Sunday, August 11, 2024

Top 20 Challenging MCQs for Class 10 English - The Hack Driver | Comprehensive Test

MCQs on The Hack Driver
Here are 20 challenging multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that test both factual and inferential comprehension of "The Hack Driver". Answer Key is given at the end.

  1. What was the primary reason the young lawyer was sent to New Mullion?

    • A) To investigate a crime
    • B) To serve a summons
    • C) To buy property
    • D) To find a missing person
  2. How did the young lawyer initially perceive the village of New Mullion?

    • A) As a thriving city
    • B) As a charming, picturesque town
    • C) As a dull, unimpressive place
    • D) As a dangerous and hostile environment
  3. What was the lawyer's first impression of the hack driver?

    • A) Suspicious and unfriendly
    • B) Trustworthy and friendly
    • C) Arrogant and dismissive
    • D) Wealthy and influential
  4. What was the hack driver’s real identity?

    • A) Oliver Lutkins
    • B) A hired hand of Lutkins
    • C) A local sheriff
    • D) A farmer from the nearby village
  5. Which location did the hack driver first take the lawyer to in the search for Lutkins?

    • A) The local inn
    • B) Lutkins' house
    • C) Fritz’s shop
    • D) The courthouse
  6. What reason did the hack driver give for Lutkins’ absence from Fritz’s shop?

    • A) He was hiding from the law
    • B) He was visiting his mother
    • C) He was playing poker
    • D) He was working on his farm
  7. What was the lawyer's final realization about the hack driver?

    • A) That he had been a helpful guide
    • B) That he was Lutkins himself
    • C) That he was a government official
    • D) That he had been cheated out of money
  8. Why did the people of New Mullion assist in deceiving the lawyer?

    • A) Out of loyalty to Lutkins
    • B) Because they disliked outsiders
    • C) They were unaware of the deception
    • D) They were paid to deceive him
  9. What did the lawyer decide about practising law in New Mullion after his experience?

    • A) He was eager to return
    • B) He was hesitant and reconsidered
    • C) He vowed never to return
    • D) He decided to take revenge on Lutkins
  10. How does the story "The Hack Driver" primarily convey its humour?

    • A) Through exaggerated characters
    • B) Through wordplay and puns
    • C) Through the irony of the lawyer’s situation
    • D) Through slapstick comedy
  11. Which emotion best describes the lawyer’s feelings towards the hack driver during the search?

    • A) Fear
    • B) Anger
    • C) Admiration
    • D) Suspicion
  12. What does Lutkins' behaviour throughout the story suggest about his character?

    • A) He is honest but misunderstood
    • B) He is deceptive and manipulative
    • C) He is fearful of the law
    • D) He is a victim of circumstance
  13. How does the lawyer's inexperience play a role in the story?

    • A) It makes him more suspicious of others
    • B) It leads him to underestimate Lutkins
    • C) It causes him to solve the case quickly
    • D) It leads to his decision to quit law
  14. Which of the following themes is most prominent in "The Hack Driver"?

    • A) Justice and the law
    • B) Deception and gullibility
    • C) Friendship and loyalty
    • D) Wealth and poverty
  15. How does the lawyer’s attitude towards his job change by the end of the story?

    • A) He becomes more confident in his abilities
    • B) He becomes disillusioned with his profession
    • C) He decides to pursue a different career
    • D) He becomes more passionate about serving justice
  16. What lesson does the lawyer learn by the end of the story?

    • A) To trust everyone
    • B) To be more skeptical and discerning
    • C) That the law always prevails
    • D) That people in small towns are simple and honest
  17. What role do the other villagers play in the deception of the lawyer?

    • A) They actively conspire with Lutkins
    • B) They are unaware of the lawyer’s purpose
    • C) They warn the lawyer about Lutkins
    • D) They try to help the lawyer but fail
  18. Why did the lawyer enjoy his day in New Mullion despite not finding Lutkins?

    • A) He enjoyed the rural scenery
    • B) He was amused by the hack driver’s stories
    • C) He was glad to escape his office work
    • D) He believed he was making progress in the case
  19. How might the story be different if the lawyer had not been so trusting?

    • A) He would have found Lutkins immediately
    • B) He would have been less successful in his career
    • C) He would have been less likely to enjoy the day
    • D) He might have avoided being deceived
  20. What is the significance of the title "The Hack Driver"?

    • A) It reflects the lawyer's profession
    • B) It misleads the reader about the true nature of the story
    • C) It highlights the importance of transportation in the plot
    • D) It reveals the hack driver's central role in the story

 Answer Keys:

  1. C. Summons
  2. D. He was actually Oliver Lutkins
  3. B. Bill Magnuson
  4. C. At a farmhouse on Gustaff’s farm
  5. D. Deceived the lawyer
  6. A. Lutkins had deceived him
  7. C. He was naive and inexperienced
  8. B. He failed to realize that the hack driver was Lutkins himself
  9. A. Lutkins’ mother
  10. D. Summons to court
  11. B. He enjoyed the countryside and the people
  12. C. They did not give any information about Lutkins
  13. A. The lawyer’s colleague
  14. C. He found out he had been deceived by Lutkins
  15. B. He was impressed by Lutkins’ knowledge of the village
  16. D. Bill pretended to help the lawyer but actually misled him
  17. A. The lawyer’s naivety and trust in Bill
  18. C. Lutkins was Bill, the hack driver
  19. D. A little less smart and knowledgeable than he thought
  20. C. Lutkins and his mother played the lawyer for a fool

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