Thursday, March 9, 2023

Class XII - English - Vistas - Journey To the End of The Earth - Summary, Explanation, FAQs

Class XII - English - Vistas - Journey To the End of The Earth - Summary, Explanation, FAQs


The chapter "The Journey to the End of the Earth" in the textbook Vistas for Class 12 is an illuminating account of the author's expedition to the world's coolest, windiest, and driest continent - Antarctica. Tishani Doshi asserts that a visit to Antarctica is essential for comprehending the planet's past, present, and future. The study of this region is valuable since Antarctica holds the geological history of the world. She joined a group of students on their trip to the continent and had a thrilling experience exploring the mysteries of the icy region.


Geoff Green, a Canadian, created the "Students on Ice" program six years ago. This program takes high school students on a journey to Antarctica, providing them with educational opportunities that inspire them to develop a newfound appreciation and respect for our planet. The program has been successful because students witness the collapsing ice shelves and retreating glaciers with their own eyes, enabling them to comprehend the reality of the threat of global warming.

Antarctica has a simple ecosystem and lacks biodiversity, making it an ideal location to study how minor changes in the environment can have significant consequences. The author had the opportunity to work in Antarctica, experiencing the coldest atmosphere of the continent.

The narrator of "Journey to the End of the Earth" travels to Antarctica on the Russian research vessel, Akademik Shokalskiy, accompanied by a group of students. Starting her journey 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras, she crossed six checkpoints, three oceans, and various ecosystems before reaching her destination after a hundred hours of travelling. Upon arriving at the Antarctic continent, she felt relieved and reflected on the isolation of the continent and its historical connection to India.

Six hundred and fifty million years ago, Antarctica was a part of the Gondwana supercontinent. There were no humans on Earth at that time, and the climate was warm, with a wide variety of flora and fauna. The supercontinent existed for 500 million years until it broke apart, leading to the formation of different countries and the Earth we know today. Antarctica provides insight into human evolution and where we are heading now, as well as the importance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields, ozone, and carbon.

During her two-week stay in Antarctica, the narrator was surrounded by midges, mites, blue whales, and endless expanses of enormous icebergs, with no human presence. The surreal twenty-four-hour summer light and eerie silence were often interrupted by the sound of breaking icebergs.

Humans have been on Earth for around 12,000 years and have had a negative impact on the environment during that time. Cities and megacities have encroached on Mother Nature, and the rapid increase in population has created additional distress. Human beings are competing for limited resources, and the average global temperature is rising, with a growing blanket of carbon dioxide around the world.

The narrator is concerned about unanswered questions regarding climate change, such as the complete melting of the West Antarctic ice sheets, the potential disruption of the Gulf Stream Ocean current, or the end of the world. Antarctica plays a crucial role in this discussion, as the Earth's present and future lie hidden within it.

The lesson to be learned is that small changes in the environment can have significant repercussions. Phytoplankton, microscopic nourishment for marine animals and birds in the region, will be affected by the depletion of the ozone layer, which will impact the lives of others in the region and the global carbon cycle. The narrator considers her experience in Antarctica unforgettable, as she and the students were instructed to disembark at 65.55 degrees South of the Equator, where they saw crabeater seals.

Tishani Doshi is awestruck by the balance of beauty at play on our planet. While she has unanswered questions, she remains optimistic that the next generation of children is full of idealism and will work to save the Earth.


The story is about Tishani Doshi's travelogue to Antarctica, which is covered in the Class 12th book "Vistas". Doshi journeyed for 100 hours to reach the continent, where she worked in the coldest atmosphere of the Antarctic. She felt relieved to have finally arrived, and the simple ecosystem and lack of biodiversity made Antarctica an ideal place to study how little changes in the environment can have big consequences.

Geoff Green's "Students on Ice" program, which takes high school students to Antarctica, has been successful in inspiring educational opportunities and encouraging awareness and respect for the planet. The collapsing ice shelves and retreating glaciers that the students witness first-hand make them realize the real threat of global warming.

Antarctica has 90% of the Earth's total ice volume and can provide insight into human evolution and the planet's future. Doshi spent two weeks in Antarctica surrounded by an otherworldly landscape of icebergs, midges, mites, and blue whales. She reflects on the fact that humans have only been on Earth for 12,000 years but have already caused significant harm to the environment.

Doshi is alarmed by the impact of climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer. She wonders about the consequences of the West Antarctic ice sheets melting entirely, the disruption of the Gulf Stream Ocean current, and the possibility of the world coming to an end. Antarctica has a crucial role to play in this debate, as the Earth's present and future lie hidden in the continent.

Doshi's experience in Antarctica teaches her that little changes in the environment can have significant repercussions. The depletion of the ozone layer, for example, affects the lives of marine animals and birds, and the global carbon cycle. Despite the unanswered questions and concerns, Doshi is optimistic that the next generation is full of idealism to save the Earth.

The story provides an overview of the ecosystem of Antarctica and the impact of the global carbon cycle. The lack of biodiversity and ozone depletion are significant contributors to climate change. Antarctica's surreal twenty-four-hour summer light and eerie silence are awe-inspiring, and the story ends with Doshi peacefully watching seals sunbathing on ice.

Journey to the end of the Earth Question Answers

Reading with Insight

Q1. ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us?


Antarctica's geological history provides valuable insights into the Earth's past, including the evolution of continents, ocean currents, and climate change. Scientists can study ice cores, which contain information about atmospheric conditions and temperature changes dating back thousands of years, and sediment cores from the ocean floor, which provide clues about the geological processes that shaped the continent. This information helps us to understand the mechanisms that drive climate change and can help to predict future changes. Additionally, Antarctica is a unique environment with extreme weather conditions, making it an ideal location for testing technology and conducting research that could benefit humans in various fields, such as medicine and space exploration. Overall, the study of Antarctica's geological history is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of the Earth's past, present, and future, and for finding solutions to global challenges.

Q2. What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?


Geoff Green, the founder of the Students on Ice expedition, believes that high school students are the next generation of leaders and decision-makers, and including them in the expedition can help shape their perspectives on the world and its environment. He also believes that by exposing students to the Arctic and Antarctic regions, they will be inspired to become ambassadors for climate change action and conservation efforts. Additionally, Green believes that the expedition provides a unique learning opportunity for students, allowing them to see firsthand the effects of climate change on polar regions and ecosystems. By engaging with scientists, researchers, and Indigenous communities, students can gain a deeper understanding of the issues and challenges facing these regions and be equipped to advocate for their preservation in the future.

Q3. ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.’ What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?


The statement "Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves" holds immense significance in the Antarctic environment. Phytoplanktons, which serve as the primary food source for marine birds and animals, are small organisms that are vital for the survival of the entire ecosystem. The depletion of the ozone layer, caused by human activities, affects the growth of phytoplanktons and disrupts the carbon cycle, which can have severe consequences for marine life. Therefore, taking care of these small organisms can have a ripple effect on the processes of the larger animals and birds. This highlights the need for responsible and sustainable practices in the Antarctic environment to ensure the survival of the entire ecosystem.

Q4. Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the earth’s present, past and future?

Antarctica is a unique and isolated continent that provides an unparalleled opportunity to understand the Earth's present, past, and future. The ice sheet in Antarctica stores the history of the Earth's climate and atmosphere over millions of years. Scientists can study the ice cores to gain insight into how the climate has changed over time and how it might change in the future. The continent's remoteness and extreme environment make it a perfect place to study the effects of climate change, which can provide insight into what the future may hold for the planet. Additionally, the unique and diverse range of species that inhabit the continent provides a rich opportunity for biological research and can help scientists better understand evolution and adaptation in extreme environments.

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