Friday, October 4, 2024

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph - Class 10 CBSE Board - Explained with Examples

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph (100-120 words)

CBSE Pattern | British English | Based on Visual or Verbal Cues

What is a Descriptive Paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph paints a picture in the reader's mind using words. It vividly describes a person, event, or situation by focusing on sensory details—what you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. Descriptive writing should create an atmosphere that allows the reader to visualise the scene or person being described.

Structure of a Descriptive Paragraph

  1. Topic Sentence: Start with a sentence that introduces the subject (person, event, or situation) and gives the reader a general idea of what you're describing.

  2. Supporting Sentences: Add details to elaborate on your topic. Use adjectives, adverbs, and strong verbs to describe the appearance, feelings, or environment. Focus on at least two or three senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste).

  3. Concluding Sentence: Wrap up the paragraph with a sentence that summarises the overall impression or gives a personal reflection on the subject.

Guidelines for Writing

  • Stick to the Word Limit: Keep your description between 100-120 words.
  • Be Specific: Avoid vague descriptions. Use precise language to create a vivid picture.
  • Use Imagery: Think of how an artist paints using a variety of colours—describe your subject with rich details.
  • Stay Relevant: Focus on the subject. Avoid unnecessary information.

Example of a Descriptive Paragraph

Viraj always stood out in a crowd with his towering height and deep, thoughtful eyes. His neatly combed hair and clean-shaven face gave him a sophisticated look. Dressed in simple yet elegant clothes, he moved with a calm, assured grace. Whenever he spoke, his voice carried a sense of wisdom that drew people towards him. Despite his reserved nature, there was a kindness in his smile that made everyone feel at ease.

The annual sports day was nothing short of thrilling. The field was a sea of bright colours as students cheered for their teams. The whistle blew, and the race began, with runners dashing across the track. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone shouted encouragement. The final lap saw a fierce competition, with Riya overtaking her opponents in a dramatic finish, claiming the gold.

As the sun set behind the mountains, a soft breeze carried the scent of pine through the air. The campsite was peaceful, with only the crackle of the fire breaking the silence. Sitting around the campfire, we shared stories, our faces illuminated by the dancing flames. The night sky, dotted with stars, felt infinite, making the moment feel both magical and serene.

Practice Exercise

Based on the cues provided by your teacher, write a descriptive paragraph (100-120 words) on the following topics:

  1. A person you admire.
  2. A family celebration you recently attended.
  3. A peaceful place you have visited.

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