Showing posts with label The Last Lesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Last Lesson. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

20 MCQs on The Last Lesson - Class 12 Flamingo book

20 MCQs to Test Comprehension of the story 'The Last Lesson': Best for exam prep!
MCQs on The Last Lesson

  1. Who is the narrator of the story "The Last Lesson"?

    • A) Mr. Hamel
    • B) Franz
    • C) The Prussian soldier
    • D) The village mayor
    • Answer: B) Franz
  2. Why was Franz reluctant to go to school?

    • A) He was afraid of Mr. Hamel
    • B) He did not like the subject
    • C) He hadn’t prepared for the test on participles
    • D) He wanted to play outside
    • Answer: C) He hadn’t prepared for the test on participles
  3. What surprised Franz when he arrived at school?

    • A) The school was closed
    • B) Mr. Hamel was absent
    • C) The classroom was unusually quiet
    • D) There were new students in the class
    • Answer: C) The classroom was unusually quiet
  4. What was different about Mr. Hamel on the day of the last lesson?

    • A) He was more cheerful than usual
    • B) He was dressed in his best clothes
    • C) He was angry and scolding students
    • D) He brought gifts for the students
    • Answer: B) He was dressed in his best clothes
  5. What order had come from Berlin?

    • A) To close all schools
    • B) To teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine
    • C) To remove Mr. Hamel from his post
    • D) To increase the school fees
    • Answer: B) To teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine
  6. How did the villagers react to the news of the last lesson?

    • A) They protested
    • B) They ignored it
    • C) They attended the class with Franz
    • D) They celebrated
    • Answer: C) They attended the class with Franz
  7. What did Mr. Hamel regret?

    • A) Not leaving the village earlier
    • B) Not enforcing discipline in the class
    • C) That the people of Alsace did not take their education seriously
    • D) That he didn’t teach German
    • Answer: C) That the people of Alsace did not take their education seriously
  8. What does Mr. Hamel say about the French language?

    • A) It is difficult to learn
    • B) It is the clearest and most logical language
    • C) It is less important than German
    • D) It is a dying language
    • Answer: B) It is the clearest and most logical language
  9. Why did Mr. Hamel emphasize the importance of language?

    • A) To ensure that students pass exams
    • B) To maintain the cultural identity of the people
    • C) To make students fear the Prussians
    • D) To increase school attendance
    • Answer: B) To maintain the cultural identity of the people
  10. What was written on the blackboard at the end of the lesson?

    • A) "Farewell, Students!"
    • B) "Learn German!"
    • C) "Vive La France!"
    • D) "Good Luck!"
    • Answer: C) "Vive La France!"
  11. How did Franz feel after attending the last lesson?

    • A) Indifferent
    • B) Regretful
    • C) Angry
    • D) Excited
    • Answer: B) Regretful
  12. What was Mr. Hamel's attitude during the last lesson?

    • A) Sad and emotional
    • B) Happy and excited
    • C) Indifferent and careless
    • D) Angry and harsh
    • Answer: A) Sad and emotional
  13. What does the story "The Last Lesson" primarily highlight?

    • A) The importance of punctuality
    • B) The impact of war on education
    • C) The significance of one’s language and culture
    • D) The effectiveness of German language education
    • Answer: C) The significance of one’s language and culture
  14. Why were the villagers present in the classroom?

    • A) To protest the new order
    • B) To say goodbye to Mr. Hamel
    • C) To show their respect and attend the last French lesson
    • D) To demand a change in the school’s curriculum
    • Answer: C) To show their respect and attend the last French lesson
  15. What emotion does Franz experience towards the end of the story?

    • A) Hatred
    • B) Fear
    • C) Pride
    • D) Confusion
    • Answer: C) Pride
  16. What was the impact of the new order on Mr. Hamel?

    • A) He became more disciplined
    • B) He decided to leave the village
    • C) He was deeply saddened and emotional
    • D) He welcomed the change
    • Answer: C) He was deeply saddened and emotional
  17. How does Mr. Hamel react when Franz is late?

    • A) He scolds him harshly
    • B) He punishes him
    • C) He is calm and understanding
    • D) He sends him back home
    • Answer: C) He is calm and understanding
  18. What does Franz realize about his books and language?

    • A) They are boring
    • B) They are precious
    • C) They are useless
    • D) They are difficult
    • Answer: B) They are precious
  19. What was Mr. Hamel’s role in the village apart from being a teacher?

    • A) Mayor
    • B) Baker
    • C) Postmaster
    • D) Scribe
    • Answer: D) Scribe
  20. What does the phrase "Vive La France!" signify in the context of the story?

    • A) A hope for liberation
    • B) A love for France and its language
    • C) A demand for rebellion
    • D) A farewell message
    • Answer: B) A love for France and its language

Thursday, August 8, 2024

MCQs - Class 12 - Flamingo - Chapter 1 - The Last Lesson - by Alphonse Daudet

Objective Questions (MCQs)

1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

   (A) Participles

   (B) History lesson

   (C) Geography

   (D) Arithmetic

2. What did M. Hamel tell the class about the order from Berlin?

   (A) French would no longer be taught in schools

   (B) New books would be introduced

   (C) School hours would be reduced

   (D) A new teacher would be coming

3. How did Franz feel about M. Hamel's "last lesson"?

   (A) Relieved

   (B) Indifferent

   (C) Anxious

   (D) Emotional

4. Who occupied the last benches in the classroom?

   (A) The village children

   (B) The new German teacher

   (C) The village elders

   (D) Franz's parents

5. What did M. Hamel bring for the class on his last day?

   (A) Sweets

   (B) New books

   (C) Flags

   (D) Old grammar books

6. Why was M. Hamel dressed in his best clothes?

   (A) He had a meeting

   (B) It was a special occasion

   (C) He was retiring

   (D) It was his birthday

7. What did Franz realize about the importance of his own language?

   (A) It was difficult

   (B) It was unimportant

   (C) It was the key to freedom

   (D) It was easy to learn

8. What was the reaction of the villagers when they heard about the last lesson?

   (A) They were happy

   (B) They were indifferent

   (C) They felt sorry

   (D) They decided to protest

9. What does the church clock symbolize in the story?

   (A) Hope

   (B) Power

   (C) Time passing by

   (D) Tradition

10. What did M. Hamel write on the blackboard at the end of his lesson?

    (A) Farewell

    (B) Long live France

    (C) The new teacher's name

    (D) The date

Answer key:-

1. (A)

2. (A)

3. (D)

4. (C)

5. (D)

6. (B)

7. (C)

8. (C)

9. (C)

10. (B)

Extract Based MCQs

I. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

"M. Hamel mounted his chair, and in the same grave and gentle tone which he had used to me, said, 'My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you.'"

1. Who is M. Hamel?

   (A) A soldier

   (B) A student

   (C) A teacher

   (D) A mayor

2. What tone did M. Hamel use while speaking?

   (A) Harsh

   (B) Gentle

   (C) Angry

   (D) Indifferent

3. Why was this the last lesson?

   (A) M. Hamel was retiring

   (B) The order from Berlin

   (C) The school was closing

   (D) It was a holiday

4. What did M. Hamel's demeanour signify?

   (A) His indifference

   (B) His sadness

   (C) His joy

   (D) His anger

 Answer key :-

1. (C)

2. (B)

3. (B)

4. (B)

II. ...I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning...

1. Who is the 'I' in the above lines?

   (A) M. Hamel

   (B) Franz

   (C) The village elder

   (D) The Prussian soldier

2. What was the 'commotion' about?

   (A) A festival in the village

   (B) The order from Berlin

   (C) M. Hamel's farewell

   (D) A parade

3. What does the comparison to 'Sunday morning' imply?

   (A) It was noisy

   (B) It was silent

   (C) It was chaotic

   (D) It was festive

4. How did the narrator feel about being late?

   (A) Unconcerned

   (B) Relieved

   (C) Anxious

   (D) Indifferent

Answer key:-

1. (B)

2. (B)

3. (B)

4. (C)

III. ...he had the courage to hear every lesson to the very last. After the grammar, we had a lesson in writing...

1. Who is 'he' in the above lines?

   (A) Franz

   (B) M. Hamel

   (C) The Prussian soldier

   (D) The village elder

2. What lesson did they have after grammar?

   (A) History

   (B) Geography

   (C) Writing

   (D) Arithmetic

3. What does 'the courage to hear every lesson' suggest about M. Hamel?

   (A) He was strict

   (B) He was dedicated

   (C) He was indifferent

   (D) He was fearful

4. How did the students feel during the last lesson?

   (A) Happy

   (B) Indifferent

   (C) Emotional

   (D) Excited

Answer key:-

1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (B)

4. (C) 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Class XII - Flamingo - The Last Lesson - Summary - Q&A Solved

Class XII - Flamingo - The Last Lesson - Notes

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary

About the author

Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) was a French novelist and short-story writer. The Last Lesson is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck. Prussia then consisted of what now are the nations of Germany, Poland and parts of Austria. In this story the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine have passed into Prussian hands.
Read the story to find out what effect this had on life at school.

Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.
  • in great dread of
  • counted on
  • thumped at the edges
  • in unison
  • a great bustle
  • reproach ourselves with

in great dread ofto be afraid of someone or something
counted onto depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you
thumbed at the edgesworn out edges or edges that were handled many times with the thumbs usually books.
in unisonsimultaneous or synchronous parallel action; done together.
a great bustleexcited activity or movement. learn to pronounce bustle
reproach ourselves withthe expression of disapproval and disappointment. Learn to pronounce reproach


"The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet is set during the Franco-Prussian War, focusing on a small French village that falls under Prussian control. The story is narrated by a young boy named Franz, who is reluctant to go to school as he hasn't prepared for a test on French participles. However, when he arrives at school, he is surprised to find an unusual stillness in the classroom. His teacher, Mr. Hamel, is dressed in his best clothes and is very serious.

Franz soon learns that this is the last French lesson he will ever have, as an order has come from Berlin that only German is to be taught in schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Mr. Hamel delivers the last lesson with deep emotion, expressing his love for the French language and his regret that the people of Alsace did not take their education seriously. He emphasizes the importance of the language to the people’s identity and heritage.

The villagers, who have gathered in the classroom to attend this final lesson, share in the somber mood. They, too, realize the value of the French language only when they are about to lose it. The story concludes with Mr. Hamel writing "Vive La France!" on the blackboard, a symbol of defiance and pride in their language and culture.


Think as you read:
  1.  What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

    ANSWER: Franz was expected to be prepared with participles for the school that day. Since he was not serious and had not prepared his lesson he expected a sound scolding from his teacher Mr. M. Hamel.

  2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?

    ANSWER: Franz noticed that the school was quite silent as if it was a Sunday morning, besides he saw many people from the village present in the class who usually never attended M. Hamel’s class.

  3. What had been put up on the bulletin-board?

    ANSWER: A notice had been put up by the Prussians that then onward only German would be taught in the schools of Lorraine and Alsace.

  4. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

    ANSWER: That day, the school was unusually quiet. Many elders from the village were present in the class. The teacher, Mr M. Hamel, was dressed his best and was quite sombre. The students were pretty much attentive to M Hamel’s talk and lesson.

  5. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?

    ANSWER: Franz was shocked to learn that that was the last lesson of French language he would be attending due to the prohibitive orders by Prussians. The very thought led him to introspect his behaviour towards his lessons and realization that he wasted all that time in having fun.
Understanding the text 
  1. The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?

    ANSWER: Many unusual things indicate that people were very serious and sad about not being able to learn their native language thence forth. The crowd surrounding the bulletin-board, the presence of the villagers in the class, the silence in place of the routine hustle and bustle of the school, the emotions that gripped. M. Hamel and Franz, representing that of the teacher and the student community respectively, were all indicators of the realization of the importance of their language to them. 

    In the story, M. Hamel says that people realize the importance of somebody or something in their lives very often when it is lost to them. Similarly, it was the order from Berlin that made people realize the importance of their language for them.

  2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean? (There could be more than one answer.)

    ANSWER: This implies that native language to a people is the language innate to birds and animals. So the decision of occupying forces to enforce the language of the aggressor - in this case German Language, will fail the same way as you cannot make the birds sing in any other language, French people will not leave their language.
Talking about the text
  1. “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language, it is as if they had the key to their prison.”
    Can you think of examples in history where a conquered people had their language taken away from them or had a language imposed on them?

    ANSWER: Points that can be included in your discussion are the dominance of the English language in India, the resistance of non-Hindi states to implement Hindi as an official language in their states, and languages which are vanishing very fast due to globalization and the internet.

  2. What happens to a linguistic minority in a state? How do you think they can keep their language alive? For example:
    Punjabis in Bangalore
    Tamilians in Mumbai
    Kannadigas in Delhi
    Gujaratis in Kolkata

    ANSWER: Linguistic minorities feel isolated and hardly get any opportunity to use their language beyond home. What these minorities can do is to form groups, arrange for get-togethers and other forum for their community to use their language as much as possible. They should also speak in their native language with their children and help them feel proud of their heritage and culture.
  3. Is it possible to carry pride in one's language too far? Do you know what 'linguistic chauvinism' means?

    ANSWER: Linguistic chauvinism is inordinate love for one's own language; this love is so much that one considers one's language to be superior to all the other languages of the world. The order from Berlin was an example of linguistic chauvinism. The Germans imposed their language on the people of Alsace and Lorraine.

Working with words

  1. English is a language that contains words from many other languages. This inclusiveness is one of the reasons it is now a world language. For example:
    petite French
    kindergarten German
    capital Latin
    democracy Greek
    bazaar Hindi

    Find out the origins of the following words.


    tycoon Japanese
    tulip Persian > Turkish > French
    logo Greek
    bandicoot Telugu
    barbecue Spanish
    veranda Portugese
    robot Czech
    zero Arabic
    ski Norwegian
    trek South African Dutch
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