Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Question of Trust by VICTOR CANNING - Class 10 - NCERT - Q&A Solved

Table of Contents

Summary of "A Question of Trust"

A Question of Trust
Horace Danby is a seemingly respectable locksmith who harbours a secret passion for rare books. To fund this hobby, he resorts to burglary, meticulously planning one heist each year. This year, he targets Shotover Grange, believing it to be an easy mark while the owners are away. However, as he is about to crack the safe, he encounters a woman who claims to be the lady of the house. She convinces Horace to open the safe for her jewels, promising not to turn him in. After complying, Horace soon finds himself arrested, as the woman was actually a clever thief who tricked him. His fingerprints left at the scene seal his fate, and Horace ends up in prison, reflecting bitterly on the betrayal and the lack of honour among thieves.


  • What does Horace Danby like to collect?
    Horace Danby likes to collect rare and expensive books.

  • Why does he steal every year?
    He steals every year to fund his passion for collecting these rare books.


  • Who is speaking to Horace Danby?
    A woman who pretends to be the lady of the house is speaking to Horace Danby.

  • Who is the real culprit in the story?
    The real culprit is the woman who tricked Horace into opening the safe for her.


1. Did you begin to suspect, before the end of the story, that the lady was not the person Horace Danby took her to be? If so, at what point did you realize this, and how?

Yes, suspicion might arise when the lady easily convinces Horace to open the safe and seems too calm and prepared for a burglar's presence.

2. What are the subtle ways in which the lady manages to deceive Horace Danby into thinking she is the lady of the house? Why doesn’t Horace suspect that something is wrong?

The lady deceives Horace by confidently speaking about the house, handling the dog, and casually mentioning her supposed husband. Horace doesn’t suspect anything because she appears knowledgeable and calm, fitting his expectations of the homeowner.

3. “Horace Danby was good and respectable — but not completely honest”. Why do you think this description is apt for Horace? Why can’t he be categorized as a typical thief?

This description fits Horace because, despite his respectable appearance and lifestyle, he commits theft to support his book collection. He can’t be categorized as a typical thief because he steals only once a year and targets only the wealthy to fulfil a specific passion.

4. Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why?

Horace went wrong by letting his guard down and trusting the woman too easily without verifying her identity. His meticulous planning didn’t account for the possibility of being deceived by someone posing as the homeowner.


1. Do you think Horace Danby was unfairly punished, or that he deserved what he got?

Horace Danby deserved his punishment because, despite his good intentions, he still committed a crime. Being tricked by another thief doesn’t absolve him of his wrongdoing.

2. Do intentions justify actions? Would you, like Horace Danby, do something wrong if you thought your ends justified the means? Do you think that there are situations in which it is excusable to act less than honestly?

Intentions don’t always justify actions. Doing something wrong, even with good intentions, can have negative consequences and is usually not excusable. There might be rare situations where acting less than honestly seems necessary, but such actions should be carefully considered and justified only when no better options are available.

20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the story 'A Question of Trust'

  1. What is Horace Danby’s profession?

    • A) A banker
    • B) A locksmith
    • C) A librarian
    • D) A gardener
  2. Why does Horace Danby commit a robbery each year?

    • A) To pay off his debts
    • B) To buy expensive books
    • C) To help his family
    • D) To travel the world
  3. What is the value of the jewels in the safe at Shotover Grange?

    • A) Ten thousand pounds
    • B) Fifteen thousand pounds
    • C) Twenty thousand pounds
    • D) Five thousand pounds
  4. How does Horace avoid leaving fingerprints?

    • A) By wiping surfaces clean
    • B) By wearing gloves
    • C) By using a special spray
    • D) By covering his hands with cloth
  5. What causes Horace to sneeze while he is in the house?

    • A) Dust
    • B) Perfume
    • C) Flowers
    • D) A cold
  6. How does Horace gain entry into the house?

    • A) Through a window
    • B) By breaking the lock
    • C) With a key from the hook outside
    • D) By forcing the door open
  7. What does Horace find in the drawing-room?

    • A) A painting that hides a safe
    • B) A dog guarding the safe
    • C) An alarm system
    • D) A hidden camera
  8. How does Horace react when he first hears the woman's voice?

    • A) He tries to run
    • B) He freezes in place
    • C) He sneezes and responds automatically
    • D) He threatens her
  9. What does the woman claim to have forgotten?

    • A) The combination to the safe
    • B) The location of the safe
    • C) Her husband's phone number
    • D) The alarm code
  10. What ultimately leads to Horace’s arrest?

    • A) The woman's phone call to the police
    • B) The discovery of his tools
    • C) His fingerprints left on the safe
    • D) A witness identifying him
  11. What is ironic about the woman's role in the story?

    • A) She is actually a police officer
    • B) She is the real thief
    • C) She is Horace's old friend
    • D) She is not related to the family at all
  12. What does Horace enjoy collecting?

    • A) Rare stamps
    • B) Antique coins
    • C) Rare, expensive books
    • D) Vintage cars
  13. What does Horace plan to buy with the money from the robbery?

    • A) A new house
    • B) A vacation
    • C) Rare books
    • D) Jewelry
  14. What precaution does Horace take before entering the house?

    • A) He disables the alarm system
    • B) He feeds the dog
    • C) He waits for the servants to leave
    • D) He checks for security cameras
  15. Why does the woman come to the house unexpectedly?

    • A) She forgot her jewellery
    • B) She missed her train
    • C) She wanted to check on the servants
    • D) She planned to meet Horace
  16. What mistake does Horace make that leads to his capture?

    • A) Leaving the tools behind
    • B) Forgetting to wear gloves while opening the safe
    • C) Not checking the woman's identity
    • D) Underestimating the police response time
  17. What does Horace realize about the woman after his arrest?

    • A) She was an undercover detective
    • B) She was in the same profession as him
    • C) She was the owner of the house
    • D) She was a neighbor
  18. What is Horace’s sentence after he is caught?

    • A) Five years in prison
    • B) Ten years in prison
    • C) He becomes the assistant librarian in the prison
    • D) He is released with a warning
  19. What does the story suggest about 'honor among thieves'?

    • A) Thieves always support each other
    • B) Thieves have their own code of conduct
    • C) Thieves often betray each other
    • D) Thieves are always honest with each other
  20. What lesson does Horace learn by the end of the story?

    • A) Trust no one
    • B) Crime never pays
    • C) Always verify identities
    • D) Be careful with fingerprints

Answer Key:

  1. What is Horace Danby’s profession?

    • B) A locksmith
  2. Why does Horace Danby commit a robbery each year?

    • B) To buy expensive books
  3. What is the value of the jewels in the safe at Shotover Grange?

    • B) Fifteen thousand pounds
  4. How does Horace avoid leaving fingerprints?

    • B) By wearing gloves
  5. What causes Horace to sneeze while he is in the house?

    • C) Flowers
  6. How does Horace gain entry into the house?

    • C) With a key from the hook outside
  7. What does Horace find in the drawing room?

    • A) A painting that hides a safe
  8. How does Horace react when he first hears the woman's voice?

    • C) He sneezes and responds automatically
  9. What does the woman claim to have forgotten?

    • A) The combination to the safe
  10. What ultimately leads to Horace’s arrest?

    • C) His fingerprints left on the safe
  11. What is ironic about the woman's role in the story?

    • B) She is the real thief
  12. What does Horace enjoy collecting?

    • C) Rare, expensive books
  13. What does Horace plan to buy with the money from the robbery?

    • C) Rare books
  14. What precaution does Horace take before entering the house?

    • C) He waits for the servants to leave
  15. Why does the woman come to the house unexpectedly?

    • A) She forgot her jewellery
  16. What mistake does Horace make that leads to his capture?

    • B) Forgetting to wear gloves while opening the safe
  17. What does Horace realize about the woman after his arrest?

    • B) She was in the same profession as him
  18. What is Horace’s sentence after he is caught?

    • C) He becomes the assistant librarian in the prison
  19. What does the story suggest about 'honour among thieves'?

    • C) Thieves often betray each other
  20. What lesson does Horace learn by the end of the story?

    • A) Trust no one

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