Sunday, February 5, 2023

Class 7 - English - New Learning to Communicate - Literary Reader - The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

 The Story of My Life

-Helen Keller

The Story in Short

Helen Keller was a little girl who was born without being able to see or hear. At first, she was very sad and frustrated because she couldn't understand the world around her or talk to people. But then, a special teacher named Anne came into her life.

Anne taught Helen how to communicate using signs and helped her learn how to read and write. It was a hard job, but Anne was very patient and never gave up on Helen. With Anne's help, Helen learned so much and became a famous person who wrote books and helped others who had trouble seeing or hearing.

The story of Helen Keller shows that even when things seem hard, with determination and the right help, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things.

Let’s infer

1. How did Helen realise she was different from other people? What was her reaction? 


In "The Story of My Life" by Helen Keller, she realized she was different from other people when she was a young child and realized she could not see or hear. Her initial reaction was frustration and anger, as she was unable to communicate her needs or understand the world around her. 

2. Why does Helen call the day she met Anne Mansfield Sullivan the most important day of her life? 


Helen Keller considers the day she met Anne Mansfield Sullivan to be the most important day of her life because it marked the beginning of her journey towards communication and understanding. Anne's arrival allowed Helen to express herself, to understand and engage with the world around her, and to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

3. How did Anne Sullivan educate Helen? Do you think it was a difficult job? Why?


Anne Sullivan used a combination of sign language, lip-reading, and manual spelling to educate Helen Keller. Anne would spell words into Helen's hand and help her associate the signs with the objects they represented. This process was difficult and required a great deal of patience and persistence on Anne's part, as Helen was a challenging student. She was often stubborn, had a limited attention span, and struggled to understand abstract concepts. However, Anne was dedicated to her job and used her creativity and determination to find ways to reach and teach Helen.

Yes, Anne's job was definitely a difficult one, as she was teaching a blind and deaf child in an era where there were limited resources and understanding of how to educate such children. She faced many challenges, including Helen's lack of attention, frustration, and anger, but she never gave up on her. Anne's persistence, creativity, and love for Helen made a huge impact on Helen's life and helped her to overcome her disabilities and become the person she is known to be today.

4. Why did Helen repent breaking her doll?


Helen repented breaking her doll because she realized that her actions were wrong and that she had acted impulsively and without thought. She felt guilty and ashamed, and her conscience pricked her, leading her to repent.

Let’s discuss

  1. With willpower and guidance, we can overcome any obstacle.


The story of Helen Keller is a powerful testament to the idea that with willpower and guidance, we can overcome any obstacle. Despite being born deaf and blind, Helen was able to achieve great things in her life, becoming a renowned author, political activist, and advocate for people with disabilities.

Her journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment was marked by her unwavering willpower and determination to overcome the limitations of her disabilities. With the guidance and support of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, Helen was able to learn how to communicate and engage with the world around her. Anne's patience, creativity, and love for Helen were crucial in helping her overcome her disabilities and unlock her full potential.

The story of Helen Keller highlights the transformative power of willpower and guidance in helping us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. It shows that, with determination, creativity, and the right support, we can overcome even the most challenging of circumstances and achieve great things. This message is an inspiration to us all and serves as a reminder of the limitless potential of the human spirit.

  1. Education empowers us and makes us better individuals.


The story of Helen Keller demonstrates the power of education in transforming and empowering individuals. Helen was born deaf and blind, and as a result, was unable to communicate or understand the world around her. However, with the help of her teacher Anne Sullivan, she was able to learn sign language and eventually learn to read, write, and communicate with others. This opened up a whole new world for her and allowed her to break out of the isolation and frustration she experienced as a result of her disabilities.

Education empowered Helen by giving her the tools to express herself and engage with the world around her. It allowed her to understand her surroundings, to form meaningful relationships, and to pursue her passions and interests. It also gave her a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and helped her to develop a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence.

In this sense, the story of Helen Keller highlights the importance of education as a means of empowering individuals and helping them to overcome their challenges. Education provides us with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to succeed in life and to become better, more fulfilled individuals. By giving us the ability to understand and engage with the world, education can help us to realize our full potential and to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

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