Monday, July 24, 2023

Class X - English - Supplementary Reader - Ch 1 A Triumph of Surgery - NCERT Solution

Table of Contents

Summary of 'A Triumph of Surgery'

Illustration of Tricki the dog

The story is about a small dog named Tricki who is pampered and overfed by his rich mistress. He falls seriously ill, and his mistress consults a veterinary physician. The doctor realises that the dog is ill because of his mistress extra love and care who thinks feeding the dog all the time is a good idea. So, the doctor decides to take Tricki to his surgery and keep him with other dogs. There, Tricki makes a full recovery. The story teaches the importance of moderation in all things, especially when it comes to food. It also shows the importance of seeking professional help when your pet is ill.

Here are some additional details from the story:
  • Tricki is a small Yorkshire Terrier who is owned by Mrs. Pumphrey, a wealthy widow.
  • Mrs. Pumphrey loves Tricki very much and spoils him rotten. She feeds him a diet of rich foods and gives him plenty of treats.
  • As a result of his overindulgence, Tricki becomes obese and refuses to eat and becomes seriously ill.
  • Mrs. Pumphrey takes Tricki to see a veterinary surgeon named James Herriot.
  • Dr. Herriot asks Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a strict diet.
  • Mrs Pumphrey is not able to follow the doctor's advice and this makes Tricki seriously ill.
  • The doctor decides to keep Tricki at his surgery with other dogs, awaya from Tricki.
  • Tricki recovers and becomes healthier.
  • He eventually loses weight and returns to good health.
  • The story ends with Mrs. Pumphrey and Tricki enjoying a walk together.
  • The story of Tricki is a reminder that even the most pampered pets can get sick. It is important to be aware of the risks of overfeeding and to provide your pet with a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you notice that your pet is not acting himself, it is important to take him to the vet for a check-up.

Read and Find Out (page 1)

1. Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?

Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is showing signs of illness. He is not eating, he is vomiting, and he is panting heavily. These are all signs that something is wrong with Tricki's health.

2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?

Mrs. Pumphrey takes Tricki to the vet, but does not follow the vet's instructions properly. As a result she over indulges in looking after Tricki and overlooks vet's instruction of cutting down on sweet things and giving Tricki plenty of exercise. She is not wise in this because Tricki falls seriously ill.

3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?

I refers to the narrator, who is a vet and Tricki the dog was under his treatment.

Read and Find Out (page 3)

1. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?

No, the narrator isn't as wealthy as Mrs. Pumphery, Tricki's mistress. This is evident from the narrator's fascination with the extravagant care and expenses Mrs. Pumphery devotes to her beloved pet.

2. How does he treat the dog?

He treats the dog just like any other dog, providing Tricki with a warm and comfortable bed in a loose box next to the other dogs to encourage friendship. For two days, he gives Tricki ample water but refrains from feeding him, allowing Tricki to develop a healthy appetite rather than remaining overfed.

3. Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?

The temptation to retain Tricki as a permanent guest arises from Mrs. Pumphrey's gesture of sending two dozen fresh eggs at a time and other eatables to aid in Tricki's rapid recovery. This allows Mr. Harriet and his partners to enjoy delightful breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the duration Tricki remained at the Surgery.

4. Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?

Mrs. Pumphrey perceives the dog's recovery as a "triumph of surgery" since Tricki made a remarkable turnaround within two weeks and transformed into a robust and muscular animal. 


What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?

The narrator, a veterinary surgeon, displays practicality and tact in dealing with people. He adapts adeptly to various situations and quickly grasps Tricki's issue. It becomes evident that Tricki's ailment is a result of overfeeding rather than any illness. The doctor takes Tricki to his surgery, where he prescribes a water diet, encourages physical activity, and administers treatment without the need for medicine. The dog makes a successful recovery under the doctor's supervision and within the natural environment of the surgery.

Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?

Indeed, Tricki was overjoyed to return home. It enthusiastically leaped out of the narrator's arms and straight into Mrs. Pumphrey's lap, expressing its affection with licks and barks. If Mrs. Pumphrey continues to take good care of the dog and avoids overfeeding it, Tricki will remain as healthy as portrayed at the end of the story.

Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?

The story is a skillful blend of reality and fiction, combining believable instances such as the spoiling of the dog's health by a wealthy owner and the doctor's realistic advice, with elements that could lean more towards fiction, like the dog's extremely speedy recovery. The narrator's indulgence in luxuries and subsequent sacrifice for the dog's well-being adds another layer of intrigue, which could be both real-life and fictional. Overall, the story's conclusion with Mrs. Pumphrey's genuine happiness reinforces the sense of a real-life happening intertwined with fictional elements.


This episode describes the silly behaviour of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?

This episode portrays the foolishly indulgent behavior of a wealthy woman, possibly driven by loneliness. Such individuals are often unaware of the consequences of their actions, displaying excessive love and affection for others without fully understanding the potential harm they might cause. Although their intentions may be good and free of ill will, their lack of awareness can lead to unintended negative outcomes. 

Do you think there are also parents like Mrs Pumphrey?

Yes, there are parents similar to Mrs. Pumphrey who indulge and pamper their children, even at the risk of overfeeding them and disregarding the potential negative effects on their health.

What would you have done if you were: (i) a member of the staff in Mrs Pumphrey’s household, (ii) a neighbour? What would your life have been like, in general?

i. If I were a member of the staff in Mrs. Pumphrey's household, I would responsibly reduce the amount of food given to the pet and ensure to take it for a daily walk.

ii. If I were her neighbor, I would kindly advise her to be mindful of her pet's health.

In general, I would take sensible care of my own pet and not act thoughtlessly like Mrs. Pumphrey.

What would you have done if you were in the narrator’s place?

If I were in the narrator's position, I would have taken the same actions as he did. I would have brought Tricki to my clinic and provided him with a nutritious diet, avoiding any food items that could be harmful to his health. Additionally, I would have ensured that Tricki engaged in plenty of physical exercise.

20 Challenging and Comprehensive MCQs:

  1. What was Tricki's only fault, according to Mr. Herriot?

    • a) Laziness
    • b) Greed
    • c) Lack of exercise
    • d) Excessive barking
  2. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey start giving Tricki extra food like malt, cod-liver oil, and Horlicks?

    • a) To increase his appetite
    • b) To improve his energy levels
    • c) To help him sleep better
    • d) To make him stronger
  3. How did Mr. Herriot react when he saw Tricki's condition on the street?

    • a) He was pleased with the dog’s appearance.
    • b) He was shocked and concerned.
    • c) He ignored the situation.
    • d) He immediately prescribed medication.
  4. What did Mr. Herriot suggest to Mrs. Pumphrey to improve Tricki's health?

    • a) Increase his food intake
    • b) Reduce his food and increase exercise
    • c) Take him on longer walks
    • d) Give him more treats
  5. What did Mrs. Pumphrey do when Tricki's condition worsened?

    • a) She called another vet.
    • b) She decided to follow Mr. Herriot's advice strictly.
    • c) She continued feeding Tricki more.
    • d) She agreed to hospitalize Tricki.
  6. How did Mrs. Pumphrey react to the suggestion of hospitalizing Tricki?

    • a) She was relieved.
    • b) She almost fainted.
    • c) She immediately agreed.
    • d) She was indifferent.
  7. What was Tricki's initial reaction at the surgery when surrounded by other dogs?

    • a) He eagerly joined them.
    • b) He lay motionless and uninterested.
    • c) He barked at them.
    • d) He ran away from them.
  8. How did Mr. Herriot treat Tricki during the first two days at the surgery?

    • a) He gave him medicines.
    • b) He put him on a strict diet of light food.
    • c) He gave him no food but plenty of water.
    • d) He allowed him to rest without any exercise.
  9. What significant change was observed in Tricki after a few days at the surgery?

    • a) He became more listless.
    • b) He showed interest in his surroundings.
    • c) He started gaining more weight.
    • d) He became aggressive towards other dogs.
  10. How did Tricki integrate with the other dogs at the surgery?

    • a) He avoided them.
    • b) He quickly became an accepted member.
    • c) He fought with them constantly.
    • d) He ignored them and stayed alone.
  11. What did Mrs. Pumphrey send to the surgery to help with Tricki's recovery?

    • a) Medicines
    • b) Toys and cushions
    • c) Fresh eggs and wine
    • d) Extra food and treats
  12. Why did Mr. Herriot consider keeping Tricki as a permanent guest?

    • a) He was fond of the dog.
    • b) He enjoyed the luxury food and wine Mrs. Pumphrey sent.
    • c) He wanted to observe Tricki longer.
    • d) He wanted to keep Mrs. Pumphrey happy.
  13. What did Tricki do when he saw Mrs. Pumphrey after recovering?

    • a) He stayed calm and quiet.
    • b) He jumped into her lap and licked her face.
    • c) He barked at her.
    • d) He refused to go to her.
  14. How did Mrs. Pumphrey describe Tricki's recovery?

    • a) As a miracle
    • b) As a result of her care
    • c) As a triumph of surgery
    • d) As a surprising event
  15. What lesson does the story "A Triumph of Surgery" highlight?

    • a) The importance of medical intervention
    • b) The dangers of overindulgence
    • c) The benefits of luxurious living
    • d) The need for regular exercise
  16. What was Mr. Herriot's profession?

    • a) A human doctor
    • b) A veterinary surgeon
    • c) A dog trainer
    • d) A nurse
  17. What did Tricki enjoy most about his time at the surgery?

    • a) The special food
    • b) The company of other dogs
    • c) The attention from Mr. Herriot
    • d) The luxurious bedding
  18. Why was it difficult for Mrs. Pumphrey to follow Mr. Herriot's advice?

    • a) She was too busy.
    • b) She couldn’t resist pampering Tricki.
    • c) She didn’t believe in strict diets.
    • d) She was unaware of the dog's condition.
  19. What was the final outcome for Tricki after his stay at the surgery?

    • a) He gained more weight.
    • b) He became a fit and healthy dog.
    • c) He developed a new illness.
    • d) He refused to leave the surgery.
  20. What does the title "A Triumph of Surgery" ironically refer to?

    • a) The complex surgery performed on Tricki
    • b) The simple care that led to Tricki’s recovery
    • c) The luxury that Tricki enjoyed
    • d) The failure of surgery in saving Tricki

Answer Key:

  1. b) Greed
  2. b) To improve his energy levels
  3. b) He was shocked and concerned.
  4. b) Reduce his food and increase exercise
  5. d) She agreed to hospitalize Tricki.
  6. b) She almost fainted.
  7. b) He lay motionless and uninterested.
  8. c) He gave him no food but plenty of water.
  9. b) He showed interest in his surroundings.
  10. b) He quickly became an accepted member.
  11. c) Fresh eggs and wine
  12. b) He enjoyed the luxury food and wine Mrs. Pumphrey sent.
  13. b) He jumped into her lap and licked her face.
  14. c) As a triumph of surgery
  15. b) The dangers of overindulgence
  16. b) A veterinary surgeon
  17. b) The company of other dogs
  18. b) She couldn’t resist pampering Tricki.
  19. b) He became a fit and healthy dog.
  20. b) The simple care that led to Tricki’s recovery

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