Friday, July 7, 2023

Class X - First Flight - How to Tell Wild Animals by CAROLYN WELLS Summary and Explanation

Summary of the Poem How to Tell Wild Animals

The poet humorously describes various wild animals, despite their danger. First, the Asian lion is introduced with tawny skin and a fierce roar, common in the jungles of the East. Next, the Bengal tiger is depicted as a swift killer with beautiful black stripes, and the poet jokingly suggests that if you are attacked, it’s likely a Bengal tiger.

The leopard is described as relentless, and crying out wouldn’t stop its attack. The bear, on the other hand, kills by hugging its victims tightly. The poet also talks about the smiling hyena and the crocodile, which sheds tears while hunting. These traits help identify predators.

Lastly, the chameleon, a lizard-like creature without ears or wings, blends into its surroundings by changing colour. By observing a tree and not seeing the creature, you know a chameleon is there. In this playful poem, the poet balances humour with the wild nature of these animals, making them intriguing and entertaining.

Central Idea of the Poem

The poem "How to Tell Wild Animals" by Carolyn Wells humorously explores how to identify wild animals through their traits and behaviours. Using exaggeration and a playful tone, it offers funny advice on spotting these creatures.

Each stanza introduces a new animal with comical clues, focusing on their unique characteristics. The poem contrasts wild animals with more familiar domesticated ones, making the descriptions even more amusing.

In short, the poem entertains with clever wordplay, fun descriptions, and surprising twists, celebrating the joy of imagination and a humorous view of the world.

Literary Devices Used in the Poem

The poem "How to Tell Wild Animals" by Carolyn Wells employs several literary devices to enhance its humorous and whimsical tone. Here are some of the literary devices used in the poem:
  1. Hyperbole: The poem utilises exaggeration to create comedic effect. It exaggerates the characteristics and behaviours of wild animals, such as the lion's roar being described as potentially causing death out of fear.
  2. Imagery: The poem uses vivid imagery to paint humorous pictures in the reader's mind. It describes the animals' physical attributes, like the tiger's black stripes and the leopard's black-spotted skin, to evoke visual images.
  3. Personification: The poet personifies the animals by attributing human-like qualities to them. For example, the hyena is described as having a smiling face, and the crocodile is said to have tears in its eyes.
  4. Irony: The poem utilises irony to create humour by presenting situations or statements that are the opposite of what is expected. An example is the hyena's constant smile while being a predator.
  5. Metaphor: The poem uses metaphorical language to compare certain animal behaviours or traits to other familiar things. For instance, the bear's tight hug is compared to an act of killing, emphasising the potential danger.
  6. Alliteration: The poem incorporates alliteration by repeating initial consonant sounds, which adds a playful and rhythmic quality to the lines. For instance, "black striped" in reference to the tiger and "hug very tightly" regarding the bear.
  7. Rhyme: The poem employs a consistent rhyme scheme, using end rhymes that add to its rhythmic and musical quality.
These literary devices work together to create a whimsical and amusing atmosphere in the poem, enhancing the humorous descriptions and satirical elements used to portray the wild animals.

Rhyme Scheme of the poem How to Tell Wild Animals

The rhyme scheme of the poem "How to Tell Wild Animals" by Carolyn Wells follows an AABB pattern. This means that the end rhymes in each stanza alternate between two distinct sounds. Here is an example of the rhyme scheme in the first stanza:

A (east)
A (beast)
B (fear)
B (here)

The same rhyme scheme is maintained throughout the poem, with the end words of each line following this AABB pattern. This consistent rhyme scheme contributes to the poem's rhythmic and melodic flow, enhancing its playful and humorous tone.

How to Tell Wild Animals Questions and Answers

Question 1. Does ‘dyin’ really rhyme with ‘lion’? Can you say it in such a way that it does?

"Dyin'" and "lion" don't rhyme perfectly, but using certain dialects or poetic license can create a near rhyme. One way to make them sound closer is by pronouncing "dyin'" as "dye-in" and "lion" as "lye-in," both with a long "i" sound. This slight change helps the words sound more alike and creates a slant rhyme.

Question 2. How does the poet suggest that you identify the lion and the tiger? When can you do so, according to him?

The poet suggests identifying the lion by its tawny skin and roaring in the jungles of the east, which may evoke fear. As for the tiger, if a beautiful black-striped creature attacks and consumes a person, it signifies encountering a Bengal tiger. The poet uses exaggerated descriptions and actions to depict the characteristics of these wild animals.

Question 3. Do you think the words ‘lept’ and ‘lep’ in the third stanza are spelt correctly? Why does the poet spell them like this?


In the third stanza, the poet describes the leopard’s behaviour. The word "lept," meaning "leaped," shows how quickly the leopard attacks its prey. "Lep" is a variation of "leap," used to keep the poem's rhyme and rhythm.

The lines suggest that if a spotted animal leaps on you, it's a leopard. The next line humorously adds that no matter how much you scream in pain, the leopard will keep pouncing.

Question 4. Look at the line “A novice might nonplus”. How would you write this ‘correctly’? Why is the poet’s ‘incorrect’ line better in the poem?

The line "A novice might nonplus" in the poem is intentionally written that way by the poet. The correct form would be "A novice might be nonplussed." However, the poet chooses to use "nonplus" as a verb to maintain the rhyme scheme and add to the playful nature of the poem. This creative choice contributes to the poem's whimsical and humorous atmosphere.

Question 5. Much of the humour in the poem arises from the way language is used, although the ideas are funny as well. If there are particular lines in the poem that you especially like, share these with the class, speaking briefly about what it is about the ideas or the language that you like or find funny?

Indeed, the poet's skillful use of language in the poem creates a humorous effect. There are several lines that stand out in terms of their comedic impact. One such line is "If he roars at you as you're dyin', You'll know it is the Asian Lion." This line plays with the juxtaposition of a lion roaring while someone is in a dying state, resulting in a humorous and unexpected situation.

Another line that adds to the humor is "A noble wild beast greets you." This phrase brings together the contrasting concepts of a noble and wild beast, creating a comical contradiction.

Overall, the poet's approach to describing the characteristics of wild animals is marked by a delightful sense of humor. By presenting these animals in amusing scenarios and using clever wordplay, the poet effectively engages readers and elicits laughter.

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