Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mijbil the Otter by Gavin Maxwell - Class 10 - NCERT - Q&A Solved

Table of Contents

  1. Oral Comprehension Check (page 106)
  2. Oral Comprehension Check (page 108)
  3. Oral Comprehension Check (Page 110)
  4. Thinking About the Text
  5. 20 Multiple Choice Questions on 'Mijbil the Otter'

Summary of "Mijbil the Otter"

Mijbil the Otter

In "Mijbil the Otter," the narrator, Gavin Maxwell, describes his experiences with an otter named Mijbil. The story begins with Maxwell receiving Mijbil as a pet from a friend. Maxwell quickly bonds with the otter, who exhibits a playful and curious nature. Mijbil becomes an integral part of Maxwell's life, adapting to his new home and surroundings with enthusiasm.

Maxwell recounts the challenges and joys of raising Mijbil, highlighting the otter's unique behaviours and intelligence. Mijbil's antics, such as his fascination with water and his ability to open taps, bring both amusement and occasional trouble. Despite these challenges, Maxwell's affection for Mijbil grows stronger, and he learns to appreciate the otter's distinct personality.

The story emphasizes the bond between humans and animals, showcasing the mutual companionship and understanding that can develop. Through his narrative, Maxwell conveys the importance of patience, empathy, and respect in nurturing such relationships. "Mijbil the Otter" ultimately celebrates the joy and fulfilment that come from sharing one's life with a beloved animal companion.

Oral Comprehension Check (page 106)

  1. What ‘experiment’ did Maxwell think Camusfearna would be suitable for?

    • Maxwell thought Camusfearna would be suitable for keeping an otter as a pet. He wanted to see if an otter could adapt to living in that environment.
  2. Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there, and why?

    • Maxwell goes to Basra to collect and bring back an otter. He waits there for five days because of the delay in obtaining the otter and the necessary travel arrangements.
  3. How does he get the otter? Does he like it? Pick out the words that tell you this.

    • Maxwell receives the otter from a local who brings it to him. He likes the otter immediately. Words like "thrilled" and "fascinated" show his affection for the otter.
  4. Why was the otter named ‘Maxwell’s otter’?

    • The otter was named ‘Maxwell’s otter’ because it was uncommon and Maxwell had introduced this particular otter to people.
  5. Tick the right answer. In the beginning, the otter was:

    • • aloof and indifferent
    • • friendly
    • • hostile
  6. What happened when Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom? What did it do two days after that?

    • When Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom, the otter enjoyed playing with water and splashed around. Two days later, it learned how to turn on the tap on its own.

Oral Comprehension Check (page 108)

  1. How was Mij to be transported to England?

    • Mij was to be transported to England in a box.
  2. What did Mij do to the box?

    • Mij chewed through the box and made holes in it.
  3. Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did this?

    • Maxwell put the otter back in the box to keep it safe and prevent it from running away. He likely felt worried and anxious about Mij’s safety and comfort.
  4. Why does Maxwell say the airhostess was “the very queen of her kind”?

    • Maxwell says this because the airhostess was extremely kind and helpful when she saw Mij and allowed Maxwell to keep him out of the box.
  5. What happened when the box was opened?

    • When the box was opened, Mij leaped out and caused a commotion by running around the plane.

Oral Comprehension Check (Page 110)

  1. What game had Mij invented?

    • Mij invented a game of juggling small objects like marbles and ping-pong balls with his paws.
  2. What are ‘compulsive habits’? What does Maxwell say are the compulsive habits of:

    • (i) school children
      • School children have a compulsive habit of having a snack during breaks.
    • (ii) Mij?
      • Mij had a compulsive habit of playing with water and small objects.
  3. What group of animals do otters belong to?

    • Otters belong to the group of animals called mustelids, which also includes weasels, badgers, and minks.
  4. What guesses did the Londoners make about what Mij was?

    • Londoners guessed that Mij was a baby seal, a squirrel, a hippo, a beaver, or even a bear cub.

Thinking About the Text

  1. What things does Mij do which tell you that he is an intelligent, friendly, and fun-loving animal who needs love?

    • Mij enjoys playing with water, invents games, and shows affection by nuzzling Maxwell. These behaviors indicate his intelligence, friendliness, and love for fun.
  2. What are some of the things we come to know about otters from this text?

    • Otters are playful, intelligent, and curious animals. They have a fascination with water and are skilled swimmers. They belong to the mustelid family.
  3. Why is Mij’s species now known to the world as Maxwell’s otter?

    • Mij’s species is known as Maxwell’s otter because Maxwell introduced it to the world through his writings and experiences.
  4. Maxwell in the story speaks for the otter, Mij. He tells us what the otter feels and thinks on different occasions. Given below are some things Mij does. Complete the following sentences, imagining that you are Mij. He would say:

    (i) I reached the terminal building ________________________.
    (ii) The hurly-burly of the flight ________________________.
    (iii) I felt my travel box ________________________.

    • (i) I reached the terminal building and felt excited and curious about the new place.
    • (ii) The hurly-burly of the flight made me a bit anxious, but I soon calmed down.
    • (iii) I felt my travel box was too confining and wanted to explore outside.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. Where did the narrator first encounter Mijbil the Otter?

    • a) In a zoo
    • b) At a pet store
    • c) In the marshes
    • d) In a friend's house
  2. What was the initial reaction of Mijbil when he was brought to the narrator's home?

    • a) Fearful and aggressive
    • b) Curious and playful
    • c) Shy and withdrawn
    • d) Excited and energetic
  3. How did Mijbil react to the presence of water?

    • a) He avoided it completely.
    • b) He was indifferent to it.
    • c) He loved playing in it.
    • d) He was scared of it.
  4. What was the main reason the narrator decided to keep an otter as a pet?

    • a) He had always wanted an otter.
    • b) His dog had recently died.
    • c) He was given the otter as a gift.
    • d) He found the otter abandoned.
  5. What challenges did the narrator face while transporting Mijbil?

    • a) Mijbil was noisy and disruptive.
    • b) Mijbil escaped several times.
    • c) Mijbil was sick during the journey.
    • d) Mijbil was calm and well-behaved.
  6. How did Mijbil's behaviour change once he settled into the narrator's home?

    • a) He became more playful and less fearful.
    • b) He became more aggressive and territorial.
    • c) He remained shy and fearful.
    • d) He showed no change in behaviour.
  7. What unique characteristic did Mijbil display that fascinated the narrator?

    • a) His ability to mimic sounds
    • b) His love for shiny objects
    • c) His skill in opening locks
    • d) His talent for swimming underwater
  8. How did the narrator describe Mijbil's intelligence?

    • a) Comparable to that of a dog
    • b) Greater than that of a cat
    • c) Equal to that of a human child
    • d) Less than that of other common pets
  9. What incident caused Mijbil to become frightened during the journey?

    • a) A loud noise
    • b) A strange animal
    • c) A sudden movement
    • d) A change in temperature
  10. What did Mijbil do when he was first introduced to water in the narrator's bathroom?

    • a) He swam around happily.
    • b) He tried to escape.
    • c) He played with the water.
    • d) He ignored the water.
  11. How did the narrator manage to keep Mijbil entertained during the journey?

    • a) By giving him toys
    • b) By playing with him
    • c) By feeding him frequently
    • d) By letting him explore
  12. What was the reaction of people when they saw Mijbil with the narrator?

    • a) They were scared.
    • b) They were curious.
    • c) They were indifferent.
    • d) They were hostile.
  13. How did Mijbil respond to the new environment when they reached London?

    • a) He was frightened and tried to escape.
    • b) He adapted quickly and became playful.
    • c) He remained indifferent to the surroundings.
    • d) He showed signs of illness.
  14. What was one of Mijbil's favourite activities?

    • a) Playing with other animals
    • b) Swimming in water
    • c) Running around the house
    • d) Sleeping in the sun
  15. What did the narrator use to transport Mijbil during their travels?

    • a) A sturdy box
    • b) A pet carrier
    • c) A specially designed bag
    • d) A makeshift cage
  16. How did Mijbil react to strangers?

    • a) He was aggressive towards them.
    • b) He ignored them completely.
    • c) He was curious and approached them.
    • d) He was fearful and hid from them.
  17. What lesson did the narrator learn from keeping Mijbil as a pet?

    • a) Patience and understanding are crucial.
    • b) Wild animals should not be kept as pets.
    • c) Otters are difficult to take care of.
    • d) Pets can significantly improve one's life.
  18. Which of the following best describes the bond between Mijbil and the narrator?

    • a) Formal and distant
    • b) Professional and business-like
    • c) Deep and affectionate
    • d) Casual and indifferent
  19. What challenge did Mijbil face while adapting to life in the city?

    • a) Finding suitable food
    • b) Navigating the urban environment
    • c) Interacting with other pets
    • d) Coping with the noise
  20. How did Mijbil's presence impact the narrator's daily routine?

    • a) It became more structured.
    • b) It became more chaotic.
    • c) It remained unchanged.
    • d) It became more relaxed.

Answer Key

  1. c
  2. a
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  7. c
  8. c
  9. a
  10. c
  11. a
  12. b
  13. b
  14. b
  15. a
  16. c
  17. a
  18. c
  19. d
  20. b

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