Tuesday, September 3, 2024

8. Reach for the Top - Part 1 - Santosh Yadav - Summary, Explanation & Q&A Solved - Beehive Class 9 NCERT English

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Part 1 Santosh Yadav


Santosh Yadav
The passage describes the inspiring journey of Santosh Yadav, the first woman in the world to scale Mount Everest twice. Born in a conservative society in Haryana where daughters were often not welcomed, Santosh defied traditional norms from a young age, choosing her own path in life. Determined to pursue education, she left home at sixteen when pressured to marry, enrolling herself in a school in Delhi despite her parents' initial resistance. Her passion for mountaineering began in college when she joined a group of climbers in the Aravalli Hills. With her strong will, physical endurance, and mental toughness, Santosh rapidly excelled in mountaineering, eventually becoming the youngest woman to climb Everest at the age of twenty. She displayed remarkable concern for her teammates during her expeditions, and her environmental consciousness was evident when she collected 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas. Her achievements earned her the Padmashri award and a unique place in the history of mountaineering.

 Thinking about the Text

I. Answer these questions in one or two sentences each.

  1. Why was the ‘holy man’ who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings surprised? (1)
    The ‘holy man’ was surprised because Santosh's grandmother told him that they did not want a son, which was unusual in their society where sons were generally preferred.

  2. Give an example to show that even as a young girl Santosh was not ready to accept anything unreasonable. (2)
    Santosh wore shorts instead of the traditional Indian dresses worn by other girls, showing she was determined to live life on her own terms.

  3. Why was Santosh sent to the local school? (3)
    Santosh was sent to the local school because it was the prevailing custom in her family, despite her parents being affluent enough to send her to a better school in New Delhi.

  4. When did she leave home for Delhi, and why? (4)
    Santosh left home for Delhi when she was sixteen because she wanted a proper education and refused to get married at an early age.

  5. Why did Santosh’s parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident? (4)
    Santosh’s parents agreed to pay for her schooling when she informed them that she would work part-time to fund her education. This incident highlights her determination and independence.

II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

  1. How did Santosh begin to climb mountains?
    Santosh began climbing mountains when she saw mountaineers from her hostel room and decided to join them. She was encouraged by their positive response and soon developed a passion for mountaineering.

  2. What incidents during the Everest expedition show Santosh’s concern for her teammates?
    During the Everest expedition, Santosh tried to save a dying climber and shared her oxygen with another, Mohan Singh, showing her deep concern and selflessness towards her teammates.

  3. What shows her concern for the environment?
    Santosh showed her concern for the environment by collecting and bringing down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas during her expeditions.

  4. How does she describe her feelings at the summit of the Everest?
    Santosh described her feelings at the summit as indescribable and spiritual. She felt immense pride as an Indian when she unfurled the Indian tricolour at the top of the world.

  5. Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she scaled Mt Everest. What were the reasons for this?
    Santosh set records by becoming the youngest woman to scale Everest at barely twenty and the first woman to climb it twice, securing a unique place in mountaineering history.

III. Complete the following statements.

  1. From her room in Kasturba Hostel, Santosh used to watch villagers going up the Aravalli Hills and disappearing after a while.
  2. When she finished college, Santosh had to write a letter of apology to her father because she had enrolled in a mountaineering course at Uttarkashi without his permission.
  3. During the Everest expedition, her seniors in the team admired her climbing skills, physical fitness, and mental strength while her concern for others endeared her to fellow climbers.

IV. Pick out words from the text that mean the same as the following words or expressions. (Look in the paragraphs indicated.)

  1. took to be true without proof (1): assumed
  2. based on reason; sensible; reasonable (2): rational
  3. the usual way of doing things (3): custom
  4. a strong desire arising from within (5): urge
  5. the power to endure, without falling ill (7): endurance

20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on Part 1 'Reach for the Top'

  1. What is Santosh Yadav known for?
    a) Being the first woman pilot in India
    b) Being the first woman to climb Mount Everest
    c) Being the first woman to climb Mount Everest twice
    d) Being the youngest woman to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
    Key: c

  2. Where was Santosh Yadav born?
    a) New Delhi
    b) Rewari District, Haryana
    c) Jaipur, Rajasthan
    d) Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand
    Key: b

  3. What unusual wish did Santosh's grandmother express to the holy man?
    a) She wanted twins
    b) She wanted a daughter instead of a son
    c) She wanted wealth for her family
    d) She wanted a son with good health
    Key: b

  4. How many brothers does Santosh Yadav have?
    a) Four
    b) Six
    c) Five
    d) Three
    Key: c

  5. Why did Santosh choose to wear shorts instead of traditional dresses?
    a) To conform to societal norms
    b) Because it was comfortable for mountaineering
    c) To assert her independence and reject traditional norms
    d) Because her family forced her to
    Key: c

  6. Why was Santosh initially sent to a local school?
    a) Her family couldn't afford better schools
    b) It was the custom in her family
    c) She didn't want to leave her village
    d) There were no other schools nearby
    Key: b

  7. At what age did Santosh leave home to pursue her education in Delhi?
    a) Fifteen
    b) Eighteen
    c) Sixteen
    d) Seventeen
    Key: c

  8. What did Santosh threaten to do if she was not allowed to pursue education?
    a) She would never marry
    b) She would run away from home
    c) She would climb Everest
    d) She would refuse to eat
    Key: a

  9. How did Santosh fund her education when her parents refused to pay?
    a) She received a scholarship
    b) She worked part-time
    c) She borrowed money from friends
    d) She sold her belongings
    Key: b

  10. What inspired Santosh to take up mountaineering?
    a) Watching a documentary on Everest
    b) Observing villagers climbing the Aravalli Hills
    c) Reading about mountaineering in a book
    d) Her father’s encouragement
    Key: b

  11. Where did Santosh receive her mountaineering training?
    a) Himalaya Institute
    b) Aravalli Institute of Mountaineering
    c) Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi
    d) Mount Everest Base Camp
    Key: c

  12. What was Santosh’s achievement at the age of twenty?
    a) Completing her education in Delhi
    b) Becoming the first woman to fly a plane
    c) Becoming the youngest woman to climb Mount Everest
    d) Leading a mountaineering expedition
    Key: c

  13. During her Everest expedition, how did Santosh display her concern for her teammates?
    a) By cooking for them
    b) By sharing her oxygen with a fellow climber
    c) By carrying extra supplies
    d) By arranging for medical assistance
    Key: b

  14. Which climber did Santosh save during her Everest expedition?
    a) Mohan Singh
    b) Tenzing Norgay
    c) Edmund Hillary
    d) Ang Dorjee
    Key: a

  15. What did Santosh do to contribute to environmental conservation during her expeditions?
    a) Planted trees on the mountain slopes
    b) Built shelters for animals
    c) Collected and brought down 500 kilograms of garbage
    d) Organized clean-up drives in her village
    Key: c

  16. What honor did the Indian government bestow upon Santosh Yadav for her achievements?
    a) Bharat Ratna
    b) Padma Shri
    c) Arjuna Award
    d) Param Vir Chakra
    Key: b

  17. How did Santosh describe her feelings when she was at the summit of Mount Everest?
    a) Fearful
    b) Exhausted
    c) Indescribable and spiritual
    d) Lonely
    Key: c

  18. What record did Santosh set with her second climb of Mount Everest?
    a) First woman to reach the summit without oxygen
    b) First woman to climb Everest twice
    c) First Indian woman to climb Everest
    d) Fastest climb of Everest by a woman
    Key: b

  19. What motivated Santosh to challenge traditional customs and pursue her own path?
    a) The support of her family
    b) Her rational and determined nature
    c) Financial incentives
    d) Peer pressure
    Key: b

  20. What does the name "Santosh" mean?
    a) Courage
    b) Contentment
    c) Ambition
    d) Strength
    Key: b

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