Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Unit 3 Against All Odds page by page solution - Workbook 6 - New Learning to Communicate

Page 29: Present Perfect Tense

A. Fill in the blanks in these short news items with the present perfect form of the verbs given in brackets.

  1. M. Sreeshankar has jumped (jump) a massive 8.28m at a training camp for long jumpers.
  2. Tejaswin Shankar has cleared (clear) a height of 2.29m in the high jump. He has been (be) a student of Kansas State University, USA.
  3. Jinson Johnson has run (run) faster than any other Indian in the 1500m this year. He has performed (perform) creditably in the 800m too.

Page 30:

  1. Neeraj Chopra has thrown (throw) the javelin further than any other Indian. He has beaten (beat) the best javelin throwers in Asia with ease.
  2. Hima Das has clinched (clinch) the silver medal in the 400m at the 2018 Asian Games. She and Dutee Chand have emerged (emerge) as India’s best sprinters.

B. Use the correct adverb forms of the words given in brackets and complete these sentences.

  1. Ravi has hurt his wrist so he is writing rather slowly (slow).
  2. All our plans are going smoothly (smooth).
  3. The NCC cadet marched smartly (smart) up to the dais and received the trophy.

Page 31:

  1. Sheela announced publicly (public) that she was resigning.
  2. Test cricketers traditionally (tradition) wear white when they play.

Exercise C:

Complete the conversation with the correct words chosen from the box.

  • C: Honestly, I found it difficult to sit through the performance! She danced so clumsily and carelessly.
  • L: I don’t know how you can say that! I think she danced gracefully and rhythmically. I don’t think you really know Indian classical dance.

Exercise D:

Fill in the blanks in the sentences with appropriate pairs of adverbs from the box.

  1. Meenakshi always expresses her opinions frankly and freely. She is not afraid of anyone.

Page 32:

  1. Shireen speaks English fluently and correctly. No wonder she won a prize in the elocution contest!
  2. What a wonderful singer Rafi was! He sang so sweetly and melodiously.
  3. Shikhar needs to improve his batting technique. At present he is batting rather awkwardly and stiffly.
  4. Slowly and steadily, Nasreen has worked her way to the top of the organization.
  5. On the eve of his retirement, the General thanked his colleagues graciously and profusely.
  6. Because of the bomb scare, the meeting ended abruptly and dramatically.

Part E:

Comparison of adverbs:

  1. A: How’s it going?
    B: Pretty good.

Page 33:

Continuation from Page 32:

Fill in the blanks:

  1. She has lost her job. Even worse, she has lost her house too.
  2. A: Want a cup of tea?
    B: There's nothing I'd like more!
  3. With her eyesight failing, my grandmother reads less now than she used to.
  4. Now that we are friends, we should meet more often.
  5. He read the letter more carefully the second time to make sure he hadn’t missed any details.
  6. Stop worrying, we’ll be there in less time than no time.
  7. The rooms in the hotel were awful, and the food was worse than anything we had ever had.
  8. You’ll like her when you get to know her better.

Words in Action:

Choose the correct word:

  1. If you were an orthopaedic specialist, you would be interested in bones (teeth/bones/eyes).
  2. If you were an ophthalmologist, you would be interested in eyes (teeth/bones/eyes).

Page 34:

A. Fill in the Blanks

  1. If you were a psychiatrist, you would be interested in the mind.
  2. If you were a dermatologist, you would be interested in the skin.
  3. If you were a cardiologist, you would be interested in the heart.

B. Use -er or -or to Complete the Words

  1. solicitor
  2. supervisor
  3. engineer
  4. sailor
  5. actor
  6. miner
  7. councillor
  8. producer

C. Match the Expressions with the Settings

  1. "Can I help you, madam?" — in a shop
  2. "Please take a seat." — in an office
  3. "How long have you had this lump?" — in a doctor’s clinic
  4. "Stop talking!" — in a classroom
  5. "Objection, Your Honour." — in a court of law
  6. "The salt, please, son." — at home
  7. "What would you like to have, sir?" — in a restaurant

Page 35:

D-004 Wellkin Park

10 December 2024

Dear Parthiban,

Thank you so much for inviting me to the hockey match! I would love to come with you next Saturday. It sounds like a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to it.

See you then!

With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,

Text (Page 36 and 37):

There was once a wise king called Shantanu. He ruled over the kingdom of Hastinapura. The people of Hastinapura loved and respected him. They were truly happy when he made his only son, Devavrata, heir to the throne. They were happy because Devavrata was the best person to take over from Shantanu. Schooled in warfare and horseback riding, Devavrata had all the qualities to succeed to the throne.

However, a little later, Shantanu fell in love with Satyavati, the daughter of a poor fisherman, and wanted to marry her. But the fisherman would not approve of the marriage unless Shantanu promised that Satyavati's sons alone, and not prince Devavrata, would succeed him as king. Shantanu, though, was not prepared to make the promise the fisherman wanted. Since he could not forget Satyavati, he became sad and lonely and shut himself in his palace.

Devavrata soon found out why his father was troubled. He went to the fisherman and begged him to give Satyavati in marriage to his father. But the fisherman turned down his request. Devavrata then promised the fisherman that he would never marry and that Satyavati's sons alone would rule Hastinapura after Shantanu's death. At that moment, a chorus of voices from heaven cried out ‘Bhishma!’ in appreciation of Devavrata's great promise. Since that day, Devavrata was known as Bhishma, or ‘the one who makes and keeps a great promise’.

Comprehension Questions (Page 37 and 38):

  1. Now answer these questions:

    • a. Why were the people of Hastinapura happy when Shantanu made Devavrata his heir?

      The people of Hastinapura were happy when Shantanu made Devavrata his heir because Devavrata was the best person to take over as king. He was skilled in warfare and horseback riding and had all the qualities to be a great ruler.

    • b. Why was the fisherman not willing to let Shantanu marry his daughter?

      The fisherman was not willing to let Shantanu marry his daughter because he wanted Satyavati's sons to become kings, not Devavrata.

    • c. What happened to Shantanu when he realized that he could not marry Satyavati?

      When Shantanu realized that he could not marry Satyavati, he became sad and lonely and shut himself in his palace.

    • d. How did Devavrata persuade the fisherman to let his daughter marry Shantanu?

      Devavrata persuaded the fisherman by promising that he would never marry and that only Satyavati's sons would rule Hastinapura after Shantanu.

    • e. What does ‘Bhishma’ mean?

       ‘Bhishma’ means ‘the one who makes and keeps a great promise’.

  2. Put the following eighteen words into six groups, according to their meanings. The first group has been made for you.

     palace, knowledge, power, institute, altar, horseback, school, battlefield, science, laboratory, warfare, worship, church, courtroom, classroom, justice, court, throne


a. school, classroom, knowledge

b. palace, throne, power

c. church, alter, worship

d. battlefield, horseback, warfare

e. institute, laboratory, science

f. court, courtroom, justice

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