Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Tree in Season by Robert Fisher Summary Q&A Solved



The tree hums quietly to itself
a lullaby to the buds
bursting with baby leaves
its branches ride the winds
and in all its new green glory
the tree begins to sing


The tree stretches in the sun
it knows the birds that fly
the beasts that run, climb and jump
from its heavy loaded branches
it yawns and digs its roots
deep into the still centre
of the spinning earth


The tree shivers in the shortening day
its leaves turn gold
the clouds pass
the seeds fall
the tree drops its coins of gold
and the days are rich
with the spending of leaves


Old branches ache
tree stands naked in the storms
deep frozen bleak and bare
deep underground life lies sleeping
the tree sleeps
and waits for the returning sun
to wake him
from his woody dreams

(Robert Fisher)

Let's enjoy the poem

1. a. What does the singing of the tree indicate?

The singing of the tree in spring indicates its vitality and the joy of the season. It suggests that the tree is full of life, and its leaves and branches are vibrant with growth.
1. b. What is meant by "green glory'? Why is it 'new"?

 "Green glory" refers to the lush and vibrant green color of the tree's leaves during the spring season. It is described as "new" because the leaves have just started to grow after the winter, making them fresh and young.

2. Why are the branches of the tree 'heavily loaded' in summer? 

The branches of the tree are described as "heavily loaded" in summer because they are bearing the weight of leaves, possibly fruit, and providing shelter for birds and other creatures. This is a common characteristic of many trees during the summer when they are in full foliage.

3. What is meant by the 'coins of gold"? Why does the tree drop them?

"Coins of gold" refers to the tree's leaves turning golden in autumn. The tree drops its leaves as a natural part of its seasonal cycle. This shedding of leaves is like "spending" them because they fall to the ground and return nutrients to the soil, enriching it for future growth.

4. a. Why is the tree 'naked' in winter?

The tree is "naked" in winter because it has shed its leaves, leaving only its bare branches. This is a typical characteristic of deciduous trees during the winter months.

b. What is 'the life that lies sleeping deep underground? 

"The life that lies sleeping deep underground" likely refers to the roots and other organisms in the soil that are dormant during the winter. These underground parts of the tree and the surrounding ecosystem are waiting for warmer temperatures to become active again.

c. What does the tree dream of?

 The tree is personified as dreaming of the return of spring and the warmth of the sun, which will bring new growth and vitality to its branches and leaves.

d. In which season would the sun wake up the tree?

The sun would wake up the tree in spring when temperatures rise, and the environment becomes conducive to growth and activity.

Summary of 'The Tree in Season' by Robert Fisher

"The Tree in Season" by Robert Fisher is a poem that describes the different seasons through the life cycle of a tree.

In spring, the tree comes to life with the emergence of new leaves and sings quietly, symbolising the vitality and joy of the season.

During summer, the tree thrives, stretching its branches in the sun and providing shelter for various creatures. Its roots delve deep into the earth.

As autumn arrives, the tree's leaves turn golden, fall to the ground like "coins of gold," and enrich the soil, making the days "rich with the spending of leaves."

Winter brings a stark contrast as the tree stands "naked" and dormant. Life lies dormant underground, waiting for the return of the sun to awaken it from its winter slumber.

The poem explores the cyclical nature of life, growth, and dormancy, using the tree as a metaphor for the changing seasons and the interconnectedness of life with nature.

MCQs of the poem 'The Tree in Season' by Robert Fisher

Below are 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the poem "The Tree in Season" by Robert Fisher to test comprehension:

1. In the poem, what does the tree do in spring?
   a. It sheds its leaves
   b. It sings quietly
   c. It stretches in the sun
   d. It shivers in the shortening day

2. What is the significance of the tree's leaves turning gold in the poem?
   a. It indicates the arrival of spring
   b. It represents the tree's sadness
   c. It symbolizes the richness of autumn
   d. It means the tree is unhealthy

3. What is the tree doing during summer in the poem?
   a. Sleeping
   b. Singing loudly
   c. Stretching in the sun
   d. Shedding its leaves

4. Why are the tree's branches described as "heavily loaded" in summer?
   a. Because they are full of birds
   b. Because they are covered in snow
   c. Because they are laden with leaves and possibly fruit
   d. Because they are about to break

5. In the poem, what do the "coins of gold" represent?
   a. Money the tree collects
   b. Leaves that fall to the ground in autumn
   c. The tree's bark
   d. Seeds dropped by the tree

6. Why is the tree described as "naked" in winter?
   a. Because it loses all its branches
   b. Because it is cold
   c. Because it is shedding its leaves
   d. Because it has no leaves

7. What is the tree waiting for in winter, according to the poem?
   a. Rain
   b. Snow
   c. The return of the sun
   d. Strong winds

8. What is the tree dreaming of in the poem?
   a. Flying with the birds
   b. Growing taller
   c. Waking up from its woody dreams
   d. The return of spring and warmth from the sun

9. In which season does the tree "spend" its leaves?
   a. Spring
   b. Summer
   c. Autumn
   d. Winter

10. What does the tree do with its roots during summer, according to the poem?
    a. It pulls them out of the ground
    b. It yawns
    c. It stretches them deep into the earth
    d. It cuts them off

1. b. It sings quietly
2. c. It symbolizes the richness of autumn
3. c. Stretching in the sun
4. c. Because they are laden with leaves and possibly fruit
5. b. Leaves that fall to the ground in autumn
6. d. Because it has no leaves
7. c. The return of the sun
8. d. The return of spring and warmth from the sun
9. c. Autumn
10. c. It stretches them deep into the earth


  1. There is not a short summery of a poem and thanks also to help me in the question answers 💕☺️☺️

  2. There is no summary for this poem
