Showing posts with label Colin Dexter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Dexter. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Evans Tries An O-Level - English Core - Class XII - MCQs - Summary Q&A Solved

About the Author

Colin Dexter first saw the light of day in Stamford, Lincolnshire, where his parents, Alfred and Dorothy Dexter, welcomed him into the world. In his family constellation were an elder brother named John, who, like Colin, was a connoisseur of classics and taught the subject at The King's School in Peterborough. A sister by the name of Avril also graced the family. Alfred, the patriarch, operated a modest garage and taxi establishment located on Scotgate in Stamford.

Dexter's educational journey began at St. John's Infants School, followed by Bluecoat Junior School, where his academic prowess earned him a scholarship to Stamford School—a prestigious boys' public institution. It was here that he encountered M. J. K. Smith, renowned not only as England's international cricket captain but also as a prominent figure in international rugby.

The year 1996 brought recognition to Dexter in the form of a Macavity Award for his compelling short story "Evans Tries an O-Level." In 1980, he received the honor of becoming a member of the exclusive Detection Club through invitation only. An important milestone occurred in 2005 when Dexter was granted the distinction of being elected as a Fellow by Special Election at St Cross College, Oxford.

Dexter's contributions to literature were acknowledged in 2000 with the bestowal of an Officer of the Order of the British Empire title. The year 2001 further added to his accolades as he was granted the esteemed Freedom of the City of Oxford. September 2011 marked a notable occasion, as the University of Lincoln conferred upon Dexter an honorary Doctor of Letters degree—a testament to his influence and achievements.


The story "Evans Tries an 'O' Level" centers around a clever plan orchestrated by a prisoner. This prisoner pretends to be participating in a language exam while actually using it as a ruse to carry out a daring escape from prison. What's noteworthy is that even though the prisoner gets caught in the process, he still manages to outwit his captors and ultimately succeeds in making his escape. This adds an element of irony to the situation, as the prisoner's escape becomes a surprising twist despite the obstacles he faces.

Justification of the Title

In the narrative, the term "O-Level" pertains to a fundamental examination. This specific test serves as the focal point of Evans' triumphant escape. It's under the pretext of participating in the O-level exam for the German language that Evans strategizes and effectively carries out his successful getaway.


  1. The secretary of the examinations board.
  2. The Governor of the H.M. Prison Oxford.
  3. James Roderick Evans (Popularly known as Evans the break, the protagonist of the story) and a prisoner.
  4. Mr Stephens, a Prison Officer
  5. Mr Jackson, a Prison Officer
  6. Stuart McLerry- An Invigilator (Parson)
  7. Mr Carter – Detective Superintendent
  8. Mr Bell- Detective Chief Inspector

Summary of "Evans Tries an O-Level" by Colin Dexter:

The story revolves around James Evans, a cunning prisoner at Oxford Prison, known for his multiple escape attempts. He expresses a desire to take the O-Level exam in German, raising suspicion among the prison authorities. The prison governor, determined to prevent Evans from using the exam as an opportunity to escape, takes several precautions, including strict surveillance and frisking the invigilator, Reverend Stuart McLeery.

However, despite these measures, Evans manages to pull off a brilliant escape. Disguised as McLeery, who was supposedly injured, Evans tricks the prison officers into believing he was the invigilator. The real McLeery is found bound and gagged later. The authorities are misled into chasing after false clues, and Evans successfully escapes.

In a twist, the governor later finds Evans at a hotel, but due to a final oversight, Evans manages to escape again, this time with the help of his friends. The story ends with Evans getting the last laugh as he escapes once more.

"Evans Tries an O-Level" की हिंदी में कहानी सारांश:

कहानी ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड जेल के कैदी जेम्स इवांस के बारे में है, जो अपने कई बार जेल से भागने के लिए जाना जाता है। इवांस ओ-लेवल की जर्मन परीक्षा देने की इच्छा व्यक्त करता है, जिससे जेल अधिकारियों को संदेह होता है। जेल अधीक्षक उसकी परीक्षा के दौरान भागने से रोकने के लिए कड़े इंतजाम करते हैं, जिसमें इवांस के सेल की निगरानी और परीक्षा कक्ष में माइक्रोफोन लगाने जैसी व्यवस्था शामिल है।

हालांकि, सभी एहतियातों के बावजूद, इवांस एक होशियारी से तैयार की गई योजना के तहत सफलतापूर्वक भाग जाता है। वह परीक्षा निरीक्षक स्टुअर्ट मैक्लीरी का वेश धारण करता है और खुद को घायल दिखाता है। जेल के अधिकारी उसे असली निरीक्षक समझकर उसे बाहर ले जाते हैं। असली मैक्लीरी बाद में बंधा हुआ पाया जाता है।

कहानी के अंत में, जब जेल अधीक्षक इवांस को एक होटल में पकड़ता है, तो वह फिर से एक गलती करता है जिससे इवांस दोबारा भागने में सफल हो जाता है। कहानी इवांस की होशियारी और अंतिम हंसी के साथ समाप्त होती है।

"Evans Tries an O-Level" کا اردو میں خلاصہ:

یہ کہانی جیمز ایوانز کی ہے، جو آکسفورڈ جیل کا ایک چالاک قیدی ہے، جو کئی بار جیل سے فرار ہو چکا ہے۔ وہ او-لیول کی جرمن امتحان دینے کی خواہش ظاہر کرتا ہے، جس پر جیل کے حکام کو شبہ ہوتا ہے۔ جیل کے گورنر ایوانز کی امتحان کے دوران نگرانی کے لیے سخت احتیاطی تدابیر اپناتے ہیں، جیسے کہ اس کے سیل کی نگرانی اور امتحان کے کمرے میں مائیکروفون نصب کرنا۔

تاہم، ایوانز بڑی ہوشیاری سے تیار کی گئی ایک منصوبہ بندی کے تحت کامیابی سے فرار ہو جاتا ہے۔ وہ امتحان کے انویجیلیٹر سٹیورٹ میکلری کا بہروپ اختیار کرتا ہے اور خود کو زخمی ظاہر کرتا ہے۔ جیل کے حکام اسے اصل انویجیلیٹر سمجھ کر باہر لے جاتے ہیں۔ بعد میں اصل میکلری کو باندھا ہوا پایا جاتا ہے۔

کہانی کے آخر میں، جب جیل کا گورنر ایوانز کو ایک ہوٹل میں پکڑتا ہے، تو وہ ایک بار پھر غلطی کرتا ہے، اور ایوانز دوبارہ فرار ہونے میں کامیاب ہو جاتا ہے۔ کہانی ایوانز کی چالاکی اور آخری کامیابی کے ساتھ ختم ہوتی ہے۔

Comprehension Questions and Answers:

  1. What kind of person was Evans?

    • Evans was a clever and cunning prisoner known for his multiple escapes. Despite appearing harmless, he was a master at manipulating situations to his advantage. His knack for escaping earned him the nickname "Evans the Break."
  2. What precautions were taken for the smooth conduct of the examination?

    • The prison authorities took several precautions to prevent Evans from escaping. His cell was thoroughly checked, officers were posted nearby, and even the invigilator, Reverend McLeery, was frisked before entering the cell. A microphone was also placed in Evans's cell to allow the Governor to listen to the proceedings.
  3. How did Evans escape from the prison?

    • Evans cleverly disguised himself as Reverend McLeery after incapacitating the real invigilator. He faked an injury, convincing the prison officers to help him leave the prison under the guise of taking him to the hospital. The prison staff failed to recognize the impersonation, allowing Evans to escape.
  4. What could the Governor have done to securely bring back Evans to prison when he caught him at the Golden Lion?

    • The Governor could have taken stricter measures, such as ensuring that Evans was handcuffed securely and personally overseeing his transport back to the prison. Instead, his lack of caution and overconfidence allowed Evans to escape once again.
  5. Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans’ having the last laugh?

    • Evans' final escape, despite the Governor’s efforts, emphasizes his cunning nature and intelligence. While the Governor had moments of victory, his underestimation of Evans led to his failure, allowing Evans to have the last laugh.
  6. When Stephens comes back to the cell, he jumps to a conclusion, and the whole machinery blindly goes by his assumption. Does this show how hasty conjectures can prevent one from seeing the obvious?

    • Yes, Stephens' assumption that the injured man was McLeery, without verifying his identity, demonstrates how hasty decisions can lead to serious consequences. Evans had anticipated this negligence, using it to his advantage.
  7. While we condemn the crime, we are sympathetic to the criminal. Is this the reason why prison staff often develop a soft corner for those in custody?

    • Prison staff might develop a soft corner for prisoners due to prolonged interactions and understanding of their circumstances. However, this sympathy can sometimes cloud their judgment, as seen with the Governor, who underestimated Evans' capacity for escape.
  8. Do you agree that between crime and punishment, it is mainly a battle of wits?

    • Yes, in this story, the entire episode is a battle of wits between Evans and the prison authorities. Evans outsmarts the system through his clever planning, while the authorities, despite their efforts, fail to anticipate his ingenuity.

 Multiple Choice Question and Extract Base Questions on 'Evans Tries an O-Level