Showing posts with label board exam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label board exam. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2024

How to Write a Report – Format, Topics, and Samples

What is Report Writing?

Report writing is a formal method of communication used to present information systematically and succinctly. It aims to convey findings, opinions, or data from various sources to a specific audience, ensuring the information is clear, accurate, and relevant.

Types of Reports:

1. Newspaper Report: Focuses on an event, incident, or issue of public interest.

2. Magazine Report: A more detailed and analytical version, usually covering a topic or event in depth.

3. School Report: A concise, formal account of an academic or extracurricular activity or event.

Report Writing Format:

When writing a report, it’s important to follow a structured format:

1. Heading/Title:
  • Should be brief and eye-catching.
  • Must convey the essence of the report.
2. Byline:
  • This indicates the author of the report.
  • Do not include personal information like roll numbers or class unless required.
3. Introduction/Lead Paragraph:
  • The first paragraph should introduce the event, place, time, and other relevant details.
  • It sets the tone and provides the context for the reader.
4. Body of the Report:
  • This section provides more details regarding the event or topic.
  • Follow a logical order and ensure the facts are accurate.
  • Mention key participants, actions, and outcomes.
  • You can break the body into multiple paragraphs for clarity and coherence.
5. Conclusion:
  • Summarize the key points of the report.
  • If applicable, suggest future actions or consequences.
6. Facts and Data:
  • Incorporate statistical data, quotes, or factual information that support your report.

Sample Report Topics:

1. School Events:

Example: Annual Sports Day, Science Fair, Debate Competition

2. Accidents and Disasters:

Example: Road Accident, Fire Breakout, Floods

3. Social Issues:

Example: Increasing Air Pollution, Water Scarcity, Poverty

4. Current Affairs:

Example: Elections, New Government Policies, International Summit

Sample Report (School Event):

Title: Annual Sports Day Celebrated at ABC School

By: XYZ, Class 12

The Annual Sports Day of ABC School was held on September 25, 2024, with great enthusiasm and zeal. The event commenced at 9 AM on the school grounds, where the students, teachers, and parents gathered in large numbers.

The chief guest, Mr. Arun Prakash, an eminent sports personality, inaugurated the event with a brief motivational speech. Students from all grades participated in various sports competitions, including track and field events, basketball, and cricket matches.

The highlight of the day was the 100-meter sprint, in which Saurabh from Class 11 won first place. The event concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, where the winners were felicitated by the chief guest.

The event was a grand success, thanks to the efforts of the sports faculty and student volunteers. It reinforced the spirit of teamwork and healthy competition among the students.