Thursday, September 12, 2024

Unit 1 A Bottle of Dew Q&A Solved - Class 6 Textbook Poorvi

Let Us Discuss (Part 1)

  1. What did Rama Natha believe?


    Rama Natha believed that there was a magic potion that could turn any object into gold.

  2. How did the sage help Rama Natha?

    The sage told Rama Natha that he could make the magic potion by collecting five litres of dew from banana plants during winter. He also said that he would chant magic words to turn the dew into the potion.

  3. Do you think Rama Natha will be able to collect the dew? Give a reason.

    It will be very hard for Rama Natha to collect the dew because winter is short, and collecting five litres of dew will take many years.

Let us discuss (Part 2)

  1. Why was Rama Natha angry?

    Rama Natha was angry because the magic potion did not work, and he felt he had wasted six years of his life collecting dew.

  2. How did Rama Natha and Madhumati create wealth?

    Rama Natha and Madhumati created wealth by working hard on their banana plantation. They grew many banana plants and sold the bananas in the market, which helped them earn money over the years.

Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.

(a) He spent all his time to learn about the magic potion. People cheated him often, promising to tell him about it, but he did not give up. His wife, Madhumati, was tired of this and also worried because she saw how much money Rama Natha was spending. She was sure that soon they would be without money.

(i) Complete the sentence with a suitable reason.

Rama Natha did not ‘give up’ because he believed in the magic potion and wanted to learn how to make it.

(ii) Read the column which shows ‘what happened’ and write the correct outcome in the next column.

What HappenedOutcome
a. People promised to tell Rama Natha about the magic potion.a. Rama Natha was cheated.
b. Rama Natha was spending a lot of money.b. Madhumati was worried they would run out of money.

(iii) Write whether the following statements are True or False.
a. Madhumati was troubled about what her husband did. — True
b. Rama Natha was very happy digging his fields. — False
c. The sage wanted to show the right path to Rama Natha. — True

(b) Carefully, he took the bottle to the sage. The sage smiled and muttered something over the water. Then he returned the bottle and said, “Try it out.” Rama Natha sprinkled a few drops on a copper vessel and waited for it to turn to gold. To his surprise nothing happened!

(i) Choose the option that lists the events given below in the correct order.

  1. a, e, d, b, c
  2. b, a, d, c, e
  3. c, d, a, b, e
  4. a, d, b, e, c

Correct answer: 2 (b, a, d, c, e)

(ii) Fill in the blank with the correct word from the lines given above.
Seeing that the plant had dried up, the gardener sprinkled some water on it.

(iii) How might Rama Natha have felt when nothing happened to the copper vessel?
Rama Natha probably felt disappointed and angry when nothing happened to the copper vessel because he expected the water to turn it into gold.

Let us learn

1. Use the words correctly to complete the paragraph given below. There are two extra words in the box that you do not need.

There was a farmer who had a huge coconut plantation. He worked hard and did not depend on luck. Every day was difficult but he did not give up. One day, a man bought a bag of coconuts from him and promised to pay him the money the next day. Days passed, and the man did not pay him anything. The farmer felt cheated. About two months later, he met the same man and asked him about his money. The man said, “Oh! I had forgotten. Now, I remember buying coconuts from you.” And he paid the money.

2. Complete the meanings of the words in Column B.

Column AColumn BMeaning of words in Column B
IeyeA part of your body used to see things
youryou’reshort form of ‘you are’
dewduehappening at some time in the future
sonsunthe star that gives light to the Earth
onewonpast tense of win
ateeightthe number after seven
seesealarge body of salt water

3. Choose four pairs of homophones from the table above, and write a sentence for each pair.

  1. I can see the boats in the sea.
  2. The sun is shining bright while my son is playing outside.
  3. You’re very kind to share your food with me.
  4. He won the race by just one second.

Let us speak

1. Words with 's' sound:

  • beds = /z/
  • sand = /s/
  • clothes = /z/
  • sea = /s/
  • was = /z/
  • keys = /z/
  • bags = /z/
  • nose = /z/
 2. Discuss the following questions with a partner. You may use the hints  given in brackets while speaking.
 (a) What does hard work mean to you? 
(It means … / It is something … / Well, you see … /What I mean is …)
 (b) Give three reasons why you think hard work is important. 
(Firstly, I feel … because … / Secondly, I think … since … /Lastly, I believe … as … )
 (c) Share three ideas you would give to someone who needs to work hard.
 (To begin with, it is important that … /Next, you could … / Finally, I think you should … )

Here’s how you can discuss these questions with a partner:

(a) What does hard work mean to you?
It means putting in consistent effort to achieve something. Well, you see, hard work is when you focus on your goals and don't give up, even if it's difficult. What I mean is, it's about dedication and patience in everything you do.

(b) Give three reasons why you think hard work is important.
Firstly, I feel hard work is important because it helps you achieve your dreams and goals.
Secondly, I think it builds character and teaches you responsibility since you learn to depend on your efforts.
Lastly, I believe hard work brings long-term success as it pays off in the future.

(c) Share three ideas you would give to someone who needs to work hard.
To begin with, it is important that you set clear goals so you know what you're working toward.
Next, you could create a routine to manage your time effectively and stay consistent.
Finally, I think you should always stay positive, even when things get tough, because perseverance is key to success.

Let Us Write

  1. Work in pairs to complete the description of a banana. You may take the help of the words given in brackets. Share your answers with your classmates and teacher.

 Now, use the information given in the picture to write eight sentences about a banana. Share your responses with your classmates and teacher.


Here are eight sentences about a banana based on the details in the image provided:

  1. Bananas are healthy because they are rich in vitamins and provide energy.
  2. They are good for your skin and can help in storing fats that are beneficial for health.
  3. I like to eat a banana at breakfast because it gives me a good start to my day.
  4. Eating a banana during break time at school helps keep me full and focused for my studies.
  5. The outer covering of a banana is smooth and silky, making it easy to peel.
  6. Bananas have a fruity smell that can be very refreshing and sweet.
  7. The taste of a banana can range from sweet when ripe to slightly sour when it's not fully ripe.
  8. The colour of a banana's outer covering changes from green to yellow and sometimes to brown as it ripens.

2. On the basis of the story ‘A Bottle of Dew’ develop a script with dialogues and enact it with expressions. Present it in the assembly or your classroom. 


Title: A Bottle of Dew


  • Rama Natha
  • Madhumati (Rama's wife)
  • Sage Mahipati
  • Narrator

[Scene opens with Rama Natha and Madhumati standing at center stage. Rama Natha looks dreamy and distracted, while Madhumati appears worried.]

Narrator: Rama Natha, a man obsessed with finding a magic potion to turn objects into gold, spent his days and wealth on this pursuit, much to his wife Madhumati's worry.

Madhumati: (concerned, trying to get Rama’s attention) Rama, you must focus on our lands. We are spending too much and gaining nothing!

Rama Natha: (excited, not listening) But imagine, Madhu! If I find the potion, we will be the richest in the land!

[Enter Sage Mahipati, walking slowly to the center stage, appearing wise and calm.]

Rama Natha: (rushes towards the sage, hopeful) Sage Mahipati! I have heard of your wisdom. Do you know of a potion that can turn objects into gold?

Sage Mahipati: (nodding sagely) Yes, Rama. In the Himalayas, I learned of such a potion. But the process is difficult.

Rama Natha: (eagerly) Tell me, please! I will do anything!

Sage Mahipati: (explaining) Plant a banana tree. Collect dew from its leaves during winter mornings. Once you have five liters, bring it to me.

[Time lapse, Rama Natha and Madhumati working on their plantation, shown through mimed actions of planting, watering, and collecting dew.]

Narrator: As years passed, Rama Natha collected the dew with great effort, while Madhumati sold the bananas they grew.

[Scene change to Rama Natha holding a bottle, approaching the sage.]

Rama Natha: (handing over the bottle, hopeful) Sage, here is the dew. Please make the potion now.

Sage Mahipati: (chanting quietly then stopping, smiles) Try it on this vessel.

[Rama Natha sprinkles the water on a copper vessel. Nothing happens.]

Rama Natha: (angrily) This is cheating! I wasted years for nothing!

Sage Mahipati: (calmly) Not so, Rama. Look at what you achieved.

[Madhumati steps forward, opens a box full of gold coins.]

Sage Mahipati: (explaining) You did not need magic. You and your wife worked hard. This wealth is from your plantation, not a potion.

Rama Natha: (realization dawning, grateful) I understand now. Hard work itself is the real magic.

Madhumati: (smiling) Let’s keep working, Rama. Together.

Narrator: Rama Natha learned that real wealth comes from hard work and perseverance, not from shortcuts.

[All characters bow as the curtain falls.]

[End of Play]

Let Us Explore

Let us explore Find out the varieties of bananas which are grown, cultivated and eaten in different parts of India. You can find information about them from websites such as:

In India, various varieties of bananas are grown across different states, each adapted to specific climatic conditions and soil types. Some prominent varieties include:

  • Grand Naine: Widely cultivated for its superior quality and export demand.
  • Robusta: Known for its robust plants and large bunch size.
  • Dwarf Cavendish: Popular for its shorter plants, making it suitable for areas with strong winds.
  • Poovan: Known for its pleasant aroma and thin skin.
  • Ney Poovan: Appreciated for its unique flavor and resistance to diseases.

Each variety has its own characteristics, making them suitable for different regions and purposes, from local consumption to export​(

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