Wednesday, September 4, 2024

8. Reach for the Top - Part 2 - Maria Sharapova - Beehive - Class 9 - English - Q&A Solved


Maria Sharapova

The passage about Maria Sharapova highlights her journey to becoming the world’s number one tennis player. Born in Siberia, Maria moved to the United States at a young age to pursue her tennis career. This decision required her to endure significant hardships, including a two-year separation from her mother and dealing with loneliness and tough training conditions. Despite these challenges, Maria’s determination and mental toughness helped her rise rapidly in the competitive world of tennis. By 2005, she had reached the pinnacle of her sport, driven by a strong desire to succeed and an unwavering focus on her goals. Although she speaks with an American accent, Maria proudly identifies as Russian and remains committed to representing her country. Her story is one of sacrifice, hard work, and relentless ambition, showing that success in tennis—and in life—comes at a price, but it is a price Maria was willing to pay.

Thinking about the Text

  1. Their humble beginning

    • Santosh Yadav: "She was born in a society where the birth of a son was celebrated, but not that of a daughter."
    • Maria Sharapova: "When you come from nothing and you have nothing, then it makes you very hungry and determined."
  2. Their parents’ approach

    • Santosh Yadav: "Her parents reluctantly agreed to send her to school when she threatened to never get married."
    • Maria Sharapova: "Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States."
  3. Their willpower and strong desire to succeed

    • Santosh Yadav: "She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi."
    • Maria Sharapova: "I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted."
  4. Evidence of their mental toughness

    • Santosh Yadav: "She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived."
    • Maria Sharapova: "Instead of letting that depress me, I became more quietly determined and mentally tough."

Thinking about Language

I. Identify the two parts in the sentences:

  1. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts.

    • (Contrasts her dress with that of others)
  2. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi.

    • (Tells us what happened after the first action.)
  3. She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived.

    • (Tells us when she was going to fight the system.)
  4. Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States.

    • (Tells us when Maria was sent to the U.S.)

II. Rewrite the pairs of sentences as one sentence:

  1. Grandfather told me about the old days when all books were printed on paper.

  2. Perhaps you just throw the book away after you finish it.

  3. He gave the little girl an apple while he took the computer apart.

  4. Having nothing makes you very determined.

  5. I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted.


If you were to deliver a motivational speech as Maria Sharapova at an All India Girls’ Athletic Meet, you might say:

"Dear young athletes, I stand before you today not just as a champion but as someone who has faced challenges and hardships just like many of you. I know what it means to sacrifice, to be lonely, and to push through pain and discouragement. But I also know the power of determination, confidence, and self-belief. Never let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your dreams. Be sure of yourself, believe in your abilities, and let no defeat demoralize you. Remember, the road to success is paved with challenges, but it is your unwavering desire to succeed that will lead you to victory. Dream big, work hard, and stay true to yourself. The world is yours to conquer." 

10 Multiple Choice Questions on Maria Sharapova

1. What significant achievement did Maria Sharapova reach on 22 August 2005?

a) Winning her first Grand Slam

b) Becoming the world’s number one in women’s tennis

c) Winning an Olympic gold medal

d) Moving to the United States for training

Answer: b) Becoming the world’s number one in women’s tennis

2. How long did it take Maria Sharapova to become a world-class tennis player after turning professional?

a) Four years

b) Nine years

c) Two years

d) Five years

Answer: a) Four years

3. What was the primary reason Maria Sharapova moved to the United States as a child?

a) To pursue a better education

b) To receive specialized tennis training

c) To escape harsh living conditions in Siberia

d) To reunite with her father

Answer: b) To receive specialized tennis training

4. Which of the following best describes Maria Sharapova's attitude towards the challenges she faced during her early years in tennis?

a) Depressed and discouraged

b) Quietly determined and mentally tough

c) Confused and uncertain

d) Reluctant and hesitant

Answer: b) Quietly determined and mentally tough

5. Why was Maria Sharapova separated from her mother for two years?

a) Her mother was not supportive of her tennis career.

b) Her mother stayed back in Siberia due to visa issues.

c) Her parents were divorced.

d) Her mother was training in a different country.

Answer: b) Her mother stayed back in Siberia due to visa issues.

6. What lesson did Maria Sharapova learn early in life about achieving tennis excellence?

a) It requires natural talent and luck.

b) It comes at a price, involving sacrifices.

c) It can be achieved easily with enough money.

d) It is impossible without family support.

Answer: b) It comes at a price, involving sacrifices.

7. What does Maria Sharapova mean when she says, "I would have put up with much more humiliation and insults than that to steadfastly pursue my dream"?

a) She was willing to endure any challenge to achieve her goals.

b) She did not face any difficulties in her career.

c) She enjoyed the hardships she encountered.

d) She considered quitting several times.

Answer: a) She was willing to endure any challenge to achieve her goals.

8. Despite having a pronounced American accent, how does Maria Sharapova identify herself?

a) As an American

b) As a Russian

c) As a European

d) As a global citizen

Answer: b) As a Russian

9. Which of the following best reflects Maria Sharapova’s attitude towards money?

a) It is the most important aspect of her career.

b) It is a motivation but not the main focus.

c) She is indifferent to it.

d) She believes it is unimportant in tennis.

Answer: b) It is a motivation but not the main focus.

10. What can be inferred about Maria Sharapova’s personality based on her journey and achievements?

a) She is easily discouraged by challenges.

b) She is focused, resilient, and determined.

c) She is more interested in fashion than tennis.

d) She lacks a clear sense of identity.

Answer: b) She is focused, resilient, and determined.

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