Monday, January 31, 2022

MCQs - Class XI - Hornbill - Chapter 5 - The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role - By Nani Palkhivala

Due to online exams, the new pattern of question papers in CBSE, KVS and other Education Boards has mandated multiple-choice questions(MCQs) to be part of the paper. Below are some of the questions from the chapter 'The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role by Nani Palkivala' This is from the textbook 'Hornbill' prescribed in class XI English Core. Find the keys at the end.
Objective Questions (MCQs)
Q.1. "Every four days the world population increases by ____"
(A) 1.5 million
(B) 1 million
(C) 1.7 million
(D) half a million

Q.2. What forms the foundation of the global economic system according to Lester Brown? 
(A) fisheries, forests, grasslands, croplands
(B) land and water.
(C) forests, fisheries, grasslands
(D) fisheries and forests

Q.3. "Scientists have catalogued about .............. living species with which mankind shares the earth"
(A) 1.4 million 
(C) 1.8 million.
(B) 1.6 million
(D) 1.2 million

Q.4. Where was the first nationwide Green party founded?
(A) U.S.A
(B) Australia
(C) New Zealand
(D) Canada

Q.5. Who said, "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children"?
(A) Margaret Thatcher 
(B) Mr Edgar S. Woolard
(C) Mr Lester Brown
(D) Brandt Commission

Q.6. What is the transcending concern?
(A) Survival of the planet.
(B) Survival of the forests 
(C) Global warming
(D) Save water

Q.7. What does the three-year study conducted by the United Nations state? 
(A) Environment has deteriorated and is in a critical state in eighty-eight countries
(B) Forests are being cut down at an alarming rate.
(C) There is not much of drinking water left. 
(D) Fossil fuels are getting extinct at a rapid pace.

Q.8. Which article of the Constitution of India provides that the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country?
(A) Article 48 A
(B) Article 51 A 
(C) Article 49 A
(D) Article 52 A

Q.9. What is the meaning of holistic and ecological view?
(A) rainwater harvesting
(B) saving of the water resources
(C) saving trees
(D) preservation of the environment

Q.10. What is one of the reasons for the exploitation of the environment? 
(A) global warming
(B) increasing population
(C) animal extinctions
(D) water

Q.11. What happens to the forests in poor countries?
(A) They cut down trees for fuel-wood
(B) They cut down trees for furniture.
(C) They grow plants in a large number.
(D) Nothing as such.

Q.12. What are the four principal biological systems that form the foundation of the global economic system?
(A) water, air, sand, forests
(B) ocean, forests, deserts, land
(C) fisheries, grasslands, forests and croplands
(D) fisheries, grasslands, oceans, land

Q.13. A signboard in the zoo at____read,
'World's most dangerous animal'.
(A) Albama 
(B) Alaska 
(C) Louvre
(D) Lusaka

Q.14. What is the concept of Sustainable Development?
(A) Development of the future
(B) Development for the present
(C) Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations
(D) Environmental development

Q.15. Dr Myres stated that:
(A) World's most dangerous animal
(B) Tropical forests are the powerhouse evolution of
(C) We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children
(D) fisheries, grasslands, oceans, land

Answer Key
1. B2. A3. A4. C5. C
6. A7. A8. A9. D10. B
11. A12. C13. D14. C15. B

Extract Based MCQs
I. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option:
  Q.1. What is the effect of efforts of a number of agencies on human beings in different countries? 
(A) They have started realising that our environment needs to be preserved.
(B) They have started realising that we are not the sole owners of this planet. 
(C) They have started realising that our planet needs to be saved for saving our existence.
(D) All of these

Q.2. Which of the following means the same as 'dawned upon'? 
(A) assault
(B) reveal
(C) flop
(D) encouragement

Q.3. Human beings share the Earth with___of species
(A) millions
(B) hundreds
(C) thousands
(D) tens

Q.4. Due to domination humans have always the resources of the Earth.
(A) utilized
(B) exploited
(C) developed
(D) urbanised

II. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : Fertility falls as incomes rise, education spreads and health improves. Thus, development is the best contraceptive.
But development itself may not be possible if the present increase in numbers continues.

Q.1. Whose fertility is being talked about here?
(A) Humans
(B) Animals
(C) Soil
(D) All of these

Q.2. Fertility falls as incomes rise.... This shows that:
(A) with rise in income, greed increases and so investment in fertility enhancers will 
(B) with rise in income, time is invested in more productive engagements instead of raising population not be done
(C) with rise in income, greed increases and so sharing becomes obsolete
(D) All of these 

Q.3. How is the health affected with development?
(A) It deteriorates.
(C) It improves.
(B) It is not affected at all. 
(D) It is not clear.

Q.4. What is a contraceptive'? 
(A) a disease
(B) a medicine
(C) a protection measure
(D) None of these

Q.5. What can stop perpetuation of poverty?
(A) destruction
(C) birth control 
(B) domination
(D) determination

III. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Of all the statements made by Margaret Thatcher during the years of her Prime Ministership, none has passed so decisively into the current coin of English usage as her felicitous words: "No generation has a freehold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy with a full repairing lease". In the words of Mr. Lester Brown, "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children." 
Q.1. Having a freehold on the land means
(A) one is under subjugation
(B) one has acquired the property under lease (C) one is the sole owner of the land
(D) one can use the property freely as a tenant

Q.2. What is meant by 'decisively?
(A) carefully
(B) deviously
(C) clearly
(D) cleverly

Q.3. Which of the following options clearly define 'a full repairing lease'?
(A) the tenant is responsible for the cost of all the repairs
(B) the tenant is responsible for the upkeep of the property
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these

Q.4. When we have borrowed the earth from our children, our responsibility is to:
(A) extract the resources from the earth before returning the earth to the future generations 
(B) keep all the resources intact before returning the earth to the future generations
(C) exploit the earth before returning it to the future generations 
(D) fulfill all the needs of the present generation and return the earth to the future generations in whatever state it is left 

Q.5. Felicitous words' mean:
(A) apt
(B) well chosen
(C) pertinent 
(D) All of these

Answer key
1. Option (D) is correct
Explanation: Man has realised the wisdom of shifting from a system based on domination to one based on partwrnship.

2. Option (B) is correct
Explanation: Become clear

3. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: Scientists have catalogued about 1.4 million living species with which mankind shares the earth. Estimates vary widely with respect to the still-uncatalogued living species.

4. Option (B) is correct
Explanation: Used indiscriminate.

II. 1. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: Increased fertility is related to increasing population.

2. Option (B) is correct

3. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: it improves due to better health facilities.

4. Option (C) is correct

5. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: Family planning

III. 1. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: The sole owner can use or sell or do whatever with the freehold property.

2. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: well-chosen and definite

3. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: Tenant is held responsible for any damage done to the property.

4. Option (B) is correct
Explanation: We are not the owners, we are like tenants/ trustees.

5. Option (D) is correct
Explanation: All these words are synonyms of felicitous.

Short Answer Type Questions:-
Q.1. (a) What do you know about the Green Movement ? 
(b) What does the author mean by a mechanical view of the world?
Ans. (a) In 1972, the world's first Green Party was founded in New Zealand. The Green movement has never looked back since its inception. 
(b) The mechanical view of the world means looking at the world as if it was a machine. A machine has no feeling and no emotional needs. 

Q.2. How does the author point out the importance of Green Movement?
Ans. The author points out the importance of the Green Movement by comparing it to the revolutionary ideas of Copernicus. He had taught mankind in the 16th century that the earth and the other planets revolved round the sun.

Q.3. How have human beings shifted their perceptions? 
Ans. We have shifted our perception from mechanistic view to a holistic and ecological one. Now, we regard the own metabolic needs and vital earth as a living organism. It is an enormous being and we are its parts. It has processes. We must respect and preserve them.

Q.4. What is the holistic and ecological view of the world? 
Ans. The holistic and ecological view means that the world is one whole one enormous being of which human beings are a part. So, the ecology depends not just on human beings but on all things living and non-living Like human being, the world has its own metabolic needs which should be respected and preserved. This view considers the earth as a living organism.

Q.5. What do you understand by the concept of sustainable development? 
Ans. The concept of sustainable development is linked with the survival of human race. It means to consume the resources of the earth in a manner that does not hamper the survival of the coming generations. We should use the resources for our present need without compromising the right of future generation to use them in their need.

Q.6. Describe the terms 'Holistic approach' and sustainable development. 
Ans. The holistic approach is a comprehensive approach in which the world is viewed as a living organism with all its natural resources and species.
Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their needs.

Q.7. What is the new world view according to the author? 
Ans. In the new world view, people feel concerned for the survival of not just the people but of the planet. The new world view is the holistic view of our existence. We can survive or perish only with all other creatures-our future is linked with them. 

Q.8. What is the state of earth today? How should we act now?
Ans. The signs of the earth which are connected with life shows that the earth is a patient in declining health. We must realize our moral obligations to be good stewards of the planet. We must act as responsible trustees of the legacy of future generations.

Q.9. Who is the world's most dangerous animal? Why is it called so? 
Ans. There is a zoo at Lusaka, in Zambia. A notice outside one of the cages says the world's most dangerous animal and when one looks inside the cave, one finds himself in the mirror inside the cave clearly telling that human beings are the world's most dangerous animals as they are the creators of all kinds of pollution and destruction 

Q.10. How does the earth's biological systems behave on reaching an unsustainable level ?
Ans. The productivity of the earth's biological systems is impaired on reaching an unsustainable level. Fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands turn into barren wastelands and croplands become worse.

Q.11. How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted? 
Ans. The four principal biological systems of the earth are croplands, fisheries, forests and grasslands. Their productivity has become impaired because of human pressure on them. Forests have been cleared. Grasslands have been converted into wastelands. People are overfishing for protein. The world's increasing population is the cause behind the depletion of these biological systems.

Q.12. How can overfishing and decimation of forests prove harmful? 
Ans. Overfishing may lead to stripping of fisheries. Then man will lose a rich source of protein. The decimation of forests will harm ecology. Moreover, several species of life that live in forest will face extinction.

Q.13. Why do we need to plant more forests in India?
Ans. According to official data, India is losing its forests at the rate of 3.7 million acres a year. The actual loss of forests is estimated to be about eight times the rate indicated by government statistics. Large areas, officially named forest land are already treeless. Moreover, a five fold increase in the rate of forest planting is needed to cope up with the expected fuel wood demand five years later.

Q. 14. How have the croplands deteriorated? 
Ans. The growing population needs more food. So, different chemical fertilizers are used to produce more and more food. In the long run, these fertilizers deteriorate the quality of the soil, i.e., the croplands.

Q. 15. What is new awareness that has dawned upon most of the countries in the world?
Ans. The new awareness which dawned upon most of the countries of the world is the realization that we have to shift from a system based on domination of the earth to one of partnership. It means that if the human race is to survive, it can do so only with all other creatures and things. 

Q.16. What makes the author unhappy about the laws in India ?
Ans. The author is unhappy with the laws of India because laws are neither respected nor enforced in India. There are many good laws India for the protection of the environment, but they are shamelessly flouted.

Q.17. How has the population increased after the year 1800 ?
Ans. The world's population was only about one billion around the year 1800 and this had been possible after about a million years. However, there has been a very rapid increase since then. By the year 1900, it became two billions and it has reached upto some 6 billions now.

0.18. Why does the author agree that growth of world's population is one of the strongest factors distorting  future of human society ?
Ans. The world's population has grown fast since the year 1800. At present, the population of the world has reached 5.7 billion. Forest cover is deteriorated due to population pressure. It results in the expansion of deserts. Grasslands are becoming barren. Natural resources are depleting fast. The environment deteriorated upto the critical point. The existence of man himself is threatened. Many species of life have faced total extinction. Thus, the population growth is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society. 

Q.19. Why is population control essential in India?
Ans. The population of India was estimated to be 920 million in 1924. Over population upsets all plans of development and causes poverty and unemployment. So, either population is to be controlled or people would remain poor forever Voluntary family planning is essential in order to overcome such problems. 

Q.20. What does the notice "The world's most dangerous animal" at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, signify ?
Ans. The notice placed at the cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia read "The world's most dangerous animal. There is no animal in the cage. There is a mirror in it. One sees his own reflection in the zoo. It signifies that man himself is the most dangerous animal. He is responsible for the deterioration of ecology and environment.

Q. 21. How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted?
Ans. The earth's principal biological systems are four. They are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They are the foundation of the global economy. Their productivity has become impaired due to human pressure on them. Forests have been cleared and cut down for fuel. Grasslands have been converted into barren wasteland. Fisheries are exploited on a large scale for protein. The world's increasing population is the cause behind the depletion of these biological systems.

Q.22 Why does the author say that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?
Ans. The world's population has grown fast since the year 1800. At present, the population of the world has reached 57 billion. Forest cover is deteriorated due to population pressure. It results in the expansion of deserts. Grasslands are becoming barren. Natural resources are depleting fast. The environment has deteriorated upto the critical point. The existence of man himself is threatened. Many species of life have faced total extinction. Thus, the population growth is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society.

Long Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What are the factors enumerated by Nani Palkhivala that have made our earth ensure its health ?
Why does Nani Palkhivala call all the earth "The Ailing Planet? How can the ailing planet survive?
Ans. The signs of the earth connected with life (necessary for staying alive) show that the earth is a patient in declining health. Its deserts are advancing. Landscapes are being impoverished and environment is ailing. Aerial photography using satellites has revealed that the environment has deteriorated very badly in many parts of the world, in fact, it has become critical in many of the eighty eight countries investigated. The concept of sustainable development and Green Movement can help the ailing planet to survive. People must discharge their moral responsibility as stewards of the planet and trustees of the legacy of the future generations. The plundering of the natural resources should be controlled. These must be preserved for the future generations.

Q.2.  Lester R. Brown divided the Earth into four bio-systems, what are they ? What harm is being caused by human beings to these bio-systems? 
Ans. According to Lester R. Brown, there are four principal biological systems in the world. They are croplands, graslands, fisheries and forests. They together form the foundation of the global economic system. In addition to provide food, these four systems provide us with the raw materials for industry But in most part of the world, these systems have been overexploited Fisheries are being ruined, forests are tast disappearing, grasslands and croplands are being converted into deserts and wastelands. The Earth and its environment show deterioration and degradation. Sudden climatic change and global warming are all vital signs The Mother Earth shows all signs of a patient in declining health and is in need of immediate cure. 

Q.3. We have not inherited this earth from our fore-fathers we have borrowed it from our children. Elucidate.
Ans. This statement is made by Mr. Lester Brown, the author of the book The Global Economic Prospect, Mr. Brown has in his mind the well known belief that the property which we inherit from our forefathers is ours and we can do whatever we like with it. So, he asks us to remember that the earth is not for us to use or abuse as we like. It is something which we are duty-bound to preserve for the next generations. So, while we use the earth and its resources for our present needs, it is our duty to see that we do not compromise the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. It is therefore, very important that we do not strip the world off natural resources that our future generation would need. Even more important is the fact that we should not pollute these resources which make them useless or harmful.

Q.4. How is growing human population responsible for the falling health of the earth? Ans. Earth's principal biological systems are being depleted because of over-consumption. These systems are unable to cope up with the demands of human beings. The population of the world which was just one billion in the year 1800, has now become six billion. The increased population has increased demands. There are large areas on the earth where the forests have disappeared and the grasslands have become barren The protein hungry world eats more fish than the sea can easily afford. Consequently, the amount of the fish has depleted. The poor burn wood for fire. The number of trees that are planted are not enough to undo the cutting trees and so the forests deplete. Human beings use chemicals to have more production from crops and this results in the deterioration of the cropland.

Q.5. What are the earth's principal biological systems ? Why have they been depleted and how can they preserved ?
Ans. The earth has four principal biological systems. These are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They form the basis of the world's economic system. They supply us food and raw materials for industry. These biological systems are being depleted due to excessive use. Overfishing is quite common Forests are being destroyed to obtain firewood for cooking In many areas of the world, these biological systems have reached an unsustainable level. Grasslands are turning into deserts and produce from croplands is decreasing. It seems they have lost their productivity. The decimation of forests is likely to cause extinction of several species. We must change our outlook and stop over using the natural resources. We have to hand them over to the coming generations in a healthy state so that they can meet their needs. Consciousness of our moral responsibility as caretakers of the legacy of our children can help to preserve these non-renewable resources.

Q.6. Write a brief note based on your study of this chapter on the 'need for the protection of the environment'.
Ans. For the first time in human history, the people have shown real concern for the environment. It is so because they have understood that human beings cannot survive the systems of the earth fail. We now know that human life depends on four basic systems namely-fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. These four together along with water and air make our environment. Hence, there is the need for the protection of these parts of the environment. Today, the human beings have brought the environment to a state from where it can be allowed to go down only at the peril of human society and indeed all living beings.

Q.7. Write about the Write about the importance of the forests according to the author Nani Palkhivala.
Ans. Nani Palkhivala reminds us of the famous, saying "forests precede mankind, the deserts follow". The best forests on the earth are the tropical forests. The great wealth is now eroding at the rate of forty to fifty million acres a year. The poor cut the forests for the sake of firewood. A five fold increase in the forest planting is needed to cope up with this demand alone. We are losing the forests at the rate of one and a half acre per second in the world. The constitution of India provides that the state shall try to protect and improve the forests of the country. 
However, a report of Parliament Estimates Committee has highlighted the near catastrophic depletion of India's torests We are losing forests at the rate of 3.7 million acres a year in our country. The author says that the actual loss of forests is estimated to be about eight times the rate indicated by the government because large areas officially designated as forest land are already virtually treeless.

Q.8. For the first time in human history, we see transcending concern-"the survival not of the people but of the planet." Elucidate. 
Ans. In the twentieth century, there has been a revolutionary change in human perceptions. We have begun to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The earth is now regarded as a living organism of which we are parts. It has its own metabolic needs and processes necessary for staying alive, which needs to be respected and preserved. The environmental problem does not necessarily indicate our death it is our passport for the future. A new world vision has emerged. It is a holistic view and an ecological view. This regards the world as a whole rather than a collection of isolated parts. This vision has ushered in the 'Era of Responsibility Industrialists, politicians and writers have become environment friendly and realized their responsibility in preserving the non-renewable natural resources.

Q.9. "Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment ?"  
Ans. It certainly seems possible that we might leave a scorched planet of advancing deserts and an ailing environment to future generations. The earth has four chief biological systems-fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. These systems not only supply us food but also the raw material for our industry. In many parts of the earth, human intake from these systems is more than the systems can support. These systems have reached a level where their productivity is impaired When this happens, fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands are converted into barren lands and
croplands become less productive. People are eating more and more fish hi search of protein. The poor burning more and more wood as fire. So the fish disappear and the forests deplete.

Q.10. The problems of overpopulation that directly affect our everyday life.
Ans. The problems of overpopulation directly affect our daily life. The basic needs of human beings are-food, clothes and a house. Now, the capacity of the earth to give us these things is not unlimited. This earth used to support about one billion people at the end of the eighteenth century Le.. about the year 1800 but the same earth has to support now a population of about six billion people. It is, therefore, natural that we find it more and more difficult to provide the basic needs for all the inhabitants of the earth. Just a few decades back, getting admission in a school of our choice was not at all difficult. It is not so any longer. The colleges used to allow admission even to failures which is impossible to think now. Cotton clothes were the only clothes that the mankind used but now artificial fibre is used and even that has become very costly. Thus, over population is affecting our everyday life.

Some answering tips:-
• Read the story thoroughly-more than once, if necessary-to grasp the gist. 
• Do not rely on paraphrases.
• Note the character traits of both the major and the minor characters.
• Find out the context of the story. This will help to understand the sub-themes.
• Focus on the narrative style of the story.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

MCQs - Class XI - Hornbill - English - Poem - The Voice Of The Rain - By Walt Whitman

Objective Questions (MCQs)
Q.1. What is the meaning of 'who art thou'?
(A) who are you?
(B) what are you?
(C) how are you?
(D) whose art is this?

Q.2. What does 'reck'd or unreck'd' mean?
(A) Enrichment or no enrichment
(B) Cared for or not cared for
(C) To purify or not
(D) To wash or not to wash

Q.3 What does the word 'descend' mean?
(A) Not clear
(B) Come down
(C) To wash
(D) Hidden

Q.4. In which of the following lines 'hyperbole' is used in the poem?
(A) I am the Poem of Earth
(B) Soft-falling shower
(C) Bottomless sea
 (D) Voice of the rain

Q.5 From where does the song of rain originate?
(A) From heaven
(B) From ocean
(C) From the heart of the singer
(D) From the soul of earth

Q.6. What does the poet compare the rain with?
(A) Song
(B) Heaven
(C) Beauty
(D) Flowers

Q.7. How does the rain help the seeds inside the earth?
(A) Provides water
(B) Provides life and helps them grow
(C) Provides love 
(D) None of the above

Q.8. According to the poet, from which two places does the rain rise in the form of water vapour?
(A) Land and sea
(B) Land and pond
(C) Mountains and lakes
(D) None of the above

Q.9. What does the rain reply to the poet's question 'Who are you'?
(A) She is rain.
(B) She is the poem of earth.
(C) She is rain from mountains.
(D) She is poem of mountains.

Q.10. The poem 'The Voice of the Rain' is a conversation between
(A) poet and rain
(B) poet and mountains
(C) rain and trees
(D) birds and rain

Q.11. In which of the following expressions 'metaphor' is used? 
(A) I am the Poem of Earth
(B) Soft-falling shower 
(C) Bottomless sea
(D) Voice of the rain

Q.12. Why does the rain tell the poet that she cannot be touched?
(A) Because she is water
(B) Because she rises in the form of water vapour
(C) Because she is in the form of clouds
(D) None of the above

Q.13. Why does the rain descend 'on the earth'?
(A) To wash off the drought.
(B) Remove the dust and dirt and clean and purify the Earth.
(C) To germinate the seeds lying on the ground. 
(D) All of these

Q.14. Where does the song return? 
(A) To its originator
(B) To the poet
(C) To the earth
(D) To the ocean

Q.15. Why does the poet compare the rain with a song?
(A) Because she beautifies the earth 
(B) Because she provides life on earth
(C) As they both share a common journey
(D) None of the above

Answer Key
1. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: Latin English translation.

2. Option (B) is correct

3. Option (B) is correct

4. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: Bottomless sea is an exaggeration.

5. Option (D) is correct
Explaination: The Rain originates from the land and the deap sea.

6. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: For song, issueing from its birthplace, after fulfillment, wandering Reck'd or unreck'd duly with love returns.

7. Option (B) is correct
Explanation: it provides life to the latent seeds.

8. Option (A) is correct

9. Option (B) is correct

10. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: And who art thou? said I to the soft falling shower,
Which strange to tell gave me an answer.

11. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: Rain is called as the poem of the Earth

12. Option (B) is correct
Explanation: Water vapuors or steam cannot be touched.

13. Option (D) is correct

14. Option (A) is correct
Explanation: For song, issueing from its birthplace, after fulfillment, wandering Reck'd or unreck'd, duly with love returns.

15. Option (C) is correct
Explanation: Both rise from their originators and after fulfilling the task of spreading happiness around, they return back to their originators with love.

Extract Based MCQs

I. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option: 
And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:
I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain, 
Q.1. What is the tone of the poet in these lines?
(A) Dominating 
(B) Conversational
(C) Enthusiastic
(D) Compassionate

Q.2. What does the phrase 'strange to tell' express about the poet's feelings? 
(A) He is surprised.
(B) He finds himself dumbstruck.
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these

Q.3. What type of effect is created with, 'soft falling showers'?
(A) Musical
(B) Sleepy
(C) Nostalgic 
(D) Exciting

Q.4. Which poetic device can you spot in the first line of the stanza? 
(A) Personification & Alliteration
(B) Apostrophe & Personification
(C) Apostrophe & Alliteration.
(D) Personification & Metaphor

Q.5. A reader should take note of the fact that the speaker says that the rain's words were "translated". What was the original language?
(A) Something more conventional 
(B) Atmosphere of a rain shower
(C) The sounds and emotions associated with it
(D) All of these

II. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,
 Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form'd, altogether changed and yet the same,

Q.1. How is rain born?
(A) In an obscure and concrete form 
(C) In an invisible and intangible form
(B) In a discernible and elusive form 
(D) In a perceptible and vague form

Q.2. 'Eternal I rise....'
This shows that the process is:
(A) heavenly
(C) continuous
(B) interrupted
(D) time-bound

Q.3. How does the rain manage to reach the 'heaven'?
(A) The vapours reach the sky which is called 'heaven'.
(C) The vapours form the clouds in the 'heaven'.
(B) The rain lives in the heaven. 
(D) It is not clear.

Q.4. What is formed vaguely?
(A) Rain
(B) Vapours
(C) Ice
(D) Clouds

Q.5.Which figure of speech can be spotted in: "...altogether changed and yet the same"?
(A) Alliteration
(C) Oxymoron
(B) Pun
(D) Personification

III. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,
And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn;
And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own-origin and make pure and beautify it;

Q.1. Which of the following is the purpose of rain when it comes down?
(A) To quench thirst of the parched land
(B) To wash the smallest particle on earth
(C) To clean the entire earth surface
(D) All of these

Q.2. Who What does them' refer to in 'And all that in them...?
(A) Seeds
(B) Plants
(C) Human beings
(D) Clouds

Q.3. Which figure of speech can be found in: "I give back life to my own origin"?
(A) Simile 
(B) Antithesis
(C) Irony
(D) Metaphor

Q.4. How does the rain 'make pure and beautify it'?
(A) By filling water in the dry water bodies
(B) By covering the earth's surface with plants 
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

Q.5. What is the advantage of conversational tone in this poem? 
(A) It helps to maintain continuity of thoughts and ideas of the poet.
(B) It brings clarity and vividness in expression. 
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these

Answer Key:-

I. 1. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: the poet and the rain are in the conversation with each other.

2. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: the poet does not find it normal to hear an answer from the rain.

3. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: 'Soft falling showers' creates a melodious musical effect.

4. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: the poet talks to the rain; said to the soft falling shower.

5. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: its original language would be more predictable.

II. 1. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Water Vapours that rise from the water bodies cannot be touched or seen.

2. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Eternal means ceaseless/timeless.

3. Option (A) is correct.

4. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: the clouds are shapeless.

5. Option (C) is correct.
Explanation: Oxymoron is one where ideas in a sentence contradict each other. The poem is based on rain talking to the poet. So altogether changed refers to the concept of rain formation-evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
 Water evaporates to form vapour and changes to clouds. Though it takes a different form, it is water. The water form as rain is what has two different ways

III. 1. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe.

2. Option (A) is correct.
Explanation: Seeds need water to transfer into a plant.

3. Option (B) is correct.
Explanation: A person or thing that is the directe opposite of someone or something else.

4. Option (C) is correct.

5. Option (C) is correct.

Short Answer Type Questions:-
Q.1. The poem begins in a conversational tone. Who are the two participants in this conversation? 
Ans. The two participants are the poet and the rain. The poet makes the rain relate its own story. This direct presentation makes the narration more authentic, interesting and captivating. 

Q. 2. How did the poet look at the rain? What did he ask? 
Ans. The poet looked at the rain as the soft falling shower and asked who she was.

Q. 3. What questions does the poet put to the rain and how does he feel when he gets the answer? 
Ans. The poet watches the falling showers f the rain. The showers are falling very lightly producing a soft music. The poet is fascinated and asks who it is Strangely enough, the rain itself answer the questions posed to it. The poet feels really surprised to get an answer and translates the answer into his own language. 

Q.4. How does the rain justify its claim: "I am the Poem of Earth'? 
Ans. In poem The Voice of the Rain, the rain is personified and describes what it is and what it does using metaphoric and literary phrases. The whole journey of rain has a beauty and charm associated with it and like a poem it brings joy happiness and life to everything it touch.

Q.5. What is the cycle of the song? What does it represent? 
Ans. The cycle of the song is that it issues from its birthplace fulfills its journey moving reck'd-unreck'd and returns to its origin with love. It represents completion of a whole journey with love which is very similar to that of the rain. 

Q.6. What does the rain do day and night to the things?
Ans. The rain gives back life to its own origin and continues making it pure and beautiful. This action of rain is automatic. It is a source of life to all things without which it would remain seeds only.

 Q.7. On what does the rain descent? What does it do to those things on which it falls? Ans. The rain descends on droughts, atoms and dust particles on the surface of the earth. It also falls on everything that is there. It gives life to those things on which it falls. The things not getting it remain seeds only, latent and unborn.

Q.8. "Eternal, I rise impalpable. What gives eternity to rain? 
Ans. Rain water cycle makes it eternal as it rises out of the land and deep sea. It gathers in the sky, changes its form and then comes down to the earth. 

Q.9. What answer does rain give to the poet about its origin?
Ans. The rain answered the poet that it was the Poem of Earth. It rose eternally out of the land and the bottomless sea into the sky. There, it formed vaguely and changed its form. But it remains the same.

Q.11. Behind the apparent simplicity, the poem hides a deep meaning. What exactly does the poem convey to the reader?
Ans. The poem is not merely a description of life-cycle of rain. It has deeper meaning. Rain is a poem or thing of beauty of Earth and so is song or music. The comparison between rain and music and their function, making the Earth pure and beautiful conveys the eternal role of natural phenomenon and art in real life. 

Q.12. How does the rain describe herself in the poem 'The Voice of the Rain'?
Give the central idea of the poem, "The Voice of the Rain."
Ans. The rain calls itself the poem of earth. It is everlasting and perpetual. It is something that cannot be touched. It originates from the land and the deep sea. Then it rises upward to heaven, changing its form into a cloud yet remaining the same in quality. From the sky, it pours down on earth to wash the earth's dry, thin particles and dust layers. The rain helps the unborn seeds to sprout. These seeds lay hidden and unborn under the layer of the earth. Rain gives back life to its origin, making it pure and beautiful.

Q.13. Why are the last two lines put within brackets?
Ans. The last two lines are in brackets because the rest of the poem is in the form of conversation between the poet and the rain. The last two lines are written by the poet as narration.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Class IX - Beehive - Chapter 2 - The Sound Of Music - Part II - The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan

Thinking about the Text

I. Tick the right answer.
1. The (Shehnai, pungi) was a 'reeded noisemaker'.

Answer. The pungi was a reeded noisemaker.

2. (Bismillah Khan, A barber, Ali Bux) transformed the pungi into a shehnai.

Answer. A barber transformed the pungi into a shehnai.

3. Bismillah Khan's paternal ancestor were (barbers, professional musicians).

Answer. Bismillah Khan's paternal ancestor were professional musicians.

4. Bismillah Khan learnt to play the shehnai from (Ali Bux, Paigambar Bux, Ustad Faiyaz Khan).

Answer. Bismillah Khan learnt to play the Shehnai from Ali Bux.

5. Bismillah Khan's first trip abroad was to ( Afghanistan, U.S.A., Canada).

Answer. Bismillah Khan's first trip abroad was to Afghanistan.

II.  Find the words in the text which show Ustad Bismillah Khan's feelings about the items listed below. Then mark a tick (✔) in the correct column. Discuss your answers in class.
Bismillah Khan's feelings about:-
1. Teaching children music
Answer. Positive

2. The film world
Answer. Neutral

3. Migrating to the U.S.A.
Answer. Negative

4. Playing at temples
Answer. Positive

5. Getting the Bharat Ratna
Answer. Positive

6. The banks of the ganga
Answer. Positive

7. Leaving Benaras and Dumraon 
Answer. Negative

III. Answer these questions in 30-40 words.
1. Why did Aurangzeb ban the playing of the pungi?
Answer. Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of the musical instrument called pungi beacuse it had a shrill unpleasant sound. It also became the generic name of reeded noisemakers.

2. How is a shehnai different from a pungi?
Answer. Shehnai is a pipe with a natural hollow stem that is longer and broader than the pungi and had seven holes on the body of the pipe. The sound of shehnai, unlike pungi, is melodious and impressed everyone.

3. Where was the shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?
Answer. The shehnai was originally played in royal courts. It was also played in weddings and temples. Bismillah Khan brought this instrument at the classical stage with the opening of All India Radio.

4. When and how did Bismillah Khan get his big break?
Answer. With the opening of the All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938 came Bismillah's big break. He soon became an often - heard shehnai player on radio.

5. Where did Bismillah Khan play the shehnai on 15th August 1947? Why was the event historic?
Answer. On 15th August 1947, Bismillah played his shehnai from the Red Fort and became th first person to greet the nation with his Shehnai. This event was historic because on 15th August 1947, India got freedom from the British.

6. Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a shehnai school in the U.S.A.?
Answer. Bismillah Khan refused to start a shehnai school in the U.S.A. because he is exceedingly find of Benaras and Dumraon and they remain for him the most wonderful towns of the world.  

7. Find at least two instances in the text which tell you that Bismillah Khan loves India and Benaras.
Answer. The first instance is when a student of his once wanted him to head a shehnai school in the U.S.A., and the student promised to recreate the atmosphere of Benaras by replicating the temples there. But Khansaab asked him if he would be able to transport River Ganga as well.
The second instance is when Shekhar Gupta asked him if he and his family will move to Benaras. To which he replied,"  Me, leave Benaras? Never!

Thinking about Language

I. Look at these sentences.
  • Evelyn was determined to live a normal life.
  • Evelyn managed to conceal her growing deafness from friends and teachers.
The italicesed parts answer the questions: "What was Evelyn determined to do?" and "What did Evelyn manage to do?" They begin with a to-verb (to live, to conceal).

Complete the following sentences. Beginning with a to-verb, try to answer the questions in brackets.

1. The school sports team hopes____(What does it hope to do?)
Answer. The school sports team hopes to win the race.

2. We all want ____(what do we all want to do?)
Answer. We all want to play basketball.

3. They advised the hearing-impaired child's mother _____ (what did they advise her to do?)
Answer. They advised that the child should be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the deaf.

4. The authorities permitted us to _____ (what did the authorities permit us to do?) 
Answer. The authorities permitted us to start the campaign.

5. A musician decided to _____ ( what did the musician decide to do?)
Answer. A musician decided to support us.

II. From the text on Bismillah Khan, find the words and phrases that match these definitions and write them down. The number of paragraph where you find words/phrases has been given for you in brackets.

1. The home of royal people (1) ______
Answer. The royal residence

2. The state of being alone (5) _____
Answer. Solitude

3. A part which is absolutely necessary (2) _____
Answer. Indispensable component

4. To do something not done before (5) ____
Answer. Invent

5. Without much effort (13) ____
Answer. Effortlessly

6. Quickly and in large quantities (9) ____and____
Answer. Thick and fast

III. Tick the right answer.

1. When something is revived, it (remains dead/lives again).
Answer. When something is revived, it lives again.

2. When a government bans something, it wants it(stopped/started).
Answer. When a government bans something, it wants it stopped.

3. When something is considered auspicious, (welcome it/avoid it).
Answer. When something is considered auspicious, welcome it.

4. When we take to something, we find it (boring/interesting).
Answer. When we take to something, we find it interesting.

5. When you appreciate somthing, you (find it good and useful/find it of no use).
Answer. when you appreciate somthing, you find it good and useful.

6. When you replicate somthing, you do it (for the first time/for the second time).
Answer. When you replicate something, you do it for the second time.

7. When we come to terms with something, it is (still upsetting/no longer upsetting).
Answer. When we come to terms with something, it is no longer upsetting.

IV. Dictionary work
 • The Sound of shehnai is auspicious.
 • The auspicious sound of shehnai is usually heard at merriages.
The adjective auspicious can occur after  the verb be as in the first sentence, or before a noun as in the second. But there are some adjectives which can be used after the verb be and not before a noun. For example:
 • Ustad Faiyaz Khan was overjoyed.
We cannot say: *the overjoyed man.
Look at these entries from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2005).


Consult your dictionary and complete the following table. The first one has been done for you.
1.Indispensable - both before and after the verb be.

2. Impressed - both before and after the verb be.

3. Afraid - after the verb be.

4. Outdoor - only before noun and after the verb be.

5. Paternal - only before noun and both before and after the verb be.

6. Countless - only before noun.

7. Priceless - after the verb be.

Use these words in phrases or sentences of your own.
1. Indispensable
Answer. Salt is an indispensable ingredient for cooking.

2. Impressed
Answer. The teacher was impressed with the work of the student.

3. Afraid
Answer. He is afraid of the dark.

4. Outdoor
Answer. There is a huge outdoor concert tomorrow.

5. Paternal
Answer. I went to my paternal granparent's home.

6. Countless
Answer. I spent countless hours working on this project.

7. Priceless
Answer. That moment was priceless.