Monday, July 29, 2024

The Last Leaf by O. Henry - Moments - Class 9 - NCERT - Q&A Solved

Summary of "The Last Leaf"

The Last Leaf

Sue and Johnsy, two young artists, shared a small flat. Johnsy fell seriously ill with pneumonia and lost the will to live, convinced she would die when the last leaf on an ivy creeper outside their window fell. Despite Sue’s efforts to cheer her up, Johnsy's condition worsened. Sue confided in Behrman, an elderly artist living downstairs, who had always dreamed of painting a masterpiece.

One night, during a storm, Behrman painted a realistic leaf on the wall where the last leaf had fallen. The next morning, Johnsy saw the leaf still there, which gave her hope and the will to live. She began to recover, but Behrman caught pneumonia from being out in the storm and died. It was revealed that Behrman's painted leaf, which he created in the freezing cold, was his masterpiece that saved Johnsy's life.

Think About It

  1. What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the willingness to live? Johnsy has pneumonia. The willingness to live, more than medicine, is crucial for her recovery.

  2. Do you think the feeling of depression Johnsy has is common among teenagers? Yes, feelings of depression like Johnsy's are common among teenagers, often due to stress, illness, or emotional issues.

  3. Behrman has a dream. What is it? Does it come true? Behrman's dream is to paint a masterpiece. It comes true when he paints the leaf that saves Johnsy's life.

  4. What is Behrman’s masterpiece? What makes Sue say so? Behrman's masterpiece is the painted leaf that did not fall during the storm. Sue calls it a masterpiece because it gave Johnsy the hope and will to live.

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