Mrs. Morgan 
(B) To save Mr Morgan
(C) To save the new born
(D) All of these

Q.2. How did Andrew solve his dilemma?
(A) Blindly
(B) Consciously
(C) Instinctively
(D) both (B) & (C)

Q.3. Based on the above extract, classify the following as Fact (F) or Opinion (O). 
1. The child was dead.
2. Andrew should have tried to save the child first.
3. Andrew decided to save Susan first
4. Andrew quickly gave an injection to Susan.

(A) F-1,2; O-3,4 
(B) F-1,3,4; O-2
(C) F-1,3; O-2,4
(D) F-1,4; O-2,3

Q.4. Which of the following doesn't use 'a frantic race' correctly?
(A) A frantic race against COVID. 
(B) A frantic race against time to complete the curriculum.
(C) A frantic race against time to reach destination within time
(D) A frantic race to eat fruits to become stronger.

Q.5. Which word in the passage mean the same as 'revive someone from the unconsciousness'?
(A) Hesitated
(B) Frantic
(C) Resuscitate
(D) Ebbing

Answer key :-
1. (C)Explanation: To hand over a healthy child to the Morgans, as they had been childless for years.
2. (D)
3. (B)
4. (D)
5. (C)

Thursday, February 3, 2022

MCQs - Class XI - Hornbill - Poem - Childhood - by Markus Netten.

Objective type questions (MCQs):-
Q.1. What is the poem 'Childhood' about?
(A) Poet's lost childhood
(B) Childhood of every person 
(C) Childhood of poet's child
(D) Poet's father's childhood

Q.2. After what age did the poet realise that he had lost his childhood?
(A) Twelve
(B) Eleven
(C) Ten
(D) Thirteen

Q.3. What the poet could not find in the Geography book?
(A) Hell and Heaven
(B) End to sky
(C) Island
(D) Country

Q.4. What did the poet realise about adults?
(A) That they are mature.
(B) They have to earn money.
(C) They are not what they seem to be.
(D) They are cunning.

Q.5. Why are the adults quite strange in their behaviour?
(A) They talk and preach of love but do not act so lovingly.
(B) They are very shrewd.
(C) They are selfish
(D) They are lazy

Q.6. What did the poet realise about his mind when he lost his childhood?
(A) That he can use it in whichever way he wants.
(B) That he is very intelligent.
(C) That he is dumb.
(D) That he cannot use it in whichever way he wants.

Q.7. What did the poet conclude about his lost childhood at the end of the poem?
(A) It went to another dimension.
(B) It went to some forgotten place.
(C) It moved away with time.
(D) It shifted to his younger sibling.

Q.8. Where could he see his childhood now?
(A) In an infant's face
(B) Only in his memories
(C) Nowhere 
(D) In his brother

Q.9. Who is the poet of the poem 'Childhood'? (A) Shirley Toulson
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) Marcus Natten
(D) Naipul

Q.10. According to the poet, adults are___
(A) hypocrites
(B) smart
(C) lovable
(D) intelligent and cunning

Q.11. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he wants?
(A) He sensed that he is as intelligent as his friends
(B) He sensed his own individuality and a separate personality.
(C) He sensed that he is very smart.
(D) He sensed that he could use his mind in creative work.

Q.12. What refrain literary device is used in the poem 'Childhood'?
(A) When did my childhood go?
(B) Hell and Heaven 
(C) Could not be found
(D) That's all I know

Q.13. Where did the poet use 'Antithesis'? 
(A) Infant's face
(B) Forgotten place
(C) Hell and Heaven
(D) Preached of love

Q.14. Which poetic device has been used in the following line?
Was it 'when I found my mind was really mine'.
(A) Alliteration
(B) Simile
(C) Metaphor
(D) Personification

Q.15. What question does the poet put forth? (A) "When did my childhood go?"
(B) "Where did my childhood go?"
(C) Both A and B 
(D) None of these

Answer key:-
1. Option (A) is correct.

2. Option (B) is correct.

3. Option (A) is correct.

4. Option (C) is correct.

5. Option (A) is correct.

6. Option (A) is correct.

7. Option (B) is correct.

8. Option (A) is correct.

9. Option (C) is correct.

10. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: They say something and mean something else. They are not what they seem to be 

11. Option (B) is correct.

12. Option (A) is correct.

13. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Antithesis is where two opposite words are used together in a sentence in a poem.

14. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: Repitition of 'w'.

15. Option (C) us correct.
Explanation: When and where did his childhood go?

Extract Based MCQs:-
I. Read the extract give below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option:
When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven.
Was it the time I realised that He'll and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day!
Q.1. When does poet realise that his childhood has gone?
(A) When he was not eleven
(B) When he was eleven 
(C) When he was more than eleven
(D) All of these 

Q.2. why is the age of eleven so important for the poet?
(A) Because then, he can differentiate between fluid and solid.
(B) Because then, he can differentiate between fluke and joke.
(C) Because then, he can differentiate between fact and fiction.
(D) Because then, he can differentiate between acting and realism.

Q.3. What is the quality acquired by the poet at this stage of his life?
(A) The poet has become rational at this stage.
(B) The poet has become irrational at this stage.
(C) The poet has become intelligent at this stage.
(D) The poet has become rationed at this stage.

Q.4. When did the poet know that 'hell' and 'heaven' are imaginary concepts?
(A) When he could not locate these places on a world map.
(B) When he could not locate these places in geography books.
(C) When he could not locate these places in history books. 
(D) When he could not locate these places in science books.

Q.5. Why is the poet worried?
(A) Because he has lost his purity of thoughts.
(B) Because he has lost his innocence.
(C) Both (A) & (B) 
(D) None of these

II. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: When did my childhood go?
Was it the time I realised that adults were not
All they seemed to be, 
They talked of love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly,
Was that the day!
Q.1. Why does the poet not talk great of grown up people?
(A) Because they do not say what they mean. (B) Because they do not follow the rules which they make.
(C) Because they do not behave in a composed manner. 
(D) Because they do not act on what they preach.

Q.2. Why is the poet confused?
(A) He cannot understand whether he is a child or an adult. 
(B) He cannot understand whether he is weak or strong.
(C) He cannot understand whether he is a fool or an intelligent one.
(D) He cannot understand whether he is smart or naïve.

Q.3. How does the poet find the adults in this world?
(A) Naïve 
(B) Hypocrites
(C) Intelligent
(D) Sensible

Q.4. Which of the following quotes, best describes the adults, according to the poet?
(D) All of these

Q.5. Choose word from the passage which means 'sermonized'.
(A) Realised
(B) Seemed 
(C) Preached
(D) Lovingly

III. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
When did my childhood go? Was it when I found my mind was really mine,
To use whichever way I choose,
Producing thoughts that were not those of other people
But my own and mine alone 
Was that the day!
Q.1. Explain 'My mind was really mine'.
(A) It means that poet was completely in control of himself. 
(B) It means that poet had not borrowed his mind from anyone.
(C) It means that poet got his mind by birth.
(D) It means that poet was a complete person.

Q.2. 'Producing thoughts that were not those of other people. This means: 
(A) the poet could express himself.
(B) the poet has gained confidence to express his views independently. 
(C) the poet was not the mouthpiece of others.
(D) the poet had the power to produce thoughts.

Q.3. Which stage of life has been under consideration above?
(A) Poet is passing through childhood.
(B) Poet is passing through adolescent.
(C) Poet is passing through adulthood.
(D) Poet is passing through infant.

Q.4. What thoughts of the poet are revealed in these lines? 
(A) His independence is expressed here.
(B) His freedom is expressed here. 
(C) His security is expressed here.
(D) His individuality is expressed here...

Q.5. Why is the poet eager to know the lost place of his childhood? 
(A) The poet cherishes childhood the most.
(B) The post once again wishes to lead the innocent life of a child. 
(C) The poet is eager to know where his childhood is hidden.
(D) All of these

Answer Key:-
I. 1. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: When he stopped being eleven.

2. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Knowing the difference between to be and not be.

3. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: To weight the pros and cons of a subject and then be logical in approach.

4. Option (B) is correct.

5. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: the poet is worried beacuse he has lost his purity of thoughts and innocense.

II. 1. Option (D) is correct.

2. Option (A) is correct.

3. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: A hypocrite is a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.

4. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: All these quotes are about hyprocrites.

5. Option (C) is correct.

III. 1. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: The poet was not dependent on anyone for understanding things.

2. Option (B) is correct.

3. Option (C) is correct.

4. Option (D) is correct.

5. Option (D) is correct.

Short Answer Type Questions:-

Q.1. What happened when Markus Natten completed eleven years of age?
Ans. At eleven years, the poet Markus Natten understood the difference between fact and fiction. He understood that the things such as hell and heaven are only figments of human imagination. 

Q.2 Does the poet think that at eleven years of age he had become an adult? 
Ans. Yes, the poet seems to think that it was his first step towards adulthood. This is so because then he had become a rational human being.

Q.3. Why does the poet feel that Heaven and Hell are not real places? 
Ans. As the speaker grew mature, he acquired reasoning power. He realized that Hell and Heaven could not be found in Geography books or Atlas. Since, they could not be located anywhere in the world map, he concluded that they did not exist. He would believe only what he could see and find. 

Q.4. What does the child think about the adult in the poem 'Childhood'?
Ans. The poet of the 'Childhood' Markus Natten found the adults hypocrite. He says that these preached of love, but in their actions, they did not practice it. Thus, they were hypocrites. 

Q.5. What did the child feel when he discovered that he could use his mind according to his own thinking?
Ans. The child discovered that he had grown up and was the master of his own mind. So, he could take his own decisions.

Q.6. Does the poet think that his mind belonged to him all the time?
Ans. No, the poet thought that in childhood and till now, his mind did not belong to him. It was occupied by thoughts infused by others in his mind. It was the final step towards adulthood when he realized that he was the master of his own mind and need not be guided by thought's of those around him.

Q. 7. Which do you think is the most important step toward adulthood? Why?
Ans. Having an independent mind free from any outside influence is the most important step towards adulthood. That is why, the poet mentions it as the third and the final step. Other steps like being rational or learning hypocrisy show an outside influence, while this step shows an internal awakening which is the chief quality of human and separates them from other animals. 

Q.8. How did the realization of being the master of his own mind help him?
Ans. The realization of being the master of his own mind and could use it in anyway he liked, filled him with self confidence. He could now think independently and need not repeat parrot like thoughts of others. 

Q.9. Where has his childhood gone according to the poet?
Ans. The poet cannot exactly remember where his childhood has gone. However, he thinks, that some glimpse of it can be seen in an infant's innocent face.

Q. 10. The first stanza of the poem 'Childhood' begins with the question "when did my childhood go? "But the last stanza begins with "where did my childhood go?" Do you think that change is significant?
Ans. Yes, the change from when to where is certainly significant. It shows that in the third stanza the poet has got his answer to the question 'when. Now, in the final stanza he wants to know where the childhood has gone.

Q.11. What, according to the poem, is involved in the process of growing up?
Ans. According to the poem, the process of growing up involves at least three important steps. First, the child begins to differentiate between truth and fiction. The second step is when he begins to understand the false pretensions of the people around him. The last and the most important step in the process i growing up is independent thinking.

MCQs - Class XI - Hornbill - Chapter 6 - The Browning Version - By Terence Rattigan.

Due to online exams, the new pattern of question papers in CBSE, KVS and other Education Boards has mandated multiple-choice questions(MCQs) to be part of the paper. Below are some of the questions from the chapter 'The Browning Version by Terence Rattigan' This is from the textbook 'Hornbill' prescribed in class XI English Core. Find the keys at the end.

Objective Questions (MCQs):-
Q.1. Who has written 'The Browning Version'? (A) Terence Rattigan
(B) Mr Edgar S. Woolard
(C) Mr. Lester Brown 
(D) Khushwant Singh

Q.2. What is the age of Taplow?
(A) Fourteen 
(B) Sixteen
(C) Twenty
(D) Five

Q.3. Who is Mr. Crocker-Harris?
(A) Principal
(B) Headmaster
(C) Middle-aged schoolmaster
(D) Director

Q.4. What was Taplow doing on the last day of school?
(A) Extra Work
(B) Time pass 
(C) Playing
(D) Completing homework

Q.5. Why does Taplow have to do extra work?
(A) because he missed a class in the previous week
(B) because he didn't perfom well in his studies
(C) because he was there to help his teacher
(D) because he was called by his teacher

Q.6. Why does Taplow want Science as a remove? 
(A) because he has no option
(B) because he finds the subject extremely interesting 
(C) because he is confused
(D) because he didn't like Crocker-Harris

Q.7. Why did Taplow call Mr. Crocker-Harris 'hardly human'?
(A) because he is a sadist 
(B) he is all shriveled up
(C) he is very rude to everyone
(D) he finds peace in failing students

Q.8. Why was Frank jealous of Mr. Crocker-Harris?
(A) because of the effect he has on students (B) because of his fame
(C) because he was senior schoolmaster
(D) because he was paid well

Q.9. How does Taplow react when Mr. Crocker-Harris cracked a joke in the class?
(A) he laughed
(B) he ignored it
(C) he asked him what it meant
(D) he did nothing

Q.10. When did Mrs. Crocker - Harris enter the classroom?
(A) When Taplow and Frank were discussing Mr. Harris
(B) When no one was in the classroom
(C) When Mr. Crocker - Harris came back
(D) when only Taplow was in the classroom

Q.11. Why was Taplow worried that Mrs. Crocker Harris might have heard what they were saying?
(A) as she had been standing for a few minutes when they were busy talking
(B) as she interrupted their conversation
(C) as she heard them talking about the Principal
(D) as she shouted at them for talking ill about her husband

Q.12. What did Millie suggest to Taplow in her husband's absence? 
(A) to go to chemist to get her prescription filled
(B) to go to his home 
(C) to play golf
(D) to wait

Q.13. How did Frank react upon the arrival of Mrs. Crocker-Harris?
(A) he was happy
(B) he was nervous 
(C) he was relieved.
(D) nothing as such

Q.14. Who was Agamemnon? 
(A) he was American astrologer
(B) he was an Egyptian king
(C) he was the king of Mycenae in Greek mythology 
(D) he was the brother of Ascyllus.

Q.15. What does 'Remove' mean in the chapter? 
(A) a division in British Schools
(B) take away something
(C) unfasten 
(D) get rid of

Answer Key:-
1. Option (A) is correct.

2. Option (B) is correct.

3. Option (C) is correct.

4. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: He was doing extra work as instructed by his teacher.

5. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: Because he missed a class in the previous week and that was to be compensated by extra work if he wanted to pass his class.

6. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Because he finds the subject extremely interesting.

7. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Because he didn't want to show his true self to anyone.

8. Option (A) is correct.

9. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: He laughed even when he didn't understand the joke.

10. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: When Taplow and Frank were discussing Mr. Harris, she quietly stood on one side listening to their conversation.

11. Option (A) is correct.

12. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: She wanted some time with Frank and so she sent Taplow to the chemist to bring some medicines.

13. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: He was relieved.

14. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: He was the king of Mycenae in Greek mythology.

15. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: A division in British Schools.

Extract Based MCQs:-
I. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option: 
TAPLOW: Well, no, sir. I don't think the play is muck- exactly. I suppose, in a way, it's rather a good plot, really, a wife murdering her husband and all that I only meant the way it's taught to us -just a lot of Greek words strung and fifty lines if you get them wrong.
FRANK: You sound a little bitter, Taplow.
TAPLOW: I am rather, sir. 
FRANK: Kept in, eh?
TAPLOW: No, sir. Extra work.
FRANK :Extra work on the last day of school?

Q.1. Which play Taplow is talking about?
(A) Agamemnon
(C) Muck
(B) Aeschylus 
(D) Slackers

Q.2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the book being taught to Taplow?
(A) The book contains a lot of Greek words. 
(C) The book is not taught in an interesting way.
(B) The book has an interesting plot
(D) All the students like that book.

Q.3. Why had Taplow got extra work on the last day of school?
(A) because he misbehaved with his teacher.
(B) because he missed a day of his school in the previous week.
(C) because he loved to do homework
(D) because didn't complete his homework and pending work.

Q.4. Classify the following statements as Facts (F) or Opinion (O),
1. I think the book is not a muck.
2. The book has lot of Greek words.
3. Taplow was called at that hour in the school as a punishment, expressed Frank. 4. In my opinion, Taplow sounded bitter while talking about the play.
5. Taplow had actually come to school for some extra work.
(A) F-1, 2, 3; O-4,5 
(B) F-2, 4, 5, O- 1,3
(C) F-1, 4, 5; O-2,3
(D) F-4, 5; O-1, 2, 3.

Q.5. Felicitous mean: 
(A) apt
(C) pertinent
(B) well chosen
(D) All of these

II. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follows:
TAPLOW: (imitating a very gentle, rather throaty voice) "My dear Taplow, I have given you exactly what you deserve. No less; and certainly no more." Do you know sir, I think he may have marked me down, rather than up, for taking extra work. I mean, the man's hardly human. (He breaks off quickly.) Sorry, sir. Have I gone too far?
FRANK: Yes. Much too far.
TAPLOW: Sorry, sir. I got carried away.
FRANK: Evidently. (He picks up a newspaper and opens it)-Er Taplow.
TAPLOW: Yes, sir?
FRANK: What was that Crocker-Harris said to you? Just-er-repeat it, would you?

Q.1. Which of the following expressions is INCORRECT with respect to the phrase much too?
(A) much too hot 
(B) much too large 
(C) much too bright
(D) much too enough

Q.2. Classdy the following as Facts (F) or Opinion (O).
1. I have given you exactly what you deserve I got carried away.
2. Have I gone too far.
3. I got carried away.
4. I think he may have marked the down.
5. I mean, the man's hardly human
(A) F-1,2,3; O- 4,5
(B) F-1,3;O- 2,4,5 
(C) F-1,4,5; O- 2,3 
(D) F-4,5; O-1,2,3

Q.3. "I have given you exactly what you deserve." Who are 'I'and 'you' in this statement?
(A) I - Frank; you - Taplow 
(B) I - Crocker-Harris; you - Taplow
(C) I - Frank; you - Crocker-Harris
(D) I - Crocker-Harris; you - Frank

Q.4. TAPLOW: ...I mean, the man's hardly human. (He breaks off quickly.) Sorry, sir. Have I gone too far? 
FRANK: Yes Much too far.
TAPLOW: Sorry, sir. I got carried away.
Why did Taplow apologise?
(A) Because he was doing extra work.
(B) Because he was a bit harsh while talking about Crocker-Harris.
(C) Because he called the play muck.
(D) Because he said science was a interesting subject.

Q.5. 'Evident' mean:
(A) obvious
(C) noticeable
(B) apparent
(D) All of these

III. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
FRANK:  Well, he's ten minutes late. Why don't you cut? You could still play golf before lock-up. 
TAPLOW:  (really shocked) Oh, no, I couldn't cut the Crock- Mr Crocker-Harris? I shouldn't think it's evn been done in the whole time he's been here. God knows what would happen if I did. He'd probably follow home, or something...
FRANK: I must admit I envy him for the effect he seems to have on you boys in the form. You all seem scared to death of him. What does he do-beat you all, or something?
TAPLOW: Good Lord, no. He's not a sadist, like one or two of the others. 
FRANK: I beg your pardon?
TAPLOW: A sadist, sir, is someone who gets pleasure out of giving pain.
FRANK: Indeed? But I think you went on to say that some other masters... 
Q.1. Which of the following remarks is NOT made by Frank for Crocker-Harris? 
(A) envy him for the effect he seems to have on you boys in the form.
(B) You all seem scared to death of him
(C) Why don't you cut?
(D) He's not a sadist.

Q.2. Who, according to Taplow, is a sadist?
(A) one who punishes others.
(B) one who helps others.
(C) one who gets pleasure out of giving pain. (D) one who cares for his students.

Classify the following as Fact (F) or Opinion (O)
1. You could still play golf before lock-up,
2. He'd probably follow me home, or something... 
3. I must admit I envy him for the effect he seems to have on you boys in the form.
4. You all seem scared to death of him. 5. Well, he's ten minutes late.
6. He's not a sadist.
7. A sadist is someone who gets pleasure out of giving pain. 
(A) F-3,4,5,6,7; O -1,2
(B) F-1,2; O -3,4,5,6,
(C) F-2,4: O -3,5,6,7 
(D) F-3,4,6,7; O -1,2,5

Q.4. Which of the following is NOT a synonym of 'admit' as used in this extract?
(A) accept 
(B) agree 
(C) enrol 
(D) confess

Q.5. "Oh, no, I couldn't cut. Cut the Crock-Mr Crocker-Harris? I shouldn't think it's ever been done in the whole time he's been here."
What does this remark of Taplow show about Mr Crocker-Harris? 
(A) He was a butcher and would punish students severely.
(B) He was a strict disciplinarian.
(C) He had a very bad reputation in front of his students and other teachers.
(D) The students had been taking advantage of his absence.

Answer key:-
I. 1. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: Agamemnon by Aeschylus.

2. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: The students didn't like the way the book was taught.

3. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Because he missed a day of his school in the previous week.

4. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Taplow was a bit harsh while talking about the language of the play.

5. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: All these words are synonyms of felicitous.

II. 1. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: much too enough is a wrong expression

2. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: According to Taplow, his teacher was very strict.

3. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Crocker-Harris is a teacher; Taplow is a student.

4. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: Taplow was a bit harsh while taking about Crocker-Harris.

5. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: All these words are synonyms of evident.

III. 1. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: Taplow commented about Crocker-Harris that he was not a sadist.

2. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: One who gets pleasure out of giving pain and Crocker-Harris was not a sadist.

3. Option (A) is correct.

4. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: I must admit I envy him.

5. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: He was a stict discipinarian and no one dare go against him.

Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What do you learn about Taplow from the initial conversation between him and Mr. Frank ?
Ans. Taplow is a boy of sixteen. He is still in the lower fifth. He can't specialize until the next term if he gets his form/ division all right. Since, his master, Mr. Crocker Harris has not told him the result, he will have to wait till the next day to learn his fate. 

Q. 2. What is 'remove'? How do students get it? 
Ans. Remove is the certificate of passing a form in the school. As a rule, the form results should only be announced by the headmaster on the last day of school. However, it seems that most teachers leak it to their students before that date.

Q.3. Why did Taplow have to stay back at school?
Ans. Taplow had missed a day at school the previous week. So, Mr. Crocker Harris had called him for extra work. Q.4. Which course of study did Taplow prefer and why? Ans. Taplow preferred science to literature. He found it a good deal which was more exciting than his play which he considered quite unpleasant.

Q.5. What did Crocker Harris say when Taplow asked him about his remove? 
Ans. Crocker Harris told Taplow that he had got what he deserved. However, he refused to tell him what exactly his remove was

Q.6. "Still there is one comfort. What does Frank mean by these words?
Ans. Frank means to say that although being called for extra work on the last day of schoolseems bad luck, Taplow can take comfort with the thought that this action will imply the certainty of Taplow's getting his remove.

Q.7. Did Taplow like being called for extra work?
Ans. No, Taplow wanted to play golf instead of coming to Mr. Crocker Harris for extra work. But, he did not want to disobey or annoy Mr. Harris so, he was ready for doing extra work.

Q.8. How, according to, Taplow is Mr. Crocker Harris unlike other masters?
Ans. Other masters would certainly given a chap, a form after taking his extra work, but Mr. Crocker Harris is unlike them. When Taplow asked him about his form, he told the boy that he had given him exactly what he deserved no less and certainly no more. Taplow is afraid that he might have marked him down rather than up for taking extra work. 

Q.9. What suggestions of Frank shocked Taplow? Why?
Ans. Frank had suggested that Taplow could cut Crocker Harris because the latter was already ten minutes late. This suggestions shocked Taplow because he could not even think of doing such a thing.

Q. 10. How does Frank react when Taplow refuses to cut Crocker Harris?
Ans. On the occasion Frank is unable to hide his real feelings. He admits that he feels envious of Crocker Harris for keeping his students so scared of him. Surprisingly, he asks Taplow if Crocker Harris beats his students.

Q.11. What is funny about Taplow's attitude towards Crocker Harris ?
Ans. The funny aspect of Taplow's attitude toward Crocker Harris is the fact that he likes Mr. Harris inspite of having resentment against him on many counts. He himself admits so saying that he can't help it.

Q.12. What happened when Mr. Crocker Harris made one of his classical jokes?
Ans. When Crocker Harris made one of his classical jokes, none of the students understood it and so nobody laughed
But, taplow knew that Mr. Crocker Harris had meant it as funny so out of common politeness, he laughed at the joke. The teacher was happy that Taplow had understood the joke while others didn't. So, he told him to explain the joke to the class. It was a difficult task for Taplow because he himself had not understood it.

Q.13. What leads Mr. Frank to comment, I'm sure you're exaggerating? 
Ans. Taplow says that Mr. Crocker Harris seems to hate people to like him. Yet, inspite of everything. Taplow does rather like him. He can't help it. He thinks that sometimes Mr. Crocker Harris notice it and that seems to shrivel him up even more. This observation of Taplow seems far-fetched. So, Mr. Frank remarks that he is exaggerating.

Q.14. How does Taplow refuse the charge that he is exaggerating? 
Ans. Taplow says that the other day Mr. Crocker Harris made one of his classical jokes in the class. Nobody understood it, so no one laughed. At last. Taplow laughed because he knew the master had meant it as funny. He did so out of ordinary common politeness. Secondly, he felt a bit sorry for him for having made poor joke. Mr. Crocker Harris did not praise Taplow for it.

Q. 15. Do you think, Frank enjoyed or disliked Taplow's imitation of Crocker Harris? 
Ans. Although Frank snubbed Taplow for his imitation of Crocker Harris, he seems to have liked it because, he asked Taplow to imitate him once again.

Q.16. How do Frank and Taplow react on the arrival on Millie Crocker?
Ans. Their reactions differ Frank feels infinitely relieved at seeing her Maybe, he was waiting for her. Taplow is, on the other hand, frightened. He wonders if Millie has heard what he spoke about her husband. He is afraid that if the matter is reported to Crocker Harris, he might not get his remove. 

Q.17. Where did Millie send Taplow ? What was her purpose? 
Ans. Millie sent Taplow to a chemist to bring medicine according to prescription. Thus, he could do jobs for him and she promised that she would take the blame if he came before Taplow returned. 

Q.18. "You know what he's like, sir" says Taplow. What leads him to say so? What light does this throw on the man talked about?
Ans. Taplow does not know if he has got his form. It is because his master, Mr. Crocker Harris does not tell them the results like the other masters. He is a bit different when Frank says about the rule that form results should be announced by the headmaster on the last day of the term. Taplow says that none else except Mr. Crocker Harris pays attention to it. This shows that the man is strict for rules. 

Q.19. What kind of a person was Crocker Harris ?
Ans. Mr. Crocker Harris was a strict man who was more feared than respected. He was reserved and not much social. He was different from other teachers. He would not do things such as leaking papers to please the students. He did not like flattery. 

Q.20. Comment on the attitude shown by Taplow towards Crocker Harris.
Ans. Crocker Harris, according to Taplow, is a strict disciplinarian. He follows all the rules and regulations which others do not bother to follow. Even on the last day of the school he calls Taplow for extra work Besides, he does not entertain any flattery from the students. In spite of this, Taplow respects him for his values.

Long Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What do you learn about the system of education in old, British schools from the play, "The Browning Version ? 

Ans. In old British schools, stress was laid on the study of classical language-Latin and Greek. Students of the lower fifth were made to learn a classic play like the Agamemnon'. Since the stress was on the acquisition of language the students found it uninteresting and very unpleasant. They could specialize only after completing fifth form students were kept in or called for extra work They were mortally afraid of a teacher like Mr. Crocker Harris who would abide by rules and show no human feelings. At the same time, the school had teachers who were sadist and others who would break the rules and tell results to the students. Students like Taplow were afraid of schoolmasters like Mr. Crocker Harris, still they liked him.

Q.2. What impression do you get of Frank from the play?

Ans. Frank is a teacher at a good school. The other teacher in the play is Crocker Harris who actually never comes on the stage. We learn about Mr. Harris only from the conversation that goes on between Frank and Taplow. However, when compared to Harris, Frank appears to be a petty person. Frank suffers from envy against Crocker Harris He provokes Taplow to comment on Harris and enjoys the latter's imitation of him. However, when he finds Taplow is in awe of Mr. Harris and cannot think of displeasing him, he can't hide his feelings and admits that he feels envy of him. He has no love for science which he teaches. This shows his dishonesty towards his profession. In short, the character of Frank is a counterfoil of the character of Crocker Harris which shines because of Frank.

Q.3. Crocker Harris does not appear on the scene yet we know much of him. Explain. 

Ans. Crocker Harris is the main character of the play Browning Version'. He does not make a physical entry throughout the play. The author has presented him indirectly and so perfectly that we get a crystal clear picture of Crocker Harris. There is a young teacher, Frank and his students, Taplow who get into a discussion Taplow gives details of Crocker Harris and tells him that his teacher is totally different from the other teachers. To the surprise of Frank, Taplow says that Crocker Harris is a man of principles and sticks to rules without getting emotional, angry and prejudiced. He further tells him that Crocker Harris is not a sadist and does not punish students physically, yet students are afraid of him. So, we feel the presence of Crocker Harris, a middle-aged teacher who is cool and calm: He is a morally high placed person.

Q.4. Give a character sketch of Crocker Harris from what you have read from "The Browning Version. 
What impression do you form of Mt. Crocker Harris on the basis of reading the play "The Browning Version?

Ans. Crocker Harris is a teacher who teaches Greek to the lower fifth form in a good school. He is the incharge of the form and as such he alone kruws about the result of the students of his form which are to be officially announced the next day.
From Taplow's comments about Crocker Harris, we learn that he is a teacher who takes his teaching very seriously We learn that even on the day when he is leaving the school for good, he has called a student for extra work because the said student has missed a day last week.
He is the one who doesn't like to be flattered. He will judge a student only by his merit and not because of any prejudice. It is a tribute to his character that although students like Taplow do not like his severity yet, they love and respect him from the core of their hearts.

Q.5. This humarous piece is an extract from a play." What according to you make this extract humorous ?

Ans. This play presents a funny situation. Frank, a young science teacher, finds sixteen year old Taplow waiting for his master Mr. Crocker Harris. This lower fifth form student has been asked to come in to do extra work on the last day of the school. Mr. Crocker Harris is leaving the school for good the next day. Being quite busy in settling his own affairs, he has not yet arrived there. Taplow's fears of adverse remarks about his results make us smile. The interaction between Mr. Frank and Taplow is quite amusing. The young science teacher encourages Taplow's comment on Crocker Harris. The manner in which Taplow imitates his master's voice, manner of speaking and diction are quite amusing. The sudden arrival of Millie Crocker Harris in the midst of an imitation of a joke surprise Frank and makes Taplow nervous. Their reactions are quite amusing. Taplow's unwillingness to leave the place and his fear of consequences in case his master returns before his arrival seems quite genuine but funny. He feels relieved only when Millie offers to take the blame. All these actions seems exaggerated and funny

Q.6.  Comment on the attitude shown by Taplow towards Crocker-Harris.

Ans. Taplow's attitude towards Crocker-Harris is rather complex. He has a grudge against him for calling him to do extra work on the last day of school. Then unlike most teachers, Crocker-Harris does not reveal the result of the students of his form until the last day. He is very much scared of him also. Even when Harris is late and Frank suggests that Taplow could go back on that pretext, Taplow refused to do so Taplow is very obedient and respectful towards Crocker-Harris but is certain that this show of respect, is not likely to help him in getting his remove He says that Crocker-Harris is a special penson because he is the only one who seems to dislike being liked. Yet, there is something which makes Taplow like Mr. Crocker-Harris. He doesn't know himself what it is.

Q.7. Does Frank seem to encourage Taplow's comments on Crocker-Harris?

Ans. Yes Frank, certainly encourages Taplow's comment on Crocker-Harns although he pretends to do otherwise. First, knowing well the rules, he asks Taplow why Harris-Crocker has not told him his result yet However, when Taplow tells him that Crocker-Harris is like that, he snubs him. So, Frank is all the time trying to be very clever While asking Taplow to be quite, he does everything to encourage him to comment on Crocker-Harris When Taplow imitates Crocker-Harris, Frank tells him that he has gone too far but just after that he asks Taplow to repeat the imitation Obviously, he enjoys when he thinks Crocker-Harns is being ridiculed. Again, when Taplow refuses to go back home. Frank asks him if Harris beats him and the other boys. In the end, he asks Taplow not to be so selfish as to keep a good joke to himself. Thus, Frank encourages Taplow to comment on Crocker-Harris again and again while pretending to do otherwise.

Q8. What do you gather about Crocker-Harris from the play ?

Ans. From the play, we gather that Crocker-Harris is an ideal teacher of the old type. His students are afraid of him, yet they love him. They dare not disobey him, knowing well that obeying him is not going to bring them any
reward. They complain against him and yet they like him. Perhaps, it is so because Crocker-Harris is as severe to himself as he is towards his students.
His being pleased does not mean that he will favour the person who pleases him. He is impossible to be flattered and keeps his equanimity all the time. Whatever the situation, he will not play with the rules. So, while other teachers may leak the result to their students before the appointed day, Mr. Crocker-Harris will never do so. On the last day of school and a day before his own retirement, he is as conscious of his duty as he has been all the time.