Thursday, September 21, 2023

My Financial Career by Stephen Leacock - Literary Reader 7 - Class 7 Q&A Solved


"My Financial Career" is a humorous short story written by Canadian author Stephen Leacock. It was first published in 1910 and is considered one of Leacock's most famous works. The story is a satirical take on the anxiety and confusion that can accompany a visit to the bank.

The narrator of the story is an ordinary man who has a fear of banks and financial institutions. He describes his dread of entering a bank and dealing with the intimidating bank clerks. Despite his fear, he decides to open a bank account with $56 in cash.

The narrator's visit to the bank is filled with comical mishaps and misunderstandings. He is nervous and clumsy, causing a series of awkward and embarrassing situations. For example, he is unsure of how to fill out the deposit slip and struggles to communicate with the bank clerk. He also inadvertently knocks over a chair and stumbles into a woman who is also at the bank.

In the end, the narrator manages to deposit his money into the bank, but he decides that the experience was too stressful and vows to keep his money at home in the future.

"My Financial Career" is a humorous commentary on the complexities and perceived formality of the banking system, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary and anxious individual. It highlights the absurdity of everyday situations and the anxiety they can provoke, even when the task at hand is as simple as opening a bank account. The story is known for its wit and satire and has been appreciated by readers for its humorous take on a common experience.

Let's Infer

1. a. Why did the narrator go to a bank?

The narrator went to the bank because he wanted to open a bank account and deposit some money.

b. What did he tell the accountant? 

He told the accountant that he wanted to open an account and deposit fifty-six dollars.

2. a. How much did he want to deposit? How much would that amount be in Indian currency?

The narrator wanted to deposit fifty-six dollars. In Indian currency this would be approximately equivalent to 4,600 Indian Rupees.

b. Does one go to the manager only when one has to deposit a big amount?

No, one does not necessarily go to the bank manager only when depositing a big amount. Typically, customers can open accounts and make deposits with bank clerks or accountants, while more complex financial matters or significant transactions might require a discussion with the bank manager.

3. How much did he want to withdraw? What amount did he enter in his cheque? 

The narrator initially wanted to withdraw six dollars, but he wrote fifty-six dollars on his cheque.

4. The narrator told the clerk he wanted to withdraw the money in fifties'. Was this a foolish response? If so, why? 

Yes, the narrator's response of wanting to withdraw the money in fifties was considered foolish because he only had fifty six dollars in his account. There was not enough money in his account to withdraw in fifties, and this request puzzled the clerk.

5. Where does the narrator keep his money? Is it safer to keep one's money on one's person or in a bank?

The narrator usually keeps his money "carefully sewed up in the lining of my coat." This is not generally considered a safe or secure way to keep one's money because it can be lost or stolen more easily than if it were in a bank.

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